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TriggerEventType Objects

class TriggerEventType()

An enum representing types of trigger events.

TriggerEventObject Objects

class TriggerEventObject()

An enum representing types of trigger objects.


TriggerExecutionPhase Objects

class TriggerExecutionPhase()

An enum representing types of trigger objects.


MemgraphKafkaStream Objects

class MemgraphKafkaStream(MemgraphStream)

A class for creating and managing Kafka streams in Memgraph.


  • name - A string representing the stream name.
  • topics - A list of strings representing the stream topics.
  • transform - A string representing the name of the transformation procedure.
  • consumer_group - A string representing the consumer group.
  • name - A string representing the batch interval.
  • name - A string representing the batch size.
  • name - A string or list of strings representing bootstrap server addresses.


def to_cypher() -> str

Converts Kafka stream to a Cypher clause.

MemgraphPulsarStream Objects

class MemgraphPulsarStream(MemgraphStream)

A class for creating and managing Pulsar streams in Memgraph.


  • name - A string representing the stream name.
  • topics - A list of strings representing the stream topics.
  • transform - A string representing the name of the transformation procedure.
  • consumer_group - A string representing the consumer group.
  • name - A string representing the batch interval.
  • name - A string representing the batch size.
  • name - A string or list of strings representing bootstrap server addresses.


def to_cypher() -> str

Converts Pulsar stream to a Cypher clause.

MemgraphTrigger Objects

@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
class MemgraphTrigger()


def to_cypher() -> str

Converts a Trigger to a cypher clause.

GraphObject Objects

class GraphObject(BaseModel)


def __init_subclass__(cls,

Stores the subclass by type if type is specified, or by class name when instantiating a subclass.


def _convert_to_real_type_(cls, data)

Converts the GraphObject class into the appropriate subclass. This is used when deserialising a json representation of the class, or the object returned from the GraphDatabase.


def parse_obj(cls, obj)

Used to convert a dictionary object into the appropriate GraphObject.

NodeMetaclass Objects

class NodeMetaclass(BaseModel.__class__)


def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)

This creates the class Node. It also creates all subclasses of Node. Whenever a class is defined as a subclass of Node, MyMeta.__new__ is called.

Node Objects

class Node(UniqueGraphObject, metaclass=NodeMetaclass)


def has_unique_fields() -> bool

Returns True if the Node has any unique fields.


def save(db: "Database") -> "Node"

Saves node to Memgraph. If the node._id is not None it fetches the node with the same id from Memgraph and updates it's fields. If the node has unique fields it fetches the nodes with the same unique fields from Memgraph and updates it's fields. Otherwise it creates a new node with the same properties. Null properties are ignored.


def load(db: "Database") -> "Node"

Loads a node from Memgraph. If the node._id is not None it fetches the node from Memgraph with that internal id. If the node has unique fields it fetches the node from Memgraph with those unique fields set. Otherwise it tries to find any node in Memgraph that has all properties set to exactly the same values. If no node is found or no properties are set it raises a GQLAlchemyError.

RelationshipMetaclass Objects

class RelationshipMetaclass(BaseModel.__class__)


def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)

This creates the class Relationship. It also creates all subclasses of Relationship. Whenever a class is defined as a subclass of Relationship, self.__new__ is called.

Relationship Objects

class Relationship(UniqueGraphObject, metaclass=RelationshipMetaclass)


def save(db: "Database") -> "Relationship"

Saves a relationship to Memgraph. If relationship._id is not None it finds the relationship in Memgraph and updates it's properties with the values in relationship. If relationship._id is None, it creates a new relationship. If you want to set a relationship._id instead of creating a new relationship, use load_relationship first.


def load(db: "Database") -> "Relationship"

Returns a relationship loaded from Memgraph. If the relationship._id is not None it fetches the relationship from Memgraph that has the same internal id. Otherwise it returns the relationship whose relationship._start_node_id and relationship._end_node_id and all relationship properties that are not None match the relationship in Memgraph. If there is no relationship like that in Memgraph, or if there are multiple relationships like that in Memgraph, throws GQLAlchemyError.