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Build a Docker image from the MAGE repository

This way, you will create a Docker image directly from the MAGE Github repository and won't have to pull it from Docker Hub. You can:

If you downloaded a specific release, skip the first step.

Installing MAGE

1. Download the MAGE source code from GitHub:

git clone --recurse-submodules && cd mage

2. Build the MAGE tagged Docker image with the following command:

docker build -t memgraph-mage .

3. Start Memgraph-MAGE with the following command:

docker run --rm -p 7687:7687 --name mage memgraph-mage

Now you can query Memgraph with any of the querying platforms like Memgraph Lab or mgconsole.

If you made any changes while the MAGE Docker container was running, you would need to stop the Docker container and rebuild the whole image. If you don't want to repeat these steps each time, be sure to check the Development process for MAGE with Docker.

Developing MAGE with Docker

When developing your query module, you need to load it inside Memgraph running inside the Docker container. You can do that by rebuilding the whole MAGE image or by building it inside the Docker container.

1. Rebuild the whole MAGE image

This command will trigger the rebuild of the whole Docker image. Make sure that you have added Python requirements inside python/requirements.txt file.

1. Firstly, do the build of the MAGE image:

docker build -t memgraph-mage .

2. Now, start memgraph-mage image with the following command and enjoy your own MAGE:

docker run --rm -p 7687:7687 --name mage memgraph-mage

2. Build inside the Docker container

You can build a MAGE Docker image equipped for development. Rust, Clang, Python3-pip, and everything else necessary for development will still be inside the running container. This means that you can copy the MAGE repository to the container and do the build inside the mage container. There is no need to do the whole Docker image build again.

1. To create dev MAGE image, run the following command:

docker build --target dev -t memgraph-mage:dev .

2. Then run the image with the following command:

docker run --rm -p 7687:7687 --name mage memgraph-mage:dev

3. Next, copy the files inside the container and do the build:

a) First, you need to copy the files to the container named mage

docker cp . mage:/mage/

b) Then, you need to position yourself inside the container as root:

docker exec -u root -it mage /bin/bash

Note: If you have done the build locally, make sure to delete the directory cpp/build because you might be dealing with different architectures or problems with CMakeCache.txt. To delete it, run:

rm -rf cpp/build

c) After that, run build and copy mage/dist to /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules:

python3 setup build -p /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/

d) Everything should be ready, and you can run the following command to exit the container:


Note that query modules are loaded into Memgraph on startup, so if your instance was already running, you would need to execute the following query inside one of the querying platforms to load them:

CALL mg.load_all();