arangoexport Options

Usage: arangoexport [<options>]



Type: boolean

Check the configuration and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: string…

Restrict the export to this collection name (can be specified multiple times).

Default: []


Introduced in: v3.4.8, v3.5.1

Type: boolean

Compress files containing collection contents using the gzip format.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string

The configuration file or "none".

Default: ""


Type: string

The configuration file or "none".

Default: ""


Type: string

An AQL query to run.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

The bind parameters to be used with the --custom-query or --custom-query-file option.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

A path to a file with the custom query to be used.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: double

The runtime threshold for AQL queries (in seconds, 0 = no limit).

Default: 0


Type: string…

Define a value for a @key@ entry in the configuration file using the syntax &quot;key=value&quot;.

Default: []


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

The number of documents to return in each batch.

Default: 1000


Type: boolean

Dump the dependency graph of the feature phases (internal) and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: boolean

Dump all available startup options in JSON format and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: boolean

Prefix string cells in CSV output with extra single quote to prevent formula injection.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: string

A comma-separated list of fields to export to a CSV file.

Default: ""


Type: string

The name of a graph to export.

Default: ""


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Set the topic-specific log level, using --log level for the general topic or --log topic=level for the specified topic (can be specified multiple times). Available log levels: fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace.

Default: ["info"]


Type: string

The output directory.

Default: "/work/ArangoDB/export"


Type: boolean

Overwrite the data in the output directory.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Show the progress.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: string

Type of export

Default: "json"

Possible values: “csv”, “json”, “jsonl”, “xgmml”, “xml”


Introduced in: v3.9.4

Type: boolean

Use the splice() syscall for file copying (may not be supported on all filesystems).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

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While the syscall is generally available since Linux 2.6.x, it is also required that the underlying filesystem supports the splice operation. This is not true for some encrypted filesystems (e.g. ecryptfs), on which splice() calls can fail.

You can set the --use-splice-syscall startup option to false to use a less efficient, but more portable file copying method instead, which should work on all filesystems.


Type: boolean

Print the version and other related information, then exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Print the version and other related information in JSON format, then exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: string

Specify the document attribute to use as the XGMML label.

Default: "label"


Type: boolean

Export XGMML label only.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false



Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A program providing the encryption key on stdout. If set, encryption at rest is enabled.

Default: ""

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The program must output 32 bytes of data on the standard output and exit.


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The path to the file that contains the encryption key. Must contain 32 bytes of data. If set, encryption at rest is enabled.

Default: ""

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You must secure the encryption key file so that only arangodump, arangorestore, and arangod can access it. You should also ensure that the file is not readable if someone steals your hardware, for example, by encrypting /mytmpfs or creating an in-memory file-system under /mytmpfs.



Type: boolean

Use colors for TTY logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: dynamic (e.g. true)


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Escape control characters in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

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This option applies to the control characters, that have hex codes below \x20, and also the character DEL with hex code \x7f.

If you set this option to false, control characters are retained when they have a visible representation, and replaced with a space character in case they do not have a visible representation. For example, the control character \n is visible, so a \n is displayed in the log. Contrary, the control character BEL is not visible, so a space is displayed instead.

If you set this option to true, the hex code for the character is displayed, for example, the BEL character is displayed as \x07.

The default value for this option is true to ensure compatibility with previous versions.

A side effect of turning off the escaping is that it reduces the CPU overhead for the logging. However, this is only noticeable if logging is set to a very verbose level (e.g. debug or trace).


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Escape Unicode characters in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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If you set this option to false, Unicode characters are retained and written to the log as-is. For example, is logged as .

If you set this options to true, any Unicode characters are escaped, and the hex codes for all Unicode characters are logged instead. For example, is logged as \u72AC.

The default value for this option is set to false for compatibility with previous versions.

A side effect of turning off the escaping is that it reduces the CPU overhead for the logging. However, this is only noticeable if logging is set to a very verbose level (e.g. debug or trace).


Type: string

Shortcut for '--log.output file://<filename>'

Default: "-"


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Type: string

Group to use for new log file, user must be a member of this group

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Type: string

Mode to use for new log file, umask will be applied as well

Default: ""


Type: boolean

Do not start a separate thread for logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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You can use this option to disable logging in an extra logging thread. If set to true, any log messages are immediately printed in the thread that triggered the log message. This is non-optimal for performance but can aid debugging. If set to false, log messages are handed off to an extra logging thread, which asynchronously writes the log messages.


Type: boolean

Also log to TTY if backgrounded.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: dynamic (e.g. false)


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: string

The hostname to use in log message. Leave empty for none, use "auto" to automatically determine a hostname.

Default: ""

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You can specify a hostname to be logged at the beginning of each log message (for regular logging) or inside the hostname attribute (for JSON-based logging).

The default value is an empty string, meaning no hostnames is logged. If you set this option to auto, the hostname is automatically determined.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Log unique message IDs.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

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Each log invocation in the ArangoDB source code contains a unique log ID, which can be used to quickly find the location in the source code that produced a specific log message.

Log IDs are printed as 5-digit hexadecimal identifiers in square brackets between the log level and the log topic:

2020-06-22T21:16:48Z [39028] INFO [144fe] {general} using storage engine 'rocksdb' (where 144fe is the log ID).


Type: string…

Set the topic-specific log level, using --log.level level for the general topic or --log.level topic=level for the specified topic (can be specified multiple times). Available log levels: fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace. Available log topics: all, agency, agencycomm, agencystore, aql, audit-authentication, audit-authorization, audit-collection, audit-database, audit-document, audit-hotbackup, audit-service, audit-view, authentication, authorization, backup, bench, cache, cluster, clustercomm, collector, communication, config, crash, development, dump, engines, flush, general, graphs, heartbeat, httpclient, ldap, license, maintenance, memory, mmap, performance, pregel, queries, rep-state, replication, replication2, requests, restore, rocksdb, security, ssl, startup, statistics, supervision, syscall, threads, trx, ttl, v8, validation, views.

Default: ["info"]

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ArangoDB’s log output is grouped by topics. --log.level can be specified multiple times at startup, for as many topics as needed. The log verbosity and output files can be adjusted per log topic.

arangod --log.level all=warning --log.level queries=trace --log.level startup=trace

This sets a global log level of warning and two topic-specific levels (trace for queries and info for startup). Note that --log.level warning does not set a log level globally for all existing topics, but only the general topic. Use the pseudo-topic all to set a global log level.

The same in a configuration file:

level = all=warning
level = queries=trace
level = startup=trace

The available log levels are:

  • fatal: Only log fatal errors.
  • error: Only log errors.
  • warning: Only log warnings and errors.
  • info: Log information messages, warnings, and errors.
  • debug: Log debug and information messages, warnings, and errors.
  • trace: Logs trace, debug, and information messages, warnings, and errors.

Note that the debug and trace levels are very verbose.

Some relevant log topics available in ArangoDB 3 are:

  • agency: Information about the cluster Agency.
  • performance: Performance-related messages.
  • queries: Executed AQL queries, slow queries.
  • replication: Replication-related information.
  • requests: HTTP requests.
  • startup: Information about server startup and shutdown.
  • threads: Information about threads.

You can adjust the log levels at runtime via the PUT /_admin/log/level HTTP API endpoint.

Audit logging (Enterprise Edition): The server logs all audit events by default. Low priority events, such as statistics operations, are logged with the debug log level. To keep such events from cluttering the log, set the appropriate log topics to the info log level.


Type: boolean

Include the function name, file name, and line number of the source code that issues the log message. Format: [func@FileName.cpp:123]

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.7.9

Type: uint32

The maximum length of a log entry (in bytes).

Default: 134217728

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Note: This option does not include audit log messages. See --audit.max-entry-length instead.

Any log messages longer than the specified value are truncated and the suffix ... is added to them.

The purpose of this option is to shorten long log messages in case there is not a lot of space for log files, and to keep rogue log messages from overusing resources.

The default value is 128 MB, which is very high and should effectively mean downwards-compatibility with previous arangod versions, which did not restrict the maximum size of log messages.


Type: string…

Log destination(s), e.g. file:///path/to/file (any occurrence of $PID is replaced with the process ID).

Default: []

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This option allows you to direct the global or per-topic log messages to different outputs. The output definition can be one of the following:

  • - for stdin
  • + for stderr
  • syslog://<syslog-facility>
  • syslog://<syslog-facility>/<application-name>
  • file://<relative-or-absolute-path>

To set up a per-topic output configuration, use --log.output <topic>=<definition>:

--log.output queries=file://queries.log

The above example logs query-related messages to the file queries.log.

You can specify the option multiple times in order to configure the output for different log topics:

--log.level queries=trace --log.output queries=file:///queries.log --log.level requests=info --log.output requests=file:///requests.log

The above example logs all query-related messages to the file queries.log and HTTP requests with a level of info or higher to the file requests.log.

Any occurrence of $PID in the log output value is replaced at runtime with the actual process ID. This enables logging to process-specific files:

--log.output 'file://arangod.log.$PID'

Note that dollar sign may need extra escaping when specified on a command-line such as Bash.

If you specify --log.file-mode <octalvalue>, then any newly created log file uses octalvalue as file mode. Please note that the umask value is applied as well.

If you specify --log.file-group <name>, then any newly created log file tries to use <name> as the group name. Note that you have to be a member of that group. Otherwise, the group ownership is not changed. This option is only available under Linux and macOS. It is not available under Windows.

The old --log.file option is still available for convenience. It is a shortcut for the more general option --log.output file://filename.

The old --log.requests-file option is still available. It is a shortcut for the more general option --log.output requests=file://....


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Shortcut for --log.level performance=trace.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string

Prefix log message with this string.

Default: ""

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Example: arangod ... --log.prefix "-->"

2020-07-23T09:46:03Z --> [17493] INFO ...


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Show the process identifier (PID) in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

Include full URLs and HTTP request parameters in trace logs

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

Log the server role.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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If you set this option to true, log messages contains a single character with the server’s role. The roles are:

  • U: Undefined / unclear (used at startup)
  • S: Single server
  • C: Coordinator
  • P: Primary / DB-Server
  • A: Agent


Type: boolean

Shorten filenames in log output (use with --log.line-number)

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string…

Toggle the usage of the log category parameter in structured log messages.

Default: []

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Some log messages can be displayed together with additional information in a structured form. The following parameters are available:

  • database: The name of the database.
  • username: The name of the user.
  • url: The endpoint path.
  • pregelID: The ID of the Pregel job.

The format to enable or disable a parameter is <parameter>=<bool>, or <parameter> to enable it. You can specify the option multiple times to configure multiple parameters:

arangod --log.structured-param database=true --log.structured-param url --log.structured-param username=false

You can adjust the parameter settings at runtime using the /_admin/log/structured HTTP API.


Type: boolean

Show the thread identifier in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Show thread name in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string

The time format to use in logs.

Default: "utc-datestring"

Possible values: “local-datestring”, “timestamp”, “timestamp-micros”, “timestamp-millis”, “uptime”, “uptime-micros”, “uptime-millis”, “utc-datestring”, “utc-datestring-micros”, “utc-datestring-millis”

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Overview over the different options:

Format Example Description
timestamp 1553766923000 Unix timestamps, in seconds
timestamp-millis 1553766923000.123 Unix timestamps, in seconds, with millisecond precision
timestamp-micros 1553766923000.123456 Unix timestamps, in seconds, with microsecond precision
uptime 987654 seconds since server start
uptime-millis 987654.123 seconds since server start, with millisecond precision
uptime-micros 987654.123456 seconds since server start, with microsecond precision
utc-datestring 2019-03-28T09:55:23Z UTC-based date and time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
utc-datestring-millis 2019-03-28T09:55:23.123Z like utc-datestring, but with millisecond precision
local-datestring 2019-03-28T10:55:23 local date and time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Use JSON as output format for logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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You can use this option to switch the log output to the JSON format. Each log message then produces a separate line with JSON-encoded log data, which can be consumed by other applications.

The object attributes produced for each log message are:

Key Value
time date/time of log message, in format specified by --log.time-format
prefix only emitted if --log.prefix is set
pid process id, only emitted if --log.process is set
tid thread id, only emitted if --log.thread is set
thread thread name, only emitted if --log.thread-name is set
role server role (1 character), only emitted if --log.role is set
level log level (e.g. "WARN", "INFO")
file source file name of log message, only emitted if --log.line-number is set
line source file line of log message, only emitted if --log.line-number is set
function source file function name, only emitted if --log.line-number is set
topic log topic name
id log id (5 digit hexadecimal string), only emitted if --log.ids is set
hostname hostname if --log.hostname is set
message the actual log message payload


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Use the local timezone instead of UTC.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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This option is deprecated. Use --log.time-format local-datestring instead.


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Use Unix timestamps in seconds with microsecond precision.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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This option is deprecated. Use --log.time-format timestamp-micros instead.



Type: uint32

The random number generator to use (1 = MERSENNE, 2 = RANDOM, 3 = URANDOM, 4 = COMBINED (not available on Windows), 5 = WinCrypt (Windows only).

Default: 1

Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4

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  • 1: a pseudo-random number generator using an implication of the Mersenne Twister MT19937 algorithm
  • 2: use a blocking random (or pseudo-random) number generator
  • 3: use the non-blocking random (or pseudo-random) number generator supplied by the operating system
  • 4: a combination of the blocking random number generator and the Mersenne Twister (not available on Windows)
  • 5: use WinCrypt (Windows only)



Type: boolean

Require authentication credentials when connecting (does not affect the server-side authentication settings).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: double

The connection timeout (in seconds).

Default: 5


Type: string

The database name to use when connecting.

Default: "_system"


Type: string…

The endpoint to connect to. Use 'none' to start without a server. Use http+ssl:// as schema to connect to an SSL-secured server endpoint, otherwise http+tcp:// or unix://

Default: ["http+tcp://"]


Type: uint64

The maximum packet size (in bytes) for client/server communication.

Default: 1073741824


Type: string

The password to use when connecting. If not specified and authentication is required, the user is prompted for a password

Default: ""


Type: double

The request timeout (in seconds).

Default: 1200


Type: string

The username to use when connecting.

Default: "root"



Type: uint64

The SSL protocol (1 = SSLv2 (unsupported), 2 = SSLv2 or SSLv3 (negotiated), 3 = SSLv3, 4 = TLSv1, 5 = TLSv1.2, 6 = TLSv1.3, 9 = generic TLS (negotiated))

Default: 5

Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9



Type: string

The path for temporary files.

Default: ""

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ArangoDB uses the path for storing temporary files, for extracting data from uploaded zip files (e.g. for Foxx services), and other things.

Ideally, the temporary path is set to an instance-specific subdirectory of the operating system’s temporary directory. To avoid data loss, the temporary path should not overlap with any directories that contain important data, for example, the instance’s database directory.

If you set the temporary path to the same directory as the instance’s database directory, a startup error is logged and the startup is aborted.