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PROFILE clause

The PROFILE clause can be used to profile the execution of a query and get a detailed report on how the query's plan behaved. To get a query plan, use the EXPLAIN clause.

For every logical operator the following info is provided:

  • OPERATOR the name of the operator, just like in the output of an EXPLAIN query.

  • ACTUAL HITS the number of times a particular logical operator was pulled from.

  • RELATIVE TIME the amount of time that was spent processing a particular logical operator, relative to the execution of the whole plan.

  • ABSOLUTE TIME the amount of time that was spent processing a particular logical operator.

A simple example to illustrate the output:

PROFILE MATCH (n :Node)-[:Edge]-(m :Node) WHERE n.prop = 42 RETURN *;
| * Produce | 1 | 7.134628 % | 0.003949 ms |
| * Filter | 1 | 12.734765 % | 0.007049 ms |
| * Expand | 1 | 5.181460 % | 0.002868 ms |
| * ScanAll | 1 | 3.325061 % | 0.001840 ms |
| * ScanAll | 1 | 71.061241 % | 0.039334 ms |
| * Once | 2 | 0.562844 % | 0.000312 ms |