ES|QL syntax referenceedit

Basic syntaxedit

An ES|QL query is composed of a source command followed by an optional series of processing commands, separated by a pipe character: |. For example:

| processing-command1
| processing-command2

The result of a query is the table produced by the final processing command.

For readability, this documentation puts each processing command on a new line. However, you can write an ES|QL query as a single line. The following query is identical to the previous one:

source-command | processing-command1 | processing-command2


ES|QL uses C++ style comments:

  • double slash // for single line comments
  • /* and */ for block comments
// Query the employees index
FROM employees
| WHERE height > 2
FROM /* Query the employees index */ employees
| WHERE height > 2
FROM employees
/* Query the
 * employees
 * index */
| WHERE height > 2


These binary comparison operators are supported:

  • equality: ==
  • inequality: !=
  • less than: <
  • less than or equal: <=
  • larger than: >
  • larger than or equal: >=

The IN operator allows testing whether a field or expression equals an element in a list of literals, fields or expressions:

ROW a = 1, b = 4, c = 3
| WHERE c-a IN (3, b / 2, a)

For string comparison using wildcards or regular expressions, use LIKE or RLIKE:

  • Use LIKE to match strings using wildcards. The following wildcard characters are supported:

    • * matches zero or more characters.
    • ? matches one character.
    FROM employees
    | WHERE first_name LIKE "?b*"
    | KEEP first_name, last_name
  • Use RLIKE to match strings using regular expressions:

    FROM employees
    | WHERE first_name RLIKE ".leja.*"
    | KEEP first_name, last_name

The following boolean operators are supported:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT


For NULL comparison use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL predicates:

FROM employees
| WHERE birth_date IS NULL
| KEEP first_name, last_name
| SORT first_name
first_name:keyword last_name:keyword







FROM employees
| WHERE is_rehired IS NOT NULL
| STATS count(emp_no)


Timespan literalsedit

Datetime intervals and timespans can be expressed using timespan literals. Timespan literals are a combination of a number and a qualifier. These qualifiers are supported:

  • millisecond/milliseconds
  • second/seconds
  • minute/minutes
  • hour/hours
  • day/days
  • week/weeks
  • month/months
  • year/years

Timespan literals are not whitespace sensitive. These expressions are all valid:

  • 1day
  • 1 day
  • 1 day