Converts an input value to a double value.

The input can be a single- or multi-valued field or an expression. The input type must be of a boolean, date, string or numeric type.


ROW str1 = "5.20128E11", str2 = "foo"
| EVAL dbl = TO_DOUBLE("520128000000"), dbl1 = TO_DOUBLE(str1), dbl2 = TO_DOUBLE(str2)
str1:keyword str2:keyword dbl:double dbl1:double dbl2:double






Note that in this example, the last conversion of the string isn’t possible. When this happens, the result is a null value. In this case a Warning header is added to the response. The header will provide information on the source of the failure:

"Line 1:115: evaluation of [TO_DOUBLE(str2)] failed, treating result as null. Only first 20 failures recorded."

A following header will contain the failure reason and the offending value:

"java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"foo\""

If the input parameter is of a date type, its value will be interpreted as milliseconds since the Unix epoch, converted to double.

Boolean true will be converted to double 1.0, false to 0.0.

Alias: TO_DBL