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Graph Style Script language

Related - Tutorial

This guide will show you how to easily get started with the Graph Style Script language. GSS is a language for customizing the visual display of graphs. For a complete list of available features consult the Style script reference guide.

Graph example

In this guide, we will use an example graph with European countries and cities. The data can be found here. Countries have the label Country, while cities have the label City. All nodes have the property name. Cities have many additional properties, including country (containing country) and drinks_USD (average drink price).

Setting graph labels

We want to label country nodes with country names, and city nodes with city names and containing country names. To achieve that we can use two directives. The first one selects countries and the second one selects cities.

@NodeStyle HasLabel(node, "Country") {
label: Property(node, "name")

@NodeStyle HasLabel(node, "City") {
label: Format("{cityName}, {countryName}",
Property(node, "name"),
Property(node, "country"))

In the case of the Format function, content inside the curly braces is ignored but can be helpful for clarity.

Setting node images

It would be nice to display flags in the country nodes. This can be achieved using URLs of flag images. There is a website that hosts many world flags so we can use images from there. Their API expects a country name as a part of the URL path so we will make the following directive.

@NodeStyle HasLabel(node, "Country") {
image-url: Format("{}/flag-800.png",
LowerCase(Property(node, "name")))

Unfortunately, this won't work for all countries. Flags for England and Scotland cannot be found on the website because they aren't real countries. So we can get around that by providing custom directives below the general one above.

@NodeStyle Equals(Property(node, "name"), "England") {
image-url: ""

@NodeStyle Equals(Property(node, "name"), "Scotland") {
image-url: ""

Also, URLs for a country name with whitespace inside them don't so we also have to provide custom URLs for the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

@NodeStyle Equals(Property(node, "name"), "Bosnia and Herzegovina") {
image-url: ""

@NodeStyle Equals(Property(node, "name"), "Czech Republic") {
image-url: ""

Now all the country nodes have their flags displayed.

Highlighting interesting nodes

We can highlight nodes with low drink prices in the following way. We want to use a beer image and a bigger size along with a red shadow.

@NodeStyle And()
HasLabel(node, "City"),
Less(Property(node, "drinks_USD"), 5)) {
size: 50
image-url: ""
shadow-color: red