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The features below aren’t included in the default GQLAlchemy installation. To use them, make sure to install GQLAlchemy with the relevant optional dependencies.

ForeignKeyMapping Objects​

class ForeignKeyMapping()

Class that contains the full description of a single foreign key in a table.


  • column_name - Column name that holds the foreign key.
  • reference_table - Name of a table from which the foreign key is taken.
  • reference_key - Column name in the referenced table from which the foreign key is taken.

OneToManyMapping Objects​

class OneToManyMapping()

Class that holds the full description of a single one to many mapping in a table.


  • foreign_key - Foreign key used for mapping.
  • label - Label which will be applied to the relationship created from this object.
  • from_entity - Direction of the relationship created from the mapping object.
  • parameters - Parameters that will be added to the relationship created from this object (Optional).

ManyToManyMapping Objects​

class ManyToManyMapping()

Class that holds the full description of a single many to many mapping in a table. Many to many mapping is intended to be used in case of associative tables.


  • foreign_key_from - Describes the source of the relationship.
  • foreign_key_to - Describes the destination of the relationship.
  • label - Label to be applied to the newly created relationship.
  • parameters - Parameters that will be added to the relationship created from this object (Optional).

TableMapping Objects​

class TableMapping()

Class that holds the full description of all of the mappings for a single table.


  • table_name - Name of the table.
  • mapping - All of the mappings in the table (Optional).
  • indices - List of the indices to be created for this table (Optional).

NameMappings Objects​

class NameMappings()

Class that contains new label name and all of the column name mappings for a single table.


  • label - New label (Optional).
  • column_names_mapping - Dictionary containing key-value pairs in form ("column name", "property name") (Optional).

NameMapper Objects​

class NameMapper()

Class that holds all name mappings for all of the collections.


def get_label(collection_name: str) -> str

Returns label for given collection.


  • collection_name - Original collection name.


def get_property_name(collection_name: str, column_name: str) -> str

Returns property name for column from collection.


  • collection_name - Original collection name.
  • column_name - Original column name.

FileSystemHandler Objects​

class FileSystemHandler(ABC)

Abstract class for defining FileSystemHandler.

Inherit this class, define a custom data source and initialize the connection.


def get_path(collection_name: str) -> str

Returns complete path in specific file system. Used to read the file system for a specific file.

S3FileSystemHandler Objects​

class S3FileSystemHandler(FileSystemHandler)

Handles connection to Amazon S3 service via PyArrow.


def __init__(bucket_name: str, **kwargs)

Initializes connection and data bucket.


  • bucket_name - Name of the bucket on S3 from which to read the data


  • access_key - S3 access key.

  • secret_key - S3 secret key.

  • region - S3 region.

  • session_token - S3 session token (Optional).


  • KeyError - kwargs doesn't contain necessary fields.


def get_path(collection_name: str) -> str

Get file path in file system.


  • collection_name - Name of the file to read.

AzureBlobFileSystemHandler Objects​

class AzureBlobFileSystemHandler(FileSystemHandler)

Handles connection to Azure Blob service via adlfs package.


def __init__(container_name: str, **kwargs) -> None

Initializes connection and data container.


  • container_name - Name of the Blob container storing data.


  • account_name - Account name from Azure Blob.

  • account_key - Account key for Azure Blob (Optional - if using sas_token).

  • sas_token - Shared access signature token for authentification (Optional).


  • KeyError - kwargs doesn't contain necessary fields.


def get_path(collection_name: str) -> str

Get file path in file system.


  • collection_name - Name of the file to read.

LocalFileSystemHandler Objects​

class LocalFileSystemHandler(FileSystemHandler)

Handles a local filesystem.


def __init__(path: str) -> None

Initializes an fsspec local file system and sets path to data.


  • path - path to the local storage location.


def get_path(collection_name: str) -> str

Get file path in the local file system.


  • collection_name - Name of the file to read.

DataLoader Objects​

class DataLoader(ABC)

Implements loading of a data type from file system service to TableToGraphImporter.


def __init__(file_extension: str,
file_system_handler: FileSystemHandler) -> None


  • file_extension - File format to be read.
  • file_system_handler - Object for handling of the file system service.


def load_data(collection_name: str, is_cross_table: bool = False) -> None

Override this method in the derived class. Intended to be used for reading data from data format.


  • collection_name - Name of the file to read.
  • is_cross_table - Indicate whether or not the collection contains associative table (default=False).


  • NotImplementedError - The method is not implemented in the extended class.

PyArrowFileTypeEnum Objects​

class PyArrowFileTypeEnum(Enum)

Enumerates file types supported by PyArrow

PyArrowDataLoader Objects​

class PyArrowDataLoader(DataLoader)

Loads data using PyArrow.

PyArrow currently supports "parquet", "ipc"/"arrow"/"feather", "csv", and "orc", see pyarrow.dataset.dataset for up-to-date info. ds.dataset in load_data accepts any fsspec subclass, making this DataLoader compatible with fsspec-compatible filesystems.


def __init__(file_extension_enum: PyArrowFileTypeEnum,
file_system_handler: FileSystemHandler) -> None


  • file_extension_enum - The file format to be read.
  • file_system_handler - Object for handling of the file system service.


def load_data(collection_name: str,
is_cross_table: bool = False,
columns: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None

Generator for loading data.


  • collection_name - Name of the file to read.
  • is_cross_table - Flag signifying whether it is a cross table.
  • columns - Table columns to read.

TableToGraphImporter Objects​

class TableToGraphImporter(Importer)

Implements translation of table data to graph data, and imports it to Memgraph.


def __init__(data_loader: DataLoader,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • data_loader - Object for loading data.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).


def translate(drop_database_on_start: bool = True) -> None

Performs the translations.


  • drop_database_on_start - Indicate whether or not the database should be dropped prior to the start of the translations.

PyArrowImporter Objects​

class PyArrowImporter(TableToGraphImporter)

TableToGraphImporter wrapper for use with PyArrow for reading data.


def __init__(file_system_handler: str,
file_extension_enum: PyArrowFileTypeEnum,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • file_system_handler - File system to read from.
  • file_extension_enum - File format to be read.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).


  • ValueError - PyArrow doesn't support ORC on Windows.

PyArrowS3Importer Objects​

class PyArrowS3Importer(PyArrowImporter)

PyArrowImporter wrapper for use with the Amazon S3 File System.


def __init__(bucket_name: str,
file_extension_enum: PyArrowFileTypeEnum,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • bucket_name - Name of the bucket in S3 to read from.
  • file_extension_enum - File format to be read.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for S3FileSystem.

PyArrowAzureBlobImporter Objects​

class PyArrowAzureBlobImporter(PyArrowImporter)

PyArrowImporter wrapper for use with the Azure Blob File System.


def __init__(container_name: str,
file_extension_enum: PyArrowFileTypeEnum,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • container_name - Name of the container in Azure Blob to read from.
  • file_extension_enum - File format to be read.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for AzureBlobFileSystem.

PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter Objects​

class PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter(PyArrowImporter)

PyArrowImporter wrapper for use with the Local File System.


def __init__(path: str,
file_extension_enum: PyArrowFileTypeEnum,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • path - Full path to the directory to read from.
  • file_extension_enum - File format to be read.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).

ParquetS3FileSystemImporter Objects​

class ParquetS3FileSystemImporter(PyArrowS3Importer)

PyArrowS3Importer wrapper for use with the S3 file system and the parquet file type.


def __init__(bucket_name: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • bucket_name - Name of the bucket in S3 to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for S3FileSystem.

CSVS3FileSystemImporter Objects​

class CSVS3FileSystemImporter(PyArrowS3Importer)

PyArrowS3Importer wrapper for use with the S3 file system and the CSV file type.


def __init__(bucket_name: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • bucket_name - Name of the bucket in S3 to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for S3FileSystem.

ORCS3FileSystemImporter Objects​

class ORCS3FileSystemImporter(PyArrowS3Importer)

PyArrowS3Importer wrapper for use with the S3 file system and the ORC file type.


def __init__(bucket_name: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • bucket_name - Name of the bucket in S3 to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for S3FileSystem.

FeatherS3FileSystemImporter Objects​

class FeatherS3FileSystemImporter(PyArrowS3Importer)

PyArrowS3Importer wrapper for use with the S3 file system and the feather file type.


def __init__(bucket_name: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • bucket_name - Name of the bucket in S3 to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for S3FileSystem.

ParquetAzureBlobFileSystemImporter Objects​

class ParquetAzureBlobFileSystemImporter(PyArrowAzureBlobImporter)

PyArrowAzureBlobImporter wrapper for use with the Azure Blob file system and the parquet file type.


def __init__(container_name: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • container_name - Name of the container in Azure Blob storage to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for AzureBlobFileSystem.

CSVAzureBlobFileSystemImporter Objects​

class CSVAzureBlobFileSystemImporter(PyArrowAzureBlobImporter)

PyArrowAzureBlobImporter wrapper for use with the Azure Blob file system and the CSV file type.


def __init__(container_name: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • container_name - Name of the container in Azure Blob storage to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for AzureBlobFileSystem.

ORCAzureBlobFileSystemImporter Objects​

class ORCAzureBlobFileSystemImporter(PyArrowAzureBlobImporter)

PyArrowAzureBlobImporter wrapper for use with the Azure Blob file system and the CSV file type.


def __init__(container_name,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • container_name - Name of the container in Blob storage to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for AzureBlobFileSystem.

FeatherAzureBlobFileSystemImporter Objects​

class FeatherAzureBlobFileSystemImporter(PyArrowAzureBlobImporter)

PyArrowAzureBlobImporter wrapper for use with the Azure Blob file system and the Feather file type.


def __init__(container_name,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None,
**kwargs) -> None


  • container_name - Name of the container in Blob storage to read from.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for AzureBlobFileSystem.

ParquetLocalFileSystemImporter Objects​

class ParquetLocalFileSystemImporter(PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter)

PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter wrapper for use with the local file system and the parquet file type.


def __init__(path: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • path - Full path to directory.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for LocalFileSystem.

CSVLocalFileSystemImporter Objects​

class CSVLocalFileSystemImporter(PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter)

PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter wrapper for use with the local file system and the CSV file type.


def __init__(path: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • path - Full path to directory.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for LocalFileSystem.

ORCLocalFileSystemImporter Objects​

class ORCLocalFileSystemImporter(PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter)

PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter wrapper for use with the local file system and the ORC file type.


def __init__(path: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • path - Full path to directory.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for LocalFileSystem.

FeatherLocalFileSystemImporter Objects​

class FeatherLocalFileSystemImporter(PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter)

PyArrowLocalFileSystemImporter wrapper for use with the local file system and the Feather/IPC/Arrow file type.


def __init__(path: str,
data_configuration: Dict[str, Any],
memgraph: Optional[Memgraph] = None) -> None


  • path - Full path to directory.
  • data_configuration - Configuration for the translations.
  • memgraph - Connection to Memgraph (Optional).
  • **kwargs - Specified for LocalFileSystem.