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How to create a query module in C++

Query modules can be implemented using the C++ API provided by Memgraph with automatic memory management. In this tutorial, we will learn how to develop a query module in C++ on the example of the random walk algorithm.


There are three options for installing and working with Memgraph MAGE:

  1. Pulling the memgraph/memgraph-mage image: check the Docker Hubinstallation guide.
  2. Building a Docker image from the MAGE repository: check the Docker build installation guide.
  3. Building MAGE from source: check the Build from source on Linuxinstallation guide.

Developing a module


These instructions are the same for every MAGE installation option: Docker Hub, Docker build and Build from source on Linux.

Position yourself in the MAGE repository you cloned earlier. Once you are there, enter the cpp subdirectory and create a new directory called random_walk_module with the random_walk_module.cpp file inside it.

└── random_walk_module
└── random_walk_module.cpp

To make sure the module is linked with the rest of MAGE’s code, we need to add a CMakeLists.txt script in the new directory and register our module in the cpp/CMakelists.txt script as well. Refer to the existing scripts in MAGE’s query modules.

Our random_walk module contains a single procedure get which implements the algorithm. The procedure takes two input parameters: the starting node and the number of steps (10 by default), and it returns the generated random walk in the form of a list of step | node entries, one for each step. All in all, we can define its signature as get(start: Node, steps: int = 10) -> [step: int | node: Node].

Let’s take a look at the structure of our query module.

#include <mg_utils.hpp>

void RandomWalk(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph,
mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory);

extern "C" int mgp_init_module(struct mgp_module *module,
struct mgp_memory *memory);

extern "C" int mgp_shutdown_module() { return 0; }

In the first line, we include mg_utils.hpp. This header contains declarations of the public C++ API provided by Memgraph, which we need to connect the algorithm to Memgraph and work with the data stored within.

Next, we are going to implement the random walk algorithm’s logic in the RandomWalk function, which will be the callback for the invocations of our openCypher procedure. Callback functions such as this one all need to have the same signature, but they can be arbitrarily named (e.g. in query modules containing multiple callback functions).

Query modules using the C++ API must have the mgp_init_module & mgp_shutdown_module functions. The mgp_init_module function’s main purpose is to register procedures so that they can be called from Cypher query language, and with mgp_shutdown_module you may reset any global states or release global resources.


WARNING: Exceptions, if thrown, must never leave the scope of your module! You should have a top-level exception handler that returns an error value and potentially logs the error message as well. Exceptions crossing the module boundary may cause all sorts of unexpected issues.

Main algorithm

The main implementation of the RandomWalk algorithm is implemented in the code snippet below.

const char *kReturnStep = "step";
const char *kReturnNode = "node";

void RandomWalk(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph, mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory) {
mgp::memory = memory;

const auto arguments = mgp::List(args);
const auto record_factory = mgp::RecordFactory(result);

const auto start = arguments[0].ValueNode();
const auto n_steps = arguments[1].ValueInt();


auto current_nodes = mgp::List();

std::int64_t step = 0;
while (step <= n_steps) {
auto current_node = current_nodes[current_nodes.Size() - 1].ValueNode();

auto neighbours = mgp::List();
for (const auto relationship : current_node.OutRelationships()) {

if (neighbours.Size() == 0) {

const auto next_node = neighbours[rand() % neighbours.Size()].ValueRelationship().To();


for (std::int64_t i = 0; i < current_nodes.Size(); i++) {
auto record = record_factory.NewRecord();
record.Insert(kReturnStep, i);
record.Insert(kReturnNode, current_nodes[i].ValueNode());

Upon being called, RandomWalk receives the list of arguments (args) passed in the query. The parameter result is used for recording the results of the procedure, and its context is provided by graph and memory.

With the C++ API, we next retrieve the argument values from args by putting them into a list, so we can use the indexing ([]) operator. In the code above, the retrieving of arguments is done in these lines

  const auto start = arguments[0].ValueNode();
const auto n_steps = arguments[1].ValueInt();

The arguments are raw values at the time of their fetching from the list, so types are assigned to them with ValueNode() and ValueInt() for extra operability and expressiveness within the algorithm.

For managing results during the execution of the algorithm, an instance of RecordFactory is used. Insertion of results into the record factory is done like this:

    auto record = record_factory.NewRecord();
record.Insert(kReturnStep, i);
record.Insert(kReturnNode, current_nodes[i].ValueNode());

In this code snippet, the result consists of an integer and the corresponding next node of the random walk algorithm. The types of the results are not arbitrary, as they are registered in the initialization module, further below.


Analogous methods for other supported data types are outlined in the C++ API reference.

Initialization of the module

The mgp_init_module function has as its main duty the registration of procedure(s), which can then be invoked in Cypher query language. With the C++ API, we add our procedure and its inputs and outputs.

const char *kProcedureGet = "get";
const char *kParameterStart = "start";
const char *kParameterSteps = "steps";
const char *kReturnStep = "step";
const char *kReturnNode = "node";

extern "C" int mgp_init_module(struct mgp_module *module, struct mgp_memory *memory) {
mgp::memory = memory;

std::int64_t default_steps = 10;
try {
mgp::Parameter(kParameterStart, mgp::Type::Node),
mgp::Parameter(kParameterSteps, mgp::Type::Int, default_steps)
mgp::Return(kReturnStep, mgp::Type::Int),
mgp::Return(kReturnNode, mgp::Type::Node)
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
return 1;
return 0;

We add the procedure to the module by specifying:

  • function callback used for executing the logic of the procedure (RandomWalk)
  • name of the procedure used in Cypher Query Language (kProcedureGet)
  • type of the procedure
    • mgp::Procedure::Read for read-only procedures
    • mgp::Procedure::Write for write procedures
  • vector of input parameters wrapped in mgp::Parameter object with name (string) and type (mgp::Type)
  • vector of output results wrapped in mgp::Return object with name (string) and type (mgp::Type)
  • passed module object
  • passed memory object

Although this example registers a single procedure get, you can have multiple different procedures in one module, each of which can be invoked using the CALL <module>.<procedure> ... syntax (<module> being the name of the shared library). Since we compile our example to, the module is called random_walk.


As the procedure name is defined upon registration, it can differ from its respective callback.


As the memory argument is only alive throughout the execution of mgp_init_module, do not allocate any global resources with it. If you still do need to set up a global state, you may do so in the mgp_init_module using the standard global allocators.

Shutdown of the module

Finally, you may want to reset any global state or release global resources, which is done in the following function:

extern "C" int mgp_shutdown_module() {
return 0;

Terminate procedure execution

Just as the execution of a Cypher query can be terminated with TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS "id"; query, the execution of the procedure can as well, if it takes too long to yield a response or gets stuck in an infinite loop due to unpredicted input data.

Transaction ID is visible upon calling the SHOW TRANSACTIONS; query.

In order to be able to terminate the procedure, it has to contain function graph.CheckMustAbort(); which precedes crucial parts of the code, such as while and until loops, or similar points where the procedure might become costly.

Consider the following example:

#include <cstdint>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mgp.hpp>
#include <mg_exceptions.hpp>

// Methods
constexpr char const *get = "get";
// Return object names
char const *return_field = "return";

void Test(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph, mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory) {
mgp::memory = memory;
const auto record_factory = mgp::RecordFactory(result);
auto graph = mgp::Graph(memgraph_graph);
int64_t id_ = 1;
try {
while (true) {
} catch (const mgp::MustAbortException &e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
auto new_record = record_factory.NewRecord();
new_record.Insert(return_field, id_);

extern "C" int mgp_init_module(struct mgp_module *module, struct mgp_memory *memory) {
try {
mgp::memory = memory;
mgp::AddProcedure(Test, get, mgp::ProcedureType::Read, {}, {mgp::Return(return_field, mgp::Type::Int)}, module, memory);
} catch(const std::exception &e) {
return 1;
return 0;

extern "C" int mgp_shutdown_module() { return 0; }

As mentioned before, no exceptions should leave your module. As done in this example, exception handlers are in mgp_init_module and the callback function. Depending on your module’s needs, you might want one in mgp_shutdown_module as well.

Importing, querying and testing a module

Now in order to import, query and test a module, check out the following page.

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