
Use the SORT command to sort rows on one or more fields:

FROM employees
| KEEP first_name, last_name, height
| SORT height

The default sort order is ascending. Set an explicit sort order using ASC or DESC:

FROM employees
| KEEP first_name, last_name, height
| SORT height DESC

Two rows with the same sort key are considered equal. You can provide additional sort expressions to act as tie breakers:

FROM employees
| KEEP first_name, last_name, height
| SORT height DESC, first_name ASC

null valuesedit

By default, null values are treated as being larger than any other value. With an ascending sort order, null values are sorted last, and with a descending sort order, null values are sorted first. You can change that by providing NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST:

FROM employees
| KEEP first_name, last_name, height