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Replication errors


If you are having trouble dealing with an error, please let us know on the Discord.


  1. Failed to connect to replica {} at the endpoint {}. For more details, visit:
  2. Couldn't replicate data to {}. For more details, visit:


  1. Snapshots are disabled for replicas. For more details, visit:

Troubleshooting replication errors

  1. Make sure that the Memgraph instances serving as replicas are up and running.
  2. Check the firewall on your machine because it could be blocking the traffic requested by Memgraph.
  3. Verify that there are no network problems.

Snapshots are disabled for replicas

Because of consistency constraints, snapshots are disabled on replicas. If you need a snapshot of the database, then create one on the main instance.


If you weren't able to find the error, please submit it through a Support Ticket so we can look into it and get back to you.