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Durability errors


If you are having trouble dealing with an error, please let us know on the Discord.


  1. Snapshot or WAL directory don't exist, there is nothing to recover. For more details, visit:
  2. No snapshot or WAL file found. For more details, visit:
  3. Couldn't get WAL file info from the WAL directory. For more details, visit:

Why are snapshot and WAL files missing?​

There are two options:

  1. The files are missing because Docker doesn't store them.
  2. Memgraph is looking in the wrong directory.

Docker not persisting data​

It's possible that your Docker containers don’t persist data by default (all changes are lost when the container is stopped). You need to use local volumes to store the data permanently which is why Memgraph is started with the -v flag:

docker run -p 7687:7687 -v mg_lib:/var/lib/memgraph memgraph/memgraph

More information on Docker Volumes can be found here.

Memgraph data directory not set correctly​

Make sure that Memgraph is searching for the snapshot files in the right directory. The Memgraph configuration is available in /etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf and you can specify the directory with the --data-directory flag. If the configuration file is altered, Memgraph needs to be restarted. The default directory is /var/lib/memgraph. To learn about all the configuration options, check out the Reference guide.


If you weren't able to find the error, please submit it through a Support Ticket so we can look into it and get back to you.