ArangoDB Server Options

Usage: arangod [<options>]

To list the commonly used startup options with a description of each option, run the server executable in a command-line with the --help (or -h) option:

arangod --help

To list all available startup options and their descriptions, use:

arangod --help-all

You can specify the database directory for the server as a positional (unnamed) parameter:

arangod /path/to/datadir

You can also be explicit by using a named parameter:

arangod /path/to/datadir

All other startup options need to be passed as named parameters, using two hyphens (--), followed by the option name, an equals sign (=) or a space, and the option value. The value needs to be wrapped in double quote marks (") if the value contains whitespace characters. Extra whitespace around = is allowed:

arangod = "/path with spaces/to/datadir"

See Configuration if you want to translate startup options set to configuration files and to learn more about startup options in general.

See Fetch Current Configuration Options if you want to query the arangod server for the current settings at runtime.



Type: boolean

Check the configuration and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: string

The configuration file or "none".

Default: ""


Type: string

The configuration file or "none".

Default: ""


Type: boolean

Start the server with a JavaScript emergency console.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

In this exclusive emergency mode, all networking and HTTP interfaces of the server are disabled. No requests can be made to the server in this mode, and the only way to work with the server in this mode is by using the emergency console.

The server cannot be started in this mode if it is already running in this or another mode.


Type: boolean

Start the server as a daemon (background process). Requires --pid-file to be set.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Deprecated in: v3.10.0

Type: string

An ISO-639 language code. You can only set this option once, when initializing the database.

Default: ""

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The default language is used for sorting and comparing strings. The language value is a two-letter language code (ISO-639) or it is composed by a two-letter language code followed by a two letter country code (ISO-3166). For example: de, en, en_US, en_UK.

The default is the system locale of the platform.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Check if --icu-language / --default-language matches the stored language.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: string…

Define a value for a @key@ entry in the configuration file using the syntax &quot;key=value&quot;.

Default: []


Type: boolean

Dump the dependency graph of the feature phases (internal) and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: boolean

Dump all available startup options in JSON format and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: boolean

Show a fortune cookie on startup.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string

Switch to this group ID after reading configuration files.

Default: ""

Show details…

The name (identity) of the group to run the server as.

If you don’t specify this option, the server does not attempt to change its GID, so that the GID the server runs as is the primary group of the user who started the server.

If you specify this option, the server changes its GID after opening ports and reading configuration files, but before accepting connections or opening other files (such as recovery files).


Type: boolean

Make ArangoDB bark on startup.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.9.1

Type: string

An ICU locale ID to set a language and optionally additional properties that affect string comparisons and sorting. You can only set this option once, when initializing the database.

Default: ""

Show details…

With this option, you can get the sorting and comparing order exactly as it is defined in the ICU standard. The language value can be a two-letter language code (ISO-639), a two-letter language code followed by a two letter country code (ISO-3166), or any other valid ICU locale definition. For example: de, en, en_US, en_UK, de_AT@collation=phonebook.

For the Swedish language (sv), for instance, the correct ICU-based sorting order for letters is 'a','A','b','B','z','Z','å','Ä','ö','Ö'. To get this order, use --icu-language sv. If you use --default-language sv instead, the sorting order will be "A", "a", "B", "b", "Z", "z", "å", "Ä", "Ö", "ö".

Note: You can use only one of the language options, either --icu-language or --default-language. Setting both of them results in an error.


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Set the topic-specific log level, using --log level for the general topic or --log topic=level for the specified topic (can be specified multiple times). Available log levels: fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace.

Default: ["info","info"]


Type: string

The name of the process ID file to use if the server runs as a daemon.

Default: ""


Type: boolean

Start the server in supervisor mode. Requires --pid-file to be set.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

Runs an arangod process as supervisor with another arangod process as child, which acts as the server. In the event that the server unexpectedly terminates due to an internal error, the supervisor automatically restarts the server. Enabling this option implies that the server runs as a daemon.


Type: string

Switch to this user ID after reading the configuration files.

Default: ""

Show details…

The name (identity) of the user to run the server as.

If you don’t specify this option, the server does not attempt to change its UID, so that the UID used by the server is the same as the UID of the user who started the server.

If you specify this option, the server changes its UID after opening ports and reading configuration files, but before accepting connections or opening other files (such as recovery files). This is useful if the server must be started with raised privileges (in certain environments) but security considerations require that these privileges are dropped once the server has started work.

Note: You cannot use this option to bypass operating system security. In general, this option (and the related --gid) can lower privileges but not raise them.


Introduced in: v3.9.4

Type: boolean

Use the splice() syscall for file copying (may not be supported on all filesystems).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

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While the syscall is generally available since Linux 2.6.x, it is also required that the underlying filesystem supports the splice operation. This is not true for some encrypted filesystems (e.g. ecryptfs), on which splice() calls can fail.

You can set the --use-splice-syscall startup option to false to use a less efficient, but more portable file copying method instead, which should work on all filesystems.


Type: boolean

Print the version and other related information, then exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Print the version and other related information in JSON format, then exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: string

The working directory in daemon mode.

Default: "/var/tmp"



Type: boolean

Activate the Agency.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Agents only.


Type: uint64

Keep as many Agency log entries before compaction point.

Default: 50000

Effective on Agents only.


Type: uint64

The step size between state machine compactions.

Default: 1000

Effective on Agents only.


Type: string

Specify the ID for this agent. WARNING: This is a dangerous option, for disaster recover only!

Default: ""

Effective on Agents only.


Type: double

The maximum timeout before an Agent calls for a new election (in seconds).

Default: 5

Effective on Agents only.


Type: double

The minimum timeout before an Agent calls for a new election (in seconds).

Default: 1

Effective on Agents only.


Type: string…

The Agency endpoints.

Default: []

Effective on Agents only.


Type: uint64

The maximum size of appendEntries document (number of log entries).

Default: 250

Effective on Agents only.

Type: string

Which address to advertise to the outside.

Default: ""

Effective on Agents only.


Type: uint64

The number of Agents in the pool.

Default: 1

Effective on Agents only.


Type: uint64

The number of Agents.

Default: 1

Effective on Agents only.


Type: boolean

Perform ArangoDB cluster supervision.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Agents only.


Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

Type: uint64

The delay in supervision, before an AddFollower job is executed (in seconds).

Default: 0

Effective on Agents only.


Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

Type: uint64

The delay in supervision, before a FailedFollower job is executed (in seconds).

Default: 0

Effective on Agents only.


Introduced in: v3.9.7, v3.10.2

Type: boolean

Flag indicating whether or not the FailedLeader job adds a new follower.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Agents only.


Type: double

The ArangoDB cluster supervision frequency (in seconds).

Default: 1

Effective on Agents only.


Type: double

The supervision time after which a server is considered to have failed (in seconds).

Default: 10

Effective on Agents only.

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A value of 10 seconds is recommended for regular cluster deployments. For Active Failover deployments, it is recommended to use a higher value for the grace period to avoid unnecessary failovers.

In Active Failover setups, the leader server needs to handle all the load and is thus expected to get overloaded and unresponsive more easily than a server in a regular cluster, which needs to handle only a part of the overall load.


Type: double

The supervision time after which a server is considered to be bad (in seconds).

Default: 5

Effective on Agents only.


Type: boolean

Wait for hard disk syncs on every persistence call (required in production).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Agents only.



Introduced in: v3.9.5

Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint64

Limit in bytes for ArangoSearch columns cache. (0 = no caching)

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.7.5

Type: uint32

The upper limit to the allowed number of commit threads (0 = auto-detect).

Default: 0

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The option value must fall in the range [ 1..4 * NumberOfCores ]. Set it to 0 to automatically choose a sensible number based on the number of cores in the system.


Introduced in: v3.7.5

Type: uint32

The upper limit to the allowed number of idle threads to use for commit tasks (0 = auto-detect)

Default: 0

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The option value must fall in the range [ 1..arangosearch.commit-threads ]. Set it to 0 to automatically choose a sensible number based on the number of cores in the system.


Introduced in: v3.7.5

Type: uint32

The upper limit to the allowed number of consolidation threads (0 = auto-detect).

Default: 0

Show details…

The option value must fall in the range [ 1..arangosearch.consolidation-threads ]. Set it to 0 to automatically choose a sensible number based on the number of cores in the system.


Introduced in: v3.7.5

Type: uint32

The upper limit to the allowed number of idle threads to use for consolidation tasks (0 = auto-detect).

Default: 0

Introduced in: v3.9.4

Type: boolean

Whether or not retrieval queries on out-of-sync View links and inverted indexes should fail.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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If set to true, any data retrieval queries on out-of-sync links/indexes fail with the error ‘collection/view is out of sync’ (error code 1481).

If set to false, queries on out-of-sync links/indexes are answered normally, but the returned data may be incomplete.


Introduced in: v3.9.4

Type: string…

Skip the data recovery for the specified View link or inverted index on startup. The value for this option needs to have the format '<collection-name>/<index-id>' or '<collection-name>/<index-name>'. You can use the option multiple times, for each View link and inverted index to skip the recovery for. The pseudo-value 'all' disables the recovery for all View links and inverted indexes. The links/indexes skipped during the recovery are marked as out-of-sync when the recovery completes. You need to recreate them manually afterwards. WARNING: Using this option causes data of affected links/indexes to become incomplete or more incomplete until they have been manually recreated.

Default: []


Deprecated in: v3.7.5

Type: uint32

The exact number of threads to use for asynchronous tasks (0 = auto-detect).

Default: 0

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From version 3.7.5 on, you should set the commit and consolidation thread counts separately via the following options instead:

  • --arangosearch.commit-threads
  • --arangosearch.commit-threads-idle
  • --arangosearch.consolidation-threads
  • --arangosearch.consolidation-threads-idle

If either --arangosearch.commit-threads or --arangosearch.consolidation-threads is set, then --arangosearch.threads and arangosearch.threads-limit are ignored. If only the legacy options are set, then the commit and consolidation thread counts are calculated as follows:

  • Maximum: The smaller value out of --arangosearch.threads and arangosearch.threads-limit divided by 2, but at least 1.
  • Minimum: the maximum divided by 2, but at least 1.\n


Deprecated in: v3.7.5

Type: uint32

The upper limit to the auto-detected number of threads to use for asynchronous tasks (0 = use default).

Default: 0

Show details…

From version 3.7.5 on, you should set the commit and consolidation thread counts separately via the following options instead:

  • --arangosearch.commit-threads
  • --arangosearch.commit-threads-idle
  • --arangosearch.consolidation-threads
  • --arangosearch.consolidation-threads-idle

If either --arangosearch.commit-threads or --arangosearch.consolidation-threads is set, then --arangosearch.threads and arangosearch.threads-limit are ignored. If only the legacy options are set, then the commit and consolidation thread counts are calculated as follows:

  • Maximum: The smaller value out of --arangosearch.threads and arangosearch.threads-limit divided by 2, but at least 1.
  • Minimum: the maximum divided by 2, but at least 1.



Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The server name to be used in audit log messages. By default, the system hostname is used.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.8.0, v3.7.9

Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint32

The maximum length of a log entry (in bytes).

Default: 134217728

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You can use this option to limit the maximum line length for individual audit log messages that are written into audit logs by arangod.

Any audit log messages longer than the specified value are truncated and the suffix ... is appended to them.

The default value is 128 MB, which is very high and should effectively mean downwards-compatibility with previous arangod versions, which did not restrict the maximum size of audit log messages.


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string…

Specifies the target(s) of the audit log.

Default: []

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To write to a file, use file://<filename> with a relative or absolute file path.

To write to a syslog server, use syslog://<facility> or syslog://<facility>/<application-name>.

You can specify this option multiple times to configure the output for multiple targets.

Any occurrence of $PID inside a filename is replaced with the actual process ID at runtime. This allows you to log to process-specific files, e.g. --audit.output file:///var/log/arangod.log.$PID. Note that your terminal may require the dollar sign to be escaped.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Queue audit log messages before writing them out (can reduce latency).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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You can control whether audit log messages are submitted to a queue and written to disk in batches or if they should be written to disk directly without being queued with this option.

Queueing audit log entries may be beneficial for latency, but can lead to unqueued messages being lost in case of a crash or power loss. Setting this option to false mimics the behavior of version 3.7 and before, where audit log messages were not queued but written in a blocking fashion.


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Add the log level of the audit event (TRACE, INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR) to audit log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

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You can control whether the log level is shown in the audit log messages with this option. If you omit it or set it to false, the log level is not shown in messages:

2016-10-03 15:47:26 | server1 | audit-authentication | n/a | database1 | | http basic | credentials wrong | /_api/version

If you set the option to true, the log level is included in the messages:

2016-10-03 15:47:26 | INFO | server1 | audit-authentication | n/a | database1 | | http basic | credentials wrong | /_api/version



Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Whether the Hot Backup API is enabled (true) or not (false), or only enabled for superuser JWT (jwt).

Default: "true"


Introduced in: v3.8.8, v3.9.4

Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint64

Define how many files rclone should process in one call when uploading or downloading Hot Backups.

Default: 100

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Restrict any backup target to the given path prefix.

Default: "/"



Type: uint64

The time between cache rebalancing attempts (in microseconds). The minimum value is 500000 (0.5 seconds).

Default: 2000000

Show details…

The server uses a cache system which pools memory across many different cache tables. In order to provide intelligent internal memory management, the system periodically reclaims memory from caches which are used less often and reallocates it to caches which get more activity.


Type: uint64

The global size limit for all caches (in bytes).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 16338163712)

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The global caching system, all caches, and all the data contained therein are constrained to this limit.

If there is less than 4 GiB of RAM in the system, default value is 256 MiB. If there is more, the default is (system RAM size - 2 GiB) * 0.25.


Type: string…

Agency endpoint(s) to connect to.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and DB-Servers only.

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You can specify this option multiple times to let the server use a cluster of Agency servers.

Endpoints have the following pattern:

  • tcp://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4
  • tcp://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6
  • ssl://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4, SSL encryption
  • ssl://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6, SSL encryption

You must specify at least one endpoint or ArangoDB refuses to start. It is recommended to specify at least two endpoints, so that ArangoDB has an alternative endpoint if one of them becomes unavailable: tcp:// tcp:// ...


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: string

Controls the access permissions required for accessing /_admin/cluster REST APIs (jwt-all = JWT required to access all operations, jwt-write = JWT required for POST/PUT/DELETE operations, jwt-compat = 3.7 compatibility mode)

Default: "jwt-compat"

Possible values: “jwt-all”, “jwt-compat”, “jwt-write”

Effective on Coordinators only.

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The possible values for the option are:

  • jwt-all: requires a valid JWT for all accesses to /_admin/cluster and its sub-routes. If you use this configuration, the CLUSTER and NODES sections of the web interface are disabled, as they rely on the ability to read data from several cluster APIs.

  • jwt-write: requires a valid JWT for write accesses (all HTTP methods except GET) to /_admin/cluster. You can use this setting to allow privileged users to read data from the cluster APIs, but not to do any modifications. Modifications (carried out by write accesses) are then only possible by requests with a valid JWT.

    All existing permission checks for the cluster API routes are still in effect with this setting, meaning that read operations without a valid JWT may still require dedicated other permissions (as in v3.7).

  • jwt-compat: no additional access checks are in place for the cluster APIs. However, all existing permissions checks for the cluster API routes are still in effect with this setting, meaning that all operations may still require dedicated other permissions (as in v3.7).

The default value is jwt-compat, which means that this option does not cause any extra JWT checks compared to v3.7.


Type: boolean

Let the active Coordinator wait for all replicas to create collections.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and DB-Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint32

The default replication factor for non-system collections.

Default: 0

Effective on Coordinators only.

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If you don’t set this option, it defaults to the value of the --cluster.min-replication-factor option. If set, the value must be between the values of --cluster.min-replication-factor and --cluster.max-replication-factor.

Note that you can still adjust the replication factor per collection. This value is only the default value used for new collections if no replication factor is specified when creating a collection.

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Force the OneShard mode for all new collections.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators only.

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If set to true, forces the cluster into creating all future collections with only a single shard and using the same DB-Server as as these collections’ shards leader. All collections created this way are eligible for specific AQL query optimizations that can improve query performance and provide advanced transactional guarantees.

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.


Type: double

The amount of time (in seconds) the Coordinator waits for an index to be created before giving up.

Default: 259200

Effective on Coordinators only.


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: uint32

The number of shards to be moved per rebalance operation. If set to 0, no shards are moved.

Default: 10

Effective on Coordinators only.

Show details…

This option limits the maximum number of move shards operations that can be made when the Rebalance Shards button is clicked in the web interface. For backwards compatibility, the default value is 10. A value of 0 disables the button.


Introduced in: v3.5.1

Type: uint32

The maximum number of shards that can be configured when creating new collections (0 = unrestricted).

Default: 1000

Effective on Coordinators only.

Show details…

If you change the value of this setting and restart the servers, no changes are applied to existing collections that would violate the new setting.

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint32

The maximum replication factor for new collections (0 = unrestricted).

Default: 10

Effective on Coordinators only.

Show details…

If you change the value of this setting and restart the servers, no changes are applied to existing collections that would violate the new setting.

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint32

The minimum replication factor for new collections.

Default: 1

Effective on Coordinators only.

Show details…

If you change the value of this setting and restart the servers, no changes are applied to existing collections that would violate the new setting.

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.

Type: string

This server's endpoint for cluster-internal communication.

Default: ""

Effective on Coordinators and DB-Servers only.

Show details…

If specified, the endpoint needs to be in one of the following formats:

  • tcp://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4
  • tcp://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6
  • ssl://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4, SSL encryption
  • ssl://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6, SSL encryption

If you don’t specify an endpoint, the server looks up its internal endpoint address in the Agency. If no endpoint can be found in the Agency for the server’s ID, ArangoDB refuses to start.


Listen only on the interface with the address tcp://

Listen on all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses which are configured on port 8530: ssl://[::]:8530

Type: string

This server's advertised endpoint for external communication (optional, e.g. aan external IP address or load balancer).

Default: ""

Effective on Coordinators and DB-Servers only.

Show details…

If specified, the endpoint needs to be in one of the following formats:

  • tcp://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4
  • tcp://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6
  • ssl://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4, SSL encryption
  • ssl://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6, SSL encryption

If you don’t specify an advertised endpoint, no external endpoint is advertised.


If an external interface is available to this server, you can specify it to communicate with external software / drivers: tcp://

All specifications of endpoints apply.

Type: string

This server's role.

Default: ""

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For a cluster, the possible values are DBSERVER (backend data server) and COORDINATOR (frontend server for external and application access).

For Active Failover deployments, the role needs to be SINGLE.


Type: boolean

If set to true, then the instance only starts if a UUID file is found in the database directory on startup. This ensures that the instance is started using an already existing database directory and not a new one. For the first start, you must either create the UUID file manually or set the option to false for the initial startup.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Create a resign leader ship job for this DB-Server on shutdown.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.9.2

Type: double

The timeout (in seconds) for every shard synchronization attempt. Running into the timeout does not lead to a synchronization failure, but continues the synchronization shortly after. Setting a timeout can help to split the replication of large shards into smaller chunks and release snapshots on the leader earlier.

Default: 1200

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Warning: If you use multiple DB-Servers, use the same value on all DB-Servers.


Type: double

All synchronous replication timeouts are multiplied by this factor.

Default: 1

Show details…

Warning: If you use multiple DB-Servers, use the same value on all DB-Servers.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: double

All synchronous replication timeouts are at most this value (in seconds).

Default: 3600

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Warning: This option should generally remain untouched and only be changed with great care!

Extend or shorten the timeouts for the internal synchronous replication mechanism between DB-Servers. All such timeouts are affected by this change.

Warning: If you use multiple DB-Servers, use the same value on all DB-Servers.


Introduced in: v3.5.1

Type: double

All synchronous replication timeouts are at least this value (in seconds).

Default: 900

Show details…

Warning: This option should generally remain untouched and only be changed with great care!

The minimum timeout in seconds for the internal synchronous replication mechanism between DB-Servers. If replication requests are slow, but the servers are otherwise healthy, timeouts can cause followers to be dropped unnecessarily, resulting in costly resync operations. Increasing this value may help avoid such resyncs. Conversely, decreasing it may cause more resyncs, while lowering the latency of individual write operations.

Warning: If you use multiple DB-Servers, use the same value on all DB-Servers.


Type: double

All synchronous replication timeouts are increased by this amount per 4096 bytes (in seconds).

Default: 0.1

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Warning: If you use multiple DB-Servers, use the same value on all DB-Servers.


Type: uint32

The default replication factor for system collections.

Default: 2

Effective on Coordinators only.

Show details…

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: string

Perform a cluster upgrade if necessary (auto = perform an upgrade and shut down only if true is set, disable = ignore and never perform an upgrade, force = ignore and always perform an upgrade and shut down, online = always perform an upgrade but don't shut down).

Default: "auto"

Possible values: “auto”, “disable”, “force”, “online”

Effective on Coordinators only.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint32

The global default write concern used for writes to new collections.

Default: 1

Effective on Coordinators only.

Show details…

This value is used as the default write concern for databases, which in turn is used as the default for collections.

Warning: If you use multiple Coordinators, use the same value on all Coordinators.


Type: boolean

Perform a database upgrade if necessary.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If you specify this option, then the server performs a database upgrade instead of starting normally.

A database upgrade first compares the version number stored in the VERSION file in the database directory with the current server version.

If the version number found in the database directory is higher than that of the server, the server considers this is an unintentional downgrade and warns about this. Using the server in these conditions is neither recommended nor supported.

If the version number found in the database directory is lower than that of the server, the server checks whether there are any upgrade tasks to perform. It then executes all required upgrade tasks and prints the status. If one of the upgrade tasks fails, the server exits with an error. Re-starting the server with the upgrade option again triggers the upgrade check and execution until the problem is fixed.

Whether or not you specify this option, the server always perform a version check on startup. If you running the server with a non-matching version number in the VERSION file, the server refuses to start.


Type: boolean

Check the version of the database and exit.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.

Type: string

The path to the database directory.

Default: ""

Show details…

This defines the location where all data of a server is stored.

Make sure the directory is writable by the arangod process. You should further not use a database directory which is provided by a network filesystem such as NFS. The reason is that networked filesystems might cause inconsistencies when there are multiple parallel readers or writers or they lack features required by arangod, e.g. flock().


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Allow most UTF-8 characters in database names. Once in use, this option cannot be turned off again.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Force syncing of collection properties to disk after creating a collection or updating its properties. Otherwise, let the waitForSync property of each collection determine it.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

If turned off, no fsync happens for the collection and database properties stored in parameter.json files in the file system. If you turn this option off, it speeds up workloads that create and drop a lot of collections (e.g. test suites).


Type: boolean

Load collections even if datafiles may contain errors.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Initialize an empty database.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.

Introduced in: v3.8.7, v3.9.2

Type: boolean

Perform I/O heartbeat to test the underlying volume.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: string

The initial password of the root user.

Default: ""


Type: string

The required state of the database directory at startup (non-existing: the database directory must not exist, existing: thedatabase directory must exist, empty: the database directory must exist but be empty, populated: the database directory must exist and contain specific files already, any: any state is allowed)

Default: "any"

Possible values: “any”, “empty”, “existing”, “non-existing”, “populated”


Type: boolean

Reset the admin users and set a new password.

This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Type: boolean

Skip the database upgrade if set to false.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

The default waitForSync behavior. Can be overwritten when creating a collection.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false



Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A program providing the encryption key on stdout. If set, encryption at rest is enabled.

Default: ""

Show details…

The program must output 32 bytes of data on the standard output and exit.


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The path to the file that contains the encryption key. Must contain 32 bytes of data. If set, encryption at rest is enabled.

Default: ""

Show details…

You must secure the encryption key file so that only arangodump, arangorestore, and arangod can access it. You should also ensure that the file is not readable if someone steals your hardware, for example, by encrypting /mytmpfs or creating an in-memory file-system under /mytmpfs.



Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: boolean

Allow installing Foxx apps from remote URLs other than GitHub.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Whether to enable the Foxx management REST APIs.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.5

Type: boolean

Enable Foxx.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to false, access to any custom Foxx services in the deployment will be forbidden. Access to ArangoDB’s built-in web interface will still be possible though.

Note: when setting this option to false, the management API for Foxx services will automatically be disabled as well. This is the same as manually setting the startup option --foxx.api false.


Introduced in: v3.6.10, v3.7.6

Type: boolean

Ensure that all Foxx services are synchronized before completing the startup sequence.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, all Foxx services in all databases are synchronized between multiple Coordinators during the startup sequence. This ensures that all Foxx services are up-to-date when a Coordinator reports itself as ready.

In case the option is set to false (i.e. no waiting), the Coordinator completes the startup sequence faster, and the Foxx services are propagated lazily. Until the initialization procedure has completed for the local Foxx apps, any request to a Foxx app is responded to with an HTTP 500 error and a message waiting for initialization of Foxx services in this database. This can cause an unavailability window for Foxx services on Coordinator startup for the initial requests to Foxx apps until the app propagation has completed.

If you don’t use Foxx, you should set this option to false to benefit from a faster Coordinator startup. Deployments relying on Foxx apps being available as soon as a Coordinator is integrated or responding should set this option to true.

The option only has an effect for cluster setups. On single servers and in Active Failover mode, all Foxx apps are available from the very beginning.

Note: ArangoDB 3.8 changes the default value to false for this option. In previous versions, this option had a default value of true.


Type: boolean

Enable or disable Foxx queues.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, the Foxx queues are available and jobs in the queues are executed asynchronously.

If set to false, the queue manager is disabled and any jobs are prevented from being processed, which may reduce CPU load a bit.


Type: double

The poll interval for the Foxx queue manager (in seconds)

Default: 1

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Lower values lead to more immediate and more frequent Foxx queue job execution, but make the queue thread wake up and query the queues more often. If set to a low value, the queue thread might cause CPU load.

If you don’t use Foxx queues much, then you may increase this value to make the queues thread wake up less.

Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Whether to enable the Foxx store in the web interface.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.



Deprecated in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Allow HTTP method override using special headers.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If you set this option to true, the HTTP request method is optionally fetched from one of the following HTTP request headers if present in the request:

  • x-http-method
  • x-http-method-override
  • x-method-override

If the option is enabled and any of these headers is set, the request method is overridden by the value of the header. For example, this allows you to issue an HTTP DELETE request which, to the outside world, looks like an HTTP GET request. This allows you to bypass proxies and tools that only let certain request types pass.

Enabling this option may impose a security risk. You should only use it in controlled environments.


Deprecated in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Whether to omit the Server: ArangoDB header in HTTP responses.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: double

The keep-alive timeout for HTTP connections (in seconds).

Default: 300

Show details…

Idle keep-alive connections are closed by the server automatically when the timeout is reached. A keep-alive-timeout value of 0 disables the keep-alive feature entirely.


Introduced in: v3.7.12

Type: boolean

Whether to use a permanent or temporary redirect.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.7.12

Type: string

Redirect of the root URL.

Default: "/_admin/aardvark/index.html"


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Whether to return the x-arango-queue-time-seconds header in all responses.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

The value contained in this header indicates the current queueing/dequeuing time for requests in the scheduler (in seconds). Client applications and drivers can use this value to control the server load and also react on overload.


Type: string…

The trusted origin URLs for CORS requests with credentials.

Default: []



Type: boolean

For testing purposes, allow /_admin/execute. Never enable this option in production!

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

You can use this option to control whether user-defined JavaScript code is allowed to be executed on the server by sending HTTP requests to the /_admin/execute API endpoint with an authenticated user account.

The default value is false, which disables the execution of user-defined code. This is also the recommended setting for production. In test environments, it may be convenient to turn the option on in order to send arbitrary setup or teardown commands for execution on the server.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Allow the execution and control of external processes from within JavaScript actions.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Allow the testing of ports from within JavaScript actions.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Type: string

The directory for Foxx applications.

Default: "./js/apps"

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Copy the contents of javascript.startup-directory on first start.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This option is intended to be useful for rolling upgrades. If you set it to true, you can upgrade the underlying ArangoDB packages without influencing the running arangod instance.

Setting this value does only make sense if you use ArangoDB outside of a container solution, like Docker or Kubernetes.


Type: boolean

Enable the V8 JavaScript engine.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

For certain types of ArangoDB instances, you can completely disable the V8 JavaScript engine. Be aware that this is an highly experimental feature and it is to be expected that certain functionality (e.g. API endpoints, the web interface, AQL functions, etc.) may be unavailable or dysfunctional. Nevertheless, you may wish to reduce the footprint of ArangoDB by disabling V8.

This option is expected to only work reliably on single servers, DB-Servers, and Agents. Do not try to use this feature on Coordinators or in Active Failover setups.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Endpoints that can be connected to via the @arangodb/request module in JavaScript actions.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Endpoints that cannot be connected to via the @arangodb/request module in JavaScript actions (if not in the allowlist).

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Environment variables that are accessible in JavaScript.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Environment variables that are inaccessible in JavaScript (if not in the allowlist).

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Filesystem paths that are accessible from within JavaScript actions.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: double

Time-based garbage collection frequency for JavaScript objects (each x seconds).

Default: 60

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This option is useful to have the garbage collection still work in periods with no or little numbers of requests.


Type: uint64

Request-based garbage collection interval for JavaScript objects (each x requests).

Default: 2000

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Disable access to JavaScript functions in the internal module: getPid() and logLevel().

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: string…

Additional paths containing JavaScript modules.

Default: ["./enterprise/js"]

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: string…

Run the script and exit.

Default: []


Type: string…

Script parameter.

Default: []


Type: string

A path to the directory containing the JavaScript startup scripts.

Default: "./js"

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Startup options whose names match this regular expression are allowed and exposed to JavaScript.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string…

Startup options whose names match this regular expression are not exposed (if not in the allowlist) to JavaScript actions.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Enable JavaScript tasks.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Enable JavaScript transactions.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.4

Type: boolean

Enable JavaScript user-defined functions (UDFs) in AQL queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of V8 contexts that are created for executing JavaScript actions.

Default: dynamic (e.g. 0)

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

More contexts allow executing more JavaScript actions in parallel, provided that there are also enough threads available. Note that each V8 context uses a substantial amount of memory and requires periodic CPU processing time for garbage collection.

This option configures the maximum number of V8 contexts that can be used in parallel. On server start, only as many V8 contexts are created as are configured by the --javascript.v8-contexts-minimum option. The actual number of available V8 contexts may vary between --javascript.v8-contexts-minimum and --javascript.v8-contexts at runtime. When there are unused V8 contexts that linger around, the server’s garbage collector thread automatically deletes them.


Type: double

The maximum age for each V8 context (in seconds) before it is disposed.

Default: 60

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If both --javascript.v8-contexts-max-invocations and --javascript.v8-contexts-max-age are set, then the context is destroyed when either of the specified threshold values is reached.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of invocations for each V8 context before it is disposed (0 = unlimited).

Default: 0

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

The minimum number of V8 contexts to keep available for executing JavaScript actions.

Default: 0

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The actual number of V8 contexts never drops below this value, but it may go up as high as specified by the --javascript.v8-contexts option.

When there are unused V8 contexts that linger around and the number of V8 contexts is greater than --javascript.v8-contexts-minimum, the server’s garbage collector thread automatically deletes them.


Type: uint64

The maximal heap size (in MiB).

Default: 3072


Type: string…

Options to pass to V8.

Default: []

Show details…

You can optionally pass arguments to the V8 JavaScript engine. The V8 engine runs with the default settings unless you explicitly specify them. The options are forwarded to the V8 engine, which parses them on its own. Passing invalid options may result in an error being printed on stderr and the option being ignored.

You need to pass the options as one string, with V8 option names being prefixed with two hyphens. Multiple options need to be separated by whitespace. To get a list of all available V8 options, you can use the value "--help" as follows:


Another example of specific V8 options being set at startup:

--javascript.v8-options="--log --no-logfile-per-isolate --logfile=v8.log"

Names and features or usable options depend on the version of V8 being used, and might change in the future if a different version of V8 is being used in ArangoDB. Not all options offered by V8 might be sensible to use in the context of ArangoDB. Use the specific options only if you are sure that they are not harmful for the regular database operation.



Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

If a refresh attempt fails to connect to the LDAP server, continue with the cached authentication data.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether the connection to the LDAP library is done asynchronously.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP basedn. Example: "dc=example,dc=com"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP binddn. Example: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP bindpassword. Example: "admin"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Turn on the internal OpenLDAP library output (warning: prints to stdout).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Enable LDAP.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Timeout value (in seconds) after which network operations following the initial connection return in case of no activity (0 = default timeout).

Default: 0


Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint16

The port to use.

Default: 389


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP prefix. Example: "uid= xor dn= xor cn="

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether the LDAP library should implicitly chase referrals.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Refresh user settings after this time (in seconds).

Default: 300


Introduced in: v3.7.11

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A file of usernames this provider is responsible for. If empty, it is responsible for all users.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether the LDAP library should implicitly restart connections.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint32

The number of tries to attempt connecting to the LDAP server. Setting it to values greater than 1 retries connecting in case the LDAP server is unavailable or denies the connection.

Default: 1


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP attributename where the roles are located.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Regular expression to exclude groups. Leave empty to exclude none.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Regular expression to include groups. Leave empty to include all.

Default: ""

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search for roles; '{USER}' is replaced by the 'dn' of the user.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string…

Regular expression to normalizer role name. Example: '/^ (.[^ ]])*/$2/'

Default: []

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search attribute: Example: "uid"

Default: "uid"

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search filter. Example: "(objectClass=simpleSecurityObject)"

Default: "objectClass=*"

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search scope, one of: base, one, sub

Default: "sub"


Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the serialization mutex.

Default: 5


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether calls into the LDAP library should be serialized. You can use this option to work around thread-unsafe LDAP library functionality.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The server to use.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP suffix. Example: ",dc=example,dc=com"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Role mapping to the super-users.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Timeout value (in seconds) for synchronous LDAP API calls (0 = default timeout).

Default: 0


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Enable TLS.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS CA certificate directory.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS CA certificate file.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS certificate check strategy, one of: never, hard, demand, allow, try

Default: "hard"


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS version, one of: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Default: "1.2"


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The LDAP URL. Example: ldap://,dc=com?uid?sub

Default: ""

LDAP2 (secondary server)

The ldap2.* options are identical to the ldap.* options, but configure a secondary LDAP server. See LDAP Secondary server options (ldap2).


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

If a refresh attempt fails to connect to the LDAP server, continue with the cached authentication data.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether the connection to the LDAP library is done asynchronously.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP basedn. Example: "dc=example,dc=com"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP binddn. Example: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP bindpassword. Example: "admin"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Turn on the internal OpenLDAP library output (warning: prints to stdout).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Enable LDAP.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Timeout value (in seconds) after which network operations following the initial connection return in case of no activity (0 = default timeout).

Default: 0


Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint16

The port to use.

Default: 389


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP prefix. Example: "uid= xor dn= xor cn="

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether the LDAP library should implicitly chase referrals.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Refresh user settings after this time (in seconds).

Default: 300


Introduced in: v3.7.11

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A file of usernames this provider is responsible for. If empty, it is responsible for all users.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether the LDAP library should implicitly restart connections.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint32

The number of tries to attempt connecting to the LDAP server. Setting it to values greater than 1 retries connecting in case the LDAP server is unavailable or denies the connection.

Default: 1


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP attributename where the roles are located.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Regular expression to exclude groups. Leave empty to exclude none.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Regular expression to include groups. Leave empty to include all.

Default: ""

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search for roles; '{USER}' is replaced by the 'dn' of the user.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string…

Regular expression to normalizer role name. Example: '/^ (.[^ ]])*/$2/'

Default: []

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search attribute: Example: "uid"

Default: "uid"

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search filter. Example: "(objectClass=simpleSecurityObject)"

Default: "objectClass=*"

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP search scope, one of: base, one, sub

Default: "sub"


Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the serialization mutex.

Default: 5


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether calls into the LDAP library should be serialized. You can use this option to work around thread-unsafe LDAP library functionality.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The server to use.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP suffix. Example: ",dc=example,dc=com"

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Role mapping to the super-users.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: double

Timeout value (in seconds) for synchronous LDAP API calls (0 = default timeout).

Default: 0


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Enable TLS.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS CA certificate directory.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS CA certificate file.

Default: ""


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS certificate check strategy, one of: never, hard, demand, allow, try

Default: "hard"


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

LDAP TLS version, one of: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Default: "1.2"


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

The LDAP URL. Example: ldap://,dc=com?uid?sub

Default: ""



Introduced in: v3.4.11, v3.5.6, v3.6.5

Type: string

Whether the log API is enabled (true) or not (false), or only enabled for superuser JWT (jwt).

Default: "true"

Show details…

Credentials are not written to log files. Nevertheless, some logged data might be sensitive depending on the context of the deployment. For example, if request logging is switched on, user requests and corresponding data might end up in log files. Therefore, a certain care with log files is recommended.

Since the database server offers an API to control logging and query logging data, this API has to be secured properly. By default, the API is accessible for admin users (administrative access to the _system database). However, you can lock this down further.

The possible values for this option are:

  • true: The /_admin/log API is accessible for admin users.
  • jwt: The /_admin/log API is accessible for the superuser only (authentication with JWT token and empty username).
  • false: The /_admin/log API is not accessible at all.


Type: boolean

Use colors for TTY logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: dynamic (e.g. true)


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Escape control characters in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

This option applies to the control characters, that have hex codes below \x20, and also the character DEL with hex code \x7f.

If you set this option to false, control characters are retained when they have a visible representation, and replaced with a space character in case they do not have a visible representation. For example, the control character \n is visible, so a \n is displayed in the log. Contrary, the control character BEL is not visible, so a space is displayed instead.

If you set this option to true, the hex code for the character is displayed, for example, the BEL character is displayed as \x07.

The default value for this option is true to ensure compatibility with previous versions.

A side effect of turning off the escaping is that it reduces the CPU overhead for the logging. However, this is only noticeable if logging is set to a very verbose level (e.g. debug or trace).


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Escape Unicode characters in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If you set this option to false, Unicode characters are retained and written to the log as-is. For example, is logged as .

If you set this options to true, any Unicode characters are escaped, and the hex codes for all Unicode characters are logged instead. For example, is logged as \u72AC.

The default value for this option is set to false for compatibility with previous versions.

A side effect of turning off the escaping is that it reduces the CPU overhead for the logging. However, this is only noticeable if logging is set to a very verbose level (e.g. debug or trace).


Type: string

Shortcut for '--log.output file://<filename>'

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Type: string

Group to use for new log file, user must be a member of this group

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Type: string

Mode to use for new log file, umask will be applied as well

Default: ""


Type: boolean

Do not start a separate thread for logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

You can use this option to disable logging in an extra logging thread. If set to true, any log messages are immediately printed in the thread that triggered the log message. This is non-optimal for performance but can aid debugging. If set to false, log messages are handed off to an extra logging thread, which asynchronously writes the log messages.


Type: boolean

Also log to TTY if backgrounded.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: dynamic (e.g. false)


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: string

The hostname to use in log message. Leave empty for none, use "auto" to automatically determine a hostname.

Default: ""

Show details…

You can specify a hostname to be logged at the beginning of each log message (for regular logging) or inside the hostname attribute (for JSON-based logging).

The default value is an empty string, meaning no hostnames is logged. If you set this option to auto, the hostname is automatically determined.


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Log unique message IDs.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

Each log invocation in the ArangoDB source code contains a unique log ID, which can be used to quickly find the location in the source code that produced a specific log message.

Log IDs are printed as 5-digit hexadecimal identifiers in square brackets between the log level and the log topic:

2020-06-22T21:16:48Z [39028] INFO [144fe] {general} using storage engine 'rocksdb' (where 144fe is the log ID).

Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Use an in-memory log appender which can be queried via the API and web interface.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

You can use this option to toggle storing log messages in memory, from which they can be consumed via the /_admin/log HTTP API and via the web interface.

By default, this option is turned on, so log messages are consumable via the API and web interface. Turning this option off disables that functionality, saves a bit of memory for the in-memory log buffers, and prevents potential log information leakage via these means.

Introduced in: v3.7.9

Type: string

Use an in-memory log appender only for this log level and higher.

Default: "info"

Possible values: “debug”, “err”, “error”, “fatal”, “info”, “trace”, “warn”, “warning”

Show details…

You can use this option to control which log messages are preserved in memory (in case is enabled).

The default value is info, meaning all log messages of types info, warning, error, and fatal are stored in-memory by an instance. By setting this option to warning, only warning, error and fatal log messages are preserved in memory, and by setting the option to error, only error and fatal messages are kept.

This option is useful because the number of in-memory log messages is limited to the latest 2048 messages, and these slots are shared between informational, warning, and error messages by default.


Type: boolean

Keep the old log file after receiving a SIGHUP.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string…

Set the topic-specific log level, using --log.level level for the general topic or --log.level topic=level for the specified topic (can be specified multiple times). Available log levels: fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace. Available log topics: all, agency, agencycomm, agencystore, aql, arangosearch, audit-authentication, audit-authorization, audit-collection, audit-database, audit-document, audit-hotbackup, audit-service, audit-view, authentication, authorization, backup, bench, cache, cluster, clustercomm, collector, communication, config, crash, development, dump, engines, flush, general, graphs, heartbeat, httpclient, ldap, libiresearch, license, maintenance, memory, mmap, performance, pregel, queries, rep-state, replication, replication2, requests, restore, rocksdb, security, ssl, startup, statistics, supervision, syscall, threads, trx, ttl, v8, validation, views.

Default: ["info","info"]

Show details…

ArangoDB’s log output is grouped by topics. --log.level can be specified multiple times at startup, for as many topics as needed. The log verbosity and output files can be adjusted per log topic.

arangod --log.level all=warning --log.level queries=trace --log.level startup=trace

This sets a global log level of warning and two topic-specific levels (trace for queries and info for startup). Note that --log.level warning does not set a log level globally for all existing topics, but only the general topic. Use the pseudo-topic all to set a global log level.

The same in a configuration file:

level = all=warning
level = queries=trace
level = startup=trace

The available log levels are:

  • fatal: Only log fatal errors.
  • error: Only log errors.
  • warning: Only log warnings and errors.
  • info: Log information messages, warnings, and errors.
  • debug: Log debug and information messages, warnings, and errors.
  • trace: Logs trace, debug, and information messages, warnings, and errors.

Note that the debug and trace levels are very verbose.

Some relevant log topics available in ArangoDB 3 are:

  • agency: Information about the cluster Agency.
  • performance: Performance-related messages.
  • queries: Executed AQL queries, slow queries.
  • replication: Replication-related information.
  • requests: HTTP requests.
  • startup: Information about server startup and shutdown.
  • threads: Information about threads.

You can adjust the log levels at runtime via the PUT /_admin/log/level HTTP API endpoint.

Audit logging (Enterprise Edition): The server logs all audit events by default. Low priority events, such as statistics operations, are logged with the debug log level. To keep such events from cluttering the log, set the appropriate log topics to the info log level.


Type: boolean

Include the function name, file name, and line number of the source code that issues the log message. Format: [func@FileName.cpp:123]

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.7.9

Type: uint32

The maximum length of a log entry (in bytes).

Default: 134217728

Show details…

Note: This option does not include audit log messages. See --audit.max-entry-length instead.

Any log messages longer than the specified value are truncated and the suffix ... is added to them.

The purpose of this option is to shorten long log messages in case there is not a lot of space for log files, and to keep rogue log messages from overusing resources.

The default value is 128 MB, which is very high and should effectively mean downwards-compatibility with previous arangod versions, which did not restrict the maximum size of log messages.


Type: string…

Log destination(s), e.g. file:///path/to/file (any occurrence of $PID is replaced with the process ID).

Default: []

Show details…

This option allows you to direct the global or per-topic log messages to different outputs. The output definition can be one of the following:

  • - for stdin
  • + for stderr
  • syslog://<syslog-facility>
  • syslog://<syslog-facility>/<application-name>
  • file://<relative-or-absolute-path>

To set up a per-topic output configuration, use --log.output <topic>=<definition>:

--log.output queries=file://queries.log

The above example logs query-related messages to the file queries.log.

You can specify the option multiple times in order to configure the output for different log topics:

--log.level queries=trace --log.output queries=file:///queries.log --log.level requests=info --log.output requests=file:///requests.log

The above example logs all query-related messages to the file queries.log and HTTP requests with a level of info or higher to the file requests.log.

Any occurrence of $PID in the log output value is replaced at runtime with the actual process ID. This enables logging to process-specific files:

--log.output 'file://arangod.log.$PID'

Note that dollar sign may need extra escaping when specified on a command-line such as Bash.

If you specify --log.file-mode <octalvalue>, then any newly created log file uses octalvalue as file mode. Please note that the umask value is applied as well.

If you specify --log.file-group <name>, then any newly created log file tries to use <name> as the group name. Note that you have to be a member of that group. Otherwise, the group ownership is not changed. This option is only available under Linux and macOS. It is not available under Windows.

The old --log.file option is still available for convenience. It is a shortcut for the more general option --log.output file://filename.

The old --log.requests-file option is still available. It is a shortcut for the more general option --log.output requests=file://....


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Shortcut for --log.level performance=trace.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string

Prefix log message with this string.

Default: ""

Show details…

Example: arangod ... --log.prefix "-->"

2020-07-23T09:46:03Z --> [17493] INFO ...


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Show the process identifier (PID) in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

Include full URLs and HTTP request parameters in trace logs

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

Log the server role.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If you set this option to true, log messages contains a single character with the server’s role. The roles are:

  • U: Undefined / unclear (used at startup)
  • S: Single server
  • C: Coordinator
  • P: Primary / DB-Server
  • A: Agent


Type: boolean

Shorten filenames in log output (use with --log.line-number)

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string…

Toggle the usage of the log category parameter in structured log messages.

Default: []

Show details…

Some log messages can be displayed together with additional information in a structured form. The following parameters are available:

  • database: The name of the database.
  • username: The name of the user.
  • url: The endpoint path.
  • pregelID: The ID of the Pregel job.

The format to enable or disable a parameter is <parameter>=<bool>, or <parameter> to enable it. You can specify the option multiple times to configure multiple parameters:

arangod --log.structured-param database=true --log.structured-param url --log.structured-param username=false

You can adjust the parameter settings at runtime using the /_admin/log/structured HTTP API.


Type: boolean

Show the thread identifier in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Show thread name in log messages.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: string

The time format to use in logs.

Default: "utc-datestring"

Possible values: “local-datestring”, “timestamp”, “timestamp-micros”, “timestamp-millis”, “uptime”, “uptime-micros”, “uptime-millis”, “utc-datestring”, “utc-datestring-micros”, “utc-datestring-millis”

Show details…

Overview over the different options:

Format Example Description
timestamp 1553766923000 Unix timestamps, in seconds
timestamp-millis 1553766923000.123 Unix timestamps, in seconds, with millisecond precision
timestamp-micros 1553766923000.123456 Unix timestamps, in seconds, with microsecond precision
uptime 987654 seconds since server start
uptime-millis 987654.123 seconds since server start, with millisecond precision
uptime-micros 987654.123456 seconds since server start, with microsecond precision
utc-datestring 2019-03-28T09:55:23Z UTC-based date and time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
utc-datestring-millis 2019-03-28T09:55:23.123Z like utc-datestring, but with millisecond precision
local-datestring 2019-03-28T10:55:23 local date and time in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Use JSON as output format for logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

You can use this option to switch the log output to the JSON format. Each log message then produces a separate line with JSON-encoded log data, which can be consumed by other applications.

The object attributes produced for each log message are:

Key Value
time date/time of log message, in format specified by --log.time-format
prefix only emitted if --log.prefix is set
pid process id, only emitted if --log.process is set
tid thread id, only emitted if --log.thread is set
thread thread name, only emitted if --log.thread-name is set
role server role (1 character), only emitted if --log.role is set
level log level (e.g. "WARN", "INFO")
file source file name of log message, only emitted if --log.line-number is set
line source file line of log message, only emitted if --log.line-number is set
function source file function name, only emitted if --log.line-number is set
topic log topic name
id log id (5 digit hexadecimal string), only emitted if --log.ids is set
hostname hostname if --log.hostname is set
message the actual log message payload


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Use the local timezone instead of UTC.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

This option is deprecated. Use --log.time-format local-datestring instead.


Deprecated in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Use Unix timestamps in seconds with microsecond precision.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

This option is deprecated. Use --log.time-format timestamp-micros instead.



Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint64

The default time-to-live of idle connections for cluster-internal communication (in milliseconds).

Default: 120000

Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint32

The number of network I/O threads for cluster-internal communication.

Default: 2


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: uint64

The maximum number of open TCP connections for cluster-internal communication per endpoint

Default: 1024


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

The number of internal requests that can be in flight at a given point in time.

Default: 65536


Introduced in: v3.7.0

Deprecated in: v3.9.0

Type: string

The network protocol to use for cluster-internal communication.

Default: ""

Possible values: “”, “h2”, “http”, “http2”, “vst”


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: boolean

Verify peer certificates when using TLS in cluster-internal communication.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false



Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint64

The maximum parallelism usable in a Pregel job.

Default: dynamic (e.g. 32)

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This option effectively limits the parallelism of each Pregel job to the specified value. In a cluster deployment, the limit applies per DB-Server.

Defaults to the number of available cores.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Whether to use memory mapped files for storing Pregel temporary data (as opposed to storing it in RAM) by default.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, Pregel jobs store their temporary data in disk-backed memory-mapped files. If set to false, the temporary data of Pregel jobs is buffered in main memory.

Memory-mapped files are used by default. This has the advantage of a lower RAM utilization, which reduces the likelihood of out-of-memory situations. However, storing the files on disk requires a certain disk capacity, so that instead of running out of RAM, it is possible to run out of a disk space. Make sure to use a suitable storage location.

You can override this option for each Pregel job by setting the useMemoryMaps attribute of the job.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

Custom path for Pregel's temporary files. Only used if --pregel.memory-mapped-files-location is "custom".

Default: ""

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If you use this option, you need to specify the storage directory location as an absolute path.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

The location for Pregel's temporary files.

Default: "temp-directory"

Possible values: “custom”, “database-directory”, “temp-directory”

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

You can configure the location for the memory-mapped files written by Pregel with this option. This option is only meaningful if you use memory-mapped files.

The option can have one of the following values:

  • temp-directory: store memory-mapped files in the temporary directory, as configured via --temp.path. If --temp.path is not set, the system’s temporary directory is used.
  • database-directory: store memory-mapped files in a separate directory underneath the database directory.
  • custom: use a custom directory location for memory-mapped files. You can set the location via the --pregel.memory-mapped-files-custom-path option.

The default location for Pregel’s memory-mapped files is the temporary directory (--temp.path), which may not provide enough capacity for larger Pregel jobs. It may be more sensible to configure a custom directory for memory-mapped files and provide the necessary disk space there (custom). Such custom directory can be mounted on ephemeral storage, as the files are only needed temporarily. If a custom directory location is used, you need to specify the actual location via the --pregel.memory-mapped-files-custom-path parameter.

You can also use a subdirectory of the database directory as the storage location for the memory-mapped files ( The database directory often provides a lot of disk space capacity, but when Pregel’s temporary files are stored in there too, it has to provide enough capacity to store both the regular database data and the Pregel files.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint64

The minimum parallelism usable in a Pregel job.

Default: 1

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Increasing the value of this option forces each Pregel job to run with at least this level of parallelism. In a cluster deployment, the limit applies per DB-Server.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint64

The default parallelism to use in a Pregel job if none is specified.

Default: dynamic (e.g. 8)

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The default parallelism for a Pregel job is only used if you start a job without setting the parallelism attribute.

Defaults to the number of available cores divided by 4. The result is limited to a value between 1 and 16.



Introduced in: v3.8.0

Deprecated in: v3.9.0

Type: boolean

Allow full collections to be used in AQL expressions.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If set to true, using collection names in arbitrary places in AQL expressions is allowed, although using collection names like this is very likely unintended.

For example, consider the following query:

FOR doc IN collection RETURN collection

Here, the collection name is collection, and its usage in the FOR loop is intended and valid. However, collection is also used in the RETURN statement, which is legal but potentially unintended. It should likely be RETURN doc or RETURN doc.someAttribute instead. Otherwise, the entire collection is materialized and returned as many times as there are documents in the collection. This can take a long time and even lead to out-of-memory crashes in the worst case.

If you set the option to false, such unintentional usage of collection names in queries is prohibited, and instead makes the query fail with error 1568 (“collection used as expression operand”).

The default value of the option was true in v3.8, meaning that potentially unintended usage of collection names in queries were still allowed. In v3.9, the default value changes to false. The option is also deprecated from 3.9.0 on and will be removed in future versions. From then on, unintended usage of collection names will always be disallowed.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of results in query result cache per database.

Default: 128

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If a query is eligible for caching and the number of items in the database’s query cache is equal to this threshold value, another cached query result is removed from the cache.

This option only has an effect if the query cache mode is set to either on or demand.


Type: uint64

The maximum cumulated size of results in the query result cache per database (in bytes).

Default: 268435456

Show details…

When a query result is inserted into the query results cache, it is checked if the total size of cached results would exceed this value, and if so, another cached query result is removed from the cache before a new one is inserted.

This option only has an effect if the query cache mode is set to either on or demand.


Type: uint64

The maximum size of an individual result entry in query result cache (in bytes).

Default: 16777216

Show details…

Query results are only eligible for caching if their size does not exceed this setting’s value.


Type: boolean

Whether to include system collection queries in the query result cache.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

Not storing these results is normally beneficial if you use the query results cache, as queries on system collections are internal to ArangoDB and use space in the query results cache unnecessarily.


Type: string

The mode for the AQL query result cache. Can be "on", "off", or "demand".

Default: "off"

Show details…

Toggles the AQL query results cache behavior. The possible values are:

  • off: do not use query results cache
  • on: always use query results cache, except for queries that have their cache attribute set to false
  • demand: use query results cache only for queries that have their cache attribute set to true

Type: boolean

Whether AQL queries should fail with errors even for recoverable warnings.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If set to true, AQL queries that produce warnings are instantly aborted and throw an exception. This option can be set to catch obvious issues with AQL queries early.

If set to false, AQL queries that produce warnings are not aborted and return the warnings along with the query results.

You can override the option for each individual AQL query via the failOnWarning attribute.

Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

The memory threshold for all AQL queries combined (in bytes, 0 = no limit).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 54675112182)

Show details…

You can use this option to set a limit on the combined estimated memory usage of all AQL queries (in bytes). If this option has a value of 0, then no global memory limit is in place. This is also the default value and the same behavior as in version 3.7 and older.

If you set this option to a value greater than zero, then the total memory usage of all AQL queries is limited approximately to the configured value. The limit is enforced by each server node in a cluster independently, i.e. it can be set separately for Coordinators, DB-Servers etc. The memory usage of a query that runs on multiple servers in parallel is not summed up, but tracked separately on each server.

If a memory allocation in a query would lead to the violation of the configured global memory limit, then the query is aborted with error code 32 (“resource limit exceeded”).

The global memory limit is approximate, in the same fashion as the per-query memory limit exposed by the option --query.memory-limit is. The global memory tracking has a granularity of 32 KiB chunks.

If both, and --query.memory-limit, are set, you must set the former at least as high as the latter.


Introduced in: v3.9.5, v3.10.2

Type: boolean

Whether to log failed AQL queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on Coordinators, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, all failed AQL queries are logged to the server log. You can use this option during development, or to catch unexpected failed queries in production.


Introduced in: v3.9.5, v3.10.2

Type: uint64

Log queries that have a peak memory usage larger than this threshold.

Default: 4294967296

Effective on Coordinators, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

A warning is logged if queries exceed the specified threshold. This is useful for finding queries that use a large amount of memory.


Introduced in: v3.9.5, v3.10.2

Type: uint64

The maximum length of query strings and bind parameter values in logs before they get truncated.

Default: 4096

Effective on Coordinators, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This option allows you to truncate overly long query strings and bind parameter values to a reasonable length in log files.


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: uint64

The maximum number of execution nodes on the callstack before splitting the remaining nodes into a separate thread

Default: 250


Introduced in: v3.7.1

Enterprise Edition only

Type: uint64

The maximum number of threads to use for a single query; the actual query execution may use less depending on various factors.

Default: 4


Introduced in: v3.6.7, v3.7.3

Type: double

The runtime threshold for AQL queries (in seconds, 0 = no limit).

Default: 0

Show details…

Sets a default maximum runtime for AQL queries.

The default value is 0, meaning that the runtime of AQL queries is not limited. If you set it to any positive value, it restricts the runtime of all AQL queries, unless you override it with the maxRuntime query option on a per-query basis.

If a query exceeds the configured runtime, it is killed on the next occasion when the query checks its own status. Killing is best effort-based, so it is not guaranteed that a query will no longer than exactly the configured amount of time.

Warning: This option affects all queries in all databases, including queries issued for administration and database-internal purposes.


Type: uint64

The memory threshold per AQL query (in bytes, 0 = no limit).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 40500083097)

Show details…

The default maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that a single AQL query can use. When a single AQL query reaches the specified limit value, the query is aborted with a resource limit exceeded exception. In a cluster, the memory accounting is done per server, so the limit value is effectively a memory limit per query per server node.

Some operations, namely calls to AQL functions and their intermediate results, are not properly tracked.

You can override the limit by setting the memoryLimit option for individual queries when running them. Overriding the per-query limit value is only possible if the --query.memory-limit-override option is set to true.

The default per-query memory limit value in version 3.8 and later depends on the amount of available RAM. In version 3.7 and older, the default value was 0, meaning “unlimited”.

The default values are:

Available memory:            0      (0MiB)  Limit:            0   unlimited, %mem:  n/a
Available memory:    134217728    (128MiB)  Limit:     33554432     (32MiB), %mem: 25.0
Available memory:    268435456    (256MiB)  Limit:     67108864     (64MiB), %mem: 25.0
Available memory:    536870912    (512MiB)  Limit:    201326592    (192MiB), %mem: 37.5
Available memory:    805306368    (768MiB)  Limit:    402653184    (384MiB), %mem: 50.0
Available memory:   1073741824   (1024MiB)  Limit:    603979776    (576MiB), %mem: 56.2
Available memory:   2147483648   (2048MiB)  Limit:   1288490189   (1228MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:   4294967296   (4096MiB)  Limit:   2576980377   (2457MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:   8589934592   (8192MiB)  Limit:   5153960755   (4915MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:  17179869184  (16384MiB)  Limit:  10307921511   (9830MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:  25769803776  (24576MiB)  Limit:  15461882265  (14745MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:  34359738368  (32768MiB)  Limit:  20615843021  (19660MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:  42949672960  (40960MiB)  Limit:  25769803776  (24576MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory:  68719476736  (65536MiB)  Limit:  41231686041  (39321MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory: 103079215104  (98304MiB)  Limit:  61847529063  (58982MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory: 137438953472 (131072MiB)  Limit:  82463372083  (78643MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory: 274877906944 (262144MiB)  Limit: 164926744167 (157286MiB), %mem: 60.0
Available memory: 549755813888 (524288MiB)  Limit: 329853488333 (314572MiB), %mem: 60.0

You can set a global memory limit for the total memory used by all AQL queries that currently execute via the option.

From ArangoDB 3.8 on, the per-query memory tracking has a granularity of 32 KB chunks. That means checking for memory limits such as “1” (e.g. for testing) may not make a query fail if the total memory allocations in the query don’t exceed 32 KiB. The effective lowest memory limit value that can be enforced is thus 32 KiB. Memory limit values higher than 32 KiB will be checked whenever the total memory allocations cross a 32 KiB boundary.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Allow increasing the per-query memory limits for individual queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

You can use this option to control whether individual AQL queries can increase their memory limit via the memoryLimit query option. This is the default, so a query that increases its memory limit is allowed to use more memory than set via the --query.memory-limit startup option value.

If the option is set to false, individual queries can only lower their maximum allowed memory usage but not increase it.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of query plans to create for a query.

Default: 128

Show details…

You can control how many different query execution plans the AQL query optimizer generates at most for any given AQL query with this option. Normally, the AQL query optimizer generates a single execution plan per AQL query, but there are some cases in which it creates multiple competing plans.

More plans can lead to better optimized queries. However, plan creation has its costs. The more plans are created and shipped through the optimization pipeline, the more time is spent in the optimizer. You can lower the number to make the optimizer stop creating additional plans when it has already created enough plans.

Note that this setting controls the default maximum number of plans to create. The value can still be adjusted on a per-query basis by setting the maxNumberOfPlans attribute for individual queries.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: string…

Enable or disable specific optimizer rules by default. Specify the rule name prefixed with - for disabling, or + for enabling.

Default: []

Show details…

You can use this option to selectively enable or disable AQL query optimizer rules by default. You can specify the option multiple times.

For example, to turn off the rules use-indexes-for-sort and reduce-extraction-to-projection by default, use the following:

--query.optimizer-rules "-use-indexes-for-sort" --query.optimizer-rules "-reduce-extraction-to-projection"

The purpose of this startup option is to be able to enable potential future experimental optimizer rules, which may be shipped in a disabled-by-default state.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: boolean

Whether to enable write parallelization for gather nodes.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.7.1

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether to enable traversal parallelization.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: double

The default time-to-live of cursors and query snippets (in seconds). If set to 0 or lower, the value defaults to 30 for single server instances and 600 for Coordinator instances.

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.7.11, v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Whether AQL queries should require the WITH collection-name clause even on single servers (enable this to remove this behavior difference between single server and cluster).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Show details…

If set to true, AQL queries in single server mode also require WITH clauses in AQL queries where a cluster installation would require them.

The option is set to false by default, but you can turn it on in single servers to remove this behavior difference between single servers and clusters, making a later transition from single server to cluster easier.


Type: double

The threshold for slow streaming AQL queries (in seconds).

Default: 10

Show details…

You can control after what execution time streaming AQL queries are considered “slow” with this option. It exists to give streaming queries a separate, potentially higher timeout value than for regular queries. Streaming queries are often executed in lockstep with application data processing logic, which then also accounts for the queries’ runtime. It is thus expected that the lifetime of streaming queries is longer than for regular queries.


Type: double

The threshold for slow AQL queries (in seconds).

Default: 10

Show details…

You can control after what execution time an AQL query is considered “slow” with this option. Any slow queries that exceed the specified execution time are logged when they are finished.

You can turn off the tracking of slow queries entirely by setting the option --query.tracking to false.

Introduced in: v3.4.5

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether to enable the SmartJoins query optimization.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

Whether to track queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.7.4

Type: boolean

Whether to track slow queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: boolean

Whether to track bind variable of AQL queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

If set to true, then the bind variables are tracked and shown for all running and slow AQL queries. This also enables the display of bind variable values in the list of cached AQL query results. This option only has an effect if --query.tracking is set to true or if the query results cache is used.

You can disable tracking and displaying bind variable values by setting the option to false.


Introduced in: v3.7.4

Type: boolean

Whether to track data sources of AQL queries.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.7.4

Type: boolean

Whether to track the query string.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true



Type: uint32

The random number generator to use (1 = MERSENNE, 2 = RANDOM, 3 = URANDOM, 4 = COMBINED (not available on Windows), 5 = WinCrypt (Windows only).

Default: 1

Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4

Show details…
  • 1: a pseudo-random number generator using an implication of the Mersenne Twister MT19937 algorithm
  • 2: use a blocking random (or pseudo-random) number generator
  • 3: use the non-blocking random (or pseudo-random) number generator supplied by the operating system
  • 4: a combination of the blocking random number generator and the Mersenne Twister (not available on Windows)
  • 5: use WinCrypt (Windows only)



Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

Path to the rclone executable used for uploading and downloading of Hot Backups.

Default: ""


Type: boolean

Enable active-failover during asynchronous replication.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Type: boolean

Enable or disable the automatic start of replication appliers.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.4.9, v3.5.4

Type: double

The default timeout value for replication connection attempts (in seconds).

Default: 10


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: uint64

The maximum number of concurrently allowed WAL tailing invocations (0 = unlimited).

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.7.9

Type: uint64

Limit at which 'quick' calls to the replication keys API return only the document count for the second run.

Default: 1000000


Introduced in: v3.4.9, v3.5.4

Type: double

The default timeout value for replication requests (in seconds).

Default: 600


Introduced in: v3.7.0

Type: boolean

Whether to use the newer revision-based replication protocol.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


RocksDB is a highly configurable key-value store used to power ArangoDB’s RocksDB storage engine. Most of the options on this page are pass-through options to the underlying RocksDB instance, and only a few of its default settings are changed.


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Type: boolean

Whether to allow RocksDB to use fallocate calls. If disabled, fallocate calls are bypassed and no pre-allocation is done.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Preallocation is turned on by default, but you can turn it off for operating system versions that are known to have issues with it. This option only has an effect on operating systems that support fallocate.

Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

Type: boolean

Whether to automatically fill the in-memory edge cache with entries on server startup.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Enabling this option may cause additional CPU and I/O load. You can limit how many index filling operations can execute concurrently with the --rocksdb.max-concurrent-index-fill-tasks startup option.

Introduced in: v3.10.5

Type: double

The interval (in seconds) in which auto-flushes of WAL and column family data is executed.

Default: 1800

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Introduced in: v3.10.5

Type: uint64

The minimum number of live WAL files that triggers an auto-flush of WAL and column family data.

Default: 20

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Introduced in: v3.10.5

Type: boolean

Whether or not to automatically (re-)fill the in-memory index caches on followers as well.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Set this to false to only (re-)fill in-memory index caches on leaders and save memory on followers. Note that the value of this option should be identical for all DBServers.

Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

Type: boolean

Whether to automatically (re-)fill the in-memory edge cache with entries on insert/update/replace/remove operations by default.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

When documents are added, modified, or removed, these changes are tracked and a background thread tries to update the edge cache accordingly if the feature is enabled, by adding new, updating existing, or deleting and refilling cache entries.

You can enable the feature for individual INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE, and REMOVE operations in AQL queries, for individual document API requests that insert, update, replace, or remove single or multiple edge documents, as well as enable it by default using this startup option.

The background refilling is done on a best-effort basis and not guaranteed to succeed, for example, if there is no memory available for the cache subsystem, or during cache grow/shrink operations. A background thread is used so that foreground write operations are not slowed down by a lot. It may still cause additional I/O activity to look up data from the storage engine to repopulate the cache.

Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

Type: uint64

How many changes can be queued at most for automatically refilling the edge cache.

Default: 131072

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This option restricts how many cache entries the background thread for (re-)filling the in-memory edge cache can queue at most. This limits the memory usage for the case of the background thread being slower than other operations that invalidate cache entries of edge indexes.


Type: boolean

If enabled, data blocks are aligned on the lesser of page size and block size.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This may waste some memory but may reduce the number of cross-page I/O operations.


Type: int64

The number of shard bits to use for the block cache (-1 = default value).

Default: -1

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The number of bits used to shard the block cache to allow concurrent operations. To keep individual shards at a reasonable size (i.e. at least 512 KiB), keep this value to at most block-cache-shard-bits / 512 KiB. Default: block-cache-size / 2^19.


Type: uint64

The size of block cache (in bytes).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 19605796454)

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This is the maximum size of the block cache in bytes. Increasing this value may improve performance. If there is more than 4 GiB of RAM in the system, the default value is (system RAM size - 2GiB) * 0.3.

For systems with less RAM, the default values are:

  • 512 MiB for systems with between 2 and 4 GiB of RAM.
  • 256 MiB for systems with between 1 and 2 GiB of RAM.
  • 128 MiB for systems with less than 1 GiB of RAM.


Introduced in: v3.10.3

Type: double

The average number of bits to use per key in a Bloom filter.

Default: 10

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.7.1

Type: boolean

If enabled, the RocksDB block cache quota also includes RocksDB memtable sizes.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If you set this option to true, RocksDB tracks all loaded index and filter blocks in the block cache, so that they count towards RocksDB’s block cache memory limit.

If you set this option to false, the memory usage for index and filter blocks is not accounted for.

The default value of --rocksdb.cache-index-and-filter-blocks was false in versions before 3.10, and was changed to true from version 3.10 onwards.

To improve stability of memory usage and avoid untracked memory allocations by RocksDB, it is recommended to set this option to true. Note that tracking index and filter blocks leaves less room for other data in the block cache, so in case servers have unused RAM capacity available, it may be useful to increase the overall size of the block cache.


Introduced in: v3.7.1

Type: boolean

If enabled and --rocksdb.cache-index-and-filter-blocks is also enabled, cache index and filter blocks with high priority, making index and filter blocks be less likely to be evicted than data blocks.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

The checksum type to use for table files.

Default: "xxHash64"

Possible values: “XXH3”, “crc32c”, “xxHash”, “xxHash64”

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

If non-zero, bigger reads are performed when doing compaction. If you run RocksDB on spinning disks, you should set this to at least 2 MB. That way, RocksDB's compaction does sequential instead of random reads.

Default: 2097152

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

The compaction style which is used to pick the next file(s) to be compacted

Default: "level"

Possible values: “fifo”, “level”, “none”, “universal”

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

The compression algorithm to use within RocksDB.

Default: "lz4"

Possible values: “lz4”, “lz4hc”, “none”, “snappy”


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Whether to enable the generation of sha256 files for each .sst file.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Whether to enable RocksDB debug logging.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, enables verbose logging of RocksDB’s actions into the logfile written by ArangoDB (if the --rocksdb.use-file-logging option is off), or RocksDB’s own log (if the --rocksdb.use-file-logging option is on).

This option is turned off by default, but you can enable it for debugging RocksDB internals and performance.


Type: uint64

Limit the write rate to the database (in bytes per second) when writing to the last mem-table allowed and if more than 3 mem-tables are allowed, or if a certain number of level-0 files are surpassed and writes need to be slowed down.

Default: 0

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Whether to determine the number of bytes for each level dynamically to minimize space amplification.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, the amount of data in each level of the LSM tree is determined dynamically to minimize the space amplification. Otherwise, the level sizes are fixed. The dynamic sizing allows RocksDB to maintain a well-structured LSM tree regardless of total data size.


Introduced in: v3.6.4

Deprecated in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Whether to use the in-memory cache for edges

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Enable index compression.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

If enabled, use a two stage write queue for WAL writes and memtable writes.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Whether RocksDB statistics should be enabled.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.7.1

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Generate an internal encryption-at-rest key.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Use Intel intrinsics-based encryption, requiring a CPU with the AES-NI instruction set. If turned off, then OpenSSL is used, which may use hardware-accelerated encryption, too.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A program providing the encryption key on stdout. If set, encryption is enabled.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.7.1

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Allow encryption key rotation.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A file containing an encryption key. If set, encryption is enabled.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.7.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A folder containing all possible user encryption keys. All keys are used to decrypt the internal keystore.

Default: ""


Type: boolean

If enabled, strictly enforces the block cache size limit.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Whether the maximum size of the RocksDB block cache is strictly enforced. You can set this option to limit the memory usage of the block cache to at most the specified size. If inserting a data block into the cache would exceed the cache’s capacity, the data block is not inserted. If disabled, a data block may still get inserted into the cache. It is evicted later, but the cache may temporarily grow beyond its capacity limit.

The default value for --rocksdb.enforce-block-cache-size-limit was false before version 3.10, but was changed to true from version 3.10 onwards.

To improve stability of memory usage and prevent exceeding the block cache capacity limit (as configurable via --rocksdb.block-cache-size), it is recommended to set this option to true.


Introduced in: v3.5.4

Deprecated in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

If enabled, writes are exclusive. This allows the RocksDB engine to mimic the collection locking behavior of the now-removed MMFiles storage engine, but inhibits concurrent write operations.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

This option allows you to make all writes to the RocksDB storage exclusive and therefore avoid write-write conflicts.

This option was introduced to open a way to upgrade from the legacy MMFiles to the RocksDB storage engine without modifying client application code. You should avoid enabling this option as the use of exclusive locks on collections introduce a noticeable throughput penalty.

Note: The MMFiles engine was removed and this option is a stopgap measure only. This option is thus deprecated, and will be removed in a future version.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint32

The table format version to use inside RocksDB.

Default: 5

Possible values: 3, 4, 5

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

An intermediate commit is performed automatically when this number of operations is reached in a transaction, and a new transaction is started.

Default: 1000000


Type: uint64

An intermediate commit is performed automatically when a transaction has accumulated operations of this size (in bytes), and a new transaction is started.

Default: 536870912


Type: int64

The number of level-0 files that triggers a compaction.

Default: 2

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Compaction of level-0 to level-1 is triggered when this many files exist in level-0. If you set this option to a higher number, it may help bulk writes at the expense of slowing down reads.


Type: int64

The number of level-0 files that triggers a write slowdown

Default: 16

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

When this many files accumulate in level-0, writes are slowed down to --rocksdb.delayed-write-rate to allow compaction to catch up.


Type: int64

The number of level-0 files that triggers a full write stop

Default: 256

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

When this many files accumulate in level-0, writes are stopped to allow compaction to catch up.


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Type: boolean

Limit the amount of .sst files RocksDB inspects at startup, in order to reduce the startup I/O operations.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: int32

The maximum number of concurrent background jobs (compactions and flushes).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 32)

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The jobs are submitted to the low priority thread pool. The default value is the number of processors in the system.


Type: uint64

If not using dynamic level sizes, this controls the maximum total data size for level-1 of the LSM tree.

Default: 268435456

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: double

If not using dynamic level sizes, the maximum number of bytes for level L of the LSM tree can be calculated as max-bytes-for-level-base * (max-bytes-for-level-multiplier ^ (L-1))

Default: 10

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

Type: uint64

The maximum number of index fill tasks that can run concurrently on server startup.

Default: 4

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The lower this number, the lower the impact of the edge cache filling, but the longer it takes to complete.


Introduced in: v3.7.11

Type: uint64

The maximum number of parallel compactions jobs.

Default: 2


Type: uint32

The maximum number of concurrent sub-jobs for a background compaction.

Default: 2

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

The maximum total size of WAL files that force a flush of stale column families.

Default: 83886080

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

When reached, force a flush of all column families whose data is backed by the oldest WAL files. If you set this option to a low value, regular flushing of column family data from memtables is triggered, so that WAL files can be moved to the archive.

If you set this option to a high value, regular flushing is avoided but may prevent WAL files from being moved to the archive and being removed.


Type: uint64

The transaction size limit (in bytes).

Default: 18446744073709551615

Show details…

Transactions store all keys and values in RAM, so large transactions run the risk of causing out-of-memory situations. This setting allows you to ensure that it does not happen by limiting the size of any individual transaction. Transactions whose operations would consume more RAM than this threshold value are aborted automatically with error 32 (“resource limit exceeded”).


Type: uint64

The maximum number of write buffers that build up in memory (default: number of column families + 2 = 9 write buffers). You can only increase the number.

Default: 10

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If this number is reached before the buffers can be flushed, writes are slowed or stalled.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the definitions column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the documents column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the edge column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the fulltext column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the geo column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the primary column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the replicated-logs column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

If non-zero, overrides the value of --rocksdb.max-write-buffer-number for the vpack column family

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.7.3

Type: int64

The maximum size of immutable write buffers that build up in memory per column family. Larger values mean that more in-memory data can be used for transaction conflict checking (-1 = use automatic default value, 0 = do not keep immutable flushed write buffers, which is the default and usually correct).

Default: 0

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The default value 0 restores the memory usage pattern of version 3.6. This makes RocksDB not keep any flushed immutable write-buffers in memory.


Type: uint64

The minimum number of write buffers that are merged together before writing to storage.

Default: dynamic (e.g. 1)

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

The minimum number of free disk bytes for considering the server healthy in health checks (0 = disable the check).

Default: 16777216

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: double

The minimum percentage of free disk space for considering the server healthy in health checks (0 = disable the check).

Default: 0.01

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

The number of levels for the database in the LSM tree.

Default: 7

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: uint32

The number of threads for high priority operations (e.g. flush).

Default: 0

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The recommended value is to set this equal to max-background-flushes. The default value is number of processors / 2.


Type: uint32

The number of threads for low priority operations (e.g. compaction).

Default: 0

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The default value is number of processors / 2.


Type: uint64

The number of levels that do not use compression in the LSM tree.

Default: 2

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Levels above the default of 2 use Snappy compression to reduce the disk space requirements for storing data in these levels.


Type: boolean

Whether the implementation should optimize the filters mainly for cases where keys are found rather than also optimize for keys missed. You can enable the option if you know that there are very few misses or the performance in the case of misses is not important for your application.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The number of pending compaction bytes that triggers a write slowdown.

Default: 131072

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The number of pending compaction bytes that triggers a full write stop.

Default: 17179869184

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.9.3

Type: uint64

Time-to-live (in seconds) for periodic compaction of .sst files, based on the file age (0 = no periodic compaction).

Default: 2592000

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The default value from RocksDB is ~30 days. To avoid periodic auto-compaction and the I/O caused by it, you can set this option to 0.

Introduced in: v3.7.1

Type: boolean

If enabled and --rocksdb.cache-index-and-filter-blocks is also enabled, filter and index blocks are pinned and only evicted from cache when the table reader is freed.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Introduced in: v3.7.1

Type: boolean

If enabled and --rocksdb.cache-index-and-filter-blocks is also enabled, the top-level index of partitioned filter and index blocks are pinned and only evicted from cache when the table reader is freed

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Pre-populate block cache on flushes.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

If enabled, keep a pool of log files around for recycling.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Account for table building memory in block cache.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Account for table reader memory in block cache.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.6.8, v3.7.5

Type: uint64

The threshold for self-observation of WAL disk syncs (in milliseconds, 0 = no warnings). Any WAL disk sync longer ago than this threshold triggers a warning

Default: 5000

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

The interval for automatic, non-requested disk syncs (in milliseconds, 0 = turn automatic syncing off)

Default: 100

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Automatic synchronization of data from RocksDB’s write-ahead logs to disk is only performed for not-yet synchronized data, and only for operations that have been executed without the waitForSync attribute.


Type: uint64

The approximate size (in bytes) of the user data packed per block for uncompressed data.

Default: 16384

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Introduced in: v3.7.1

Type: uint64

Per-file target file size for compaction (in bytes). The actual target file size for each level is multiplied by ^ (level - 1)

Default: 67108864

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Introduced in: v3.7.1

Type: uint64

The multiplier for A value of 1 means that files in different levels will have the same size.

Default: 1

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Enable write-throttling.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If enabled, dynamically throttles the ingest rate of writes if necessary to reduce chances of compactions getting too far behind and blocking incoming writes.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The frequency for write-throttle calculations (in milliseconds).

Default: 1000

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If the throttling is enabled, it recalculates a new maximum ingestion rate with this frequency.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The lower bound for throttle's write bandwidth (in bytes per second).

Default: 10485760

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The maximum write rate enforced by throttle (in bytes per second, 0 = unlimited).

Default: 0

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The actual write rate established by the throttling is the minimum of this value and the value that the regular throttle calculation produces, i.e. this option can be used to set a fixed upper bound on the write rate.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The adaptiveness scaling factor for write-throttle calculations.

Default: 17

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

There is normally no need to change this value.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The number of historic metrics to use for throttle value calculation.

Default: 120

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If throttling is enabled, this parameter controls the number of previous intervals to use for throttle value calculation.


Introduced in: v3.8.5

Type: uint64

The number of level 0 files whose payload is not considered in throttle calculations when penalizing the presence of L0 files.

Default: 8

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

There is normally no need to change this value.

Type: uint64

The maximum total size of in-memory write buffers (0 = unbounded).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 26141061939)

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The total amount of data to build up in all in-memory buffers (backed by log files). You can use this option together with the block cache size configuration option to limit memory usage.

If set to 0, the memory usage is not limited.

If set to a value larger than 0, this caps memory usage for write buffers but may have an effect on performance. If there is more than 4 GiB of RAM in the system, the default value is (system RAM size - 2 GiB) * 0.5.

For systems with less RAM, the default values are:

  • 512 MiB for systems with between 1 and 4 GiB of RAM.
  • 256 MiB for systems with less than 1 GiB of RAM.


Introduced in: v3.9.2

Type: uint64

The number of lock stripes to use for transaction locks.

Default: 32

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

You can control the number of lock stripes to use for RocksDB’s transaction lock manager with this option. You can use higher values to reduce a potential contention in the lock manager.

The option defaults to the number of available cores, but is increased to a value of 16 if the number of cores is lower.


Type: int64

If positive, specifies the wait timeout in milliseconds when a transaction attempts to lock a document. A negative value is not recommended as it can lead to deadlocks (0 = no waiting, < 0 no timeout)

Default: 1000

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Use O_DIRECT for writing files for flush and compaction.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Use O_DIRECT for reading files.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Use a file-base logger for RocksDB's own logs.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If set to true, enables writing of RocksDB’s own informational log files into RocksDB’s database directory.

This option is turned off by default, but you can enable it for debugging RocksDB internals and performance.


Type: boolean

Whether to use fsync calls when writing to disk (set to false for issuing fdatasync calls only).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.9.3

Type: boolean

Enable range delete markers in the write-ahead log (WAL). Potentially incompatible with older arangosync versions.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on DB-Servers only.

Show details…

Controls whether the collection truncate operation in the cluster can use RangeDelete operations in RocksDB. Using RangeDeletes is fast and reduces the algorithmic complexity of the truncate operation to O(1), compared to O(n) for when this option is turned off (with n being the number of documents in the collection/shard).

Previous versions of ArangoDB used RangeDeletes only on a single server, but never in a cluster.

The default value for this option is true, and you should only change this value in case of emergency. This option is only honored in the cluster. Single server and Active Failover deployments do not use RangeDeletes regardless of the value of this option.

Note that it is not guaranteed that all truncate operations use a RangeDelete operation. For collections containing a low number of documents, the O(n) truncate method may still be used.


Type: uint64

The maximum total size (in bytes) of archived WAL files to keep on the leader (0 = unlimited).

Default: 0

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

A value of 0 does not restrict the size of the archive, so the leader removes archived WAL files when there are no replication clients needing them. Any non-zero value restricts the size of the WAL files archive to about the specified value and trigger WAL archive file deletion once the threshold is reached. You can use this to get rid of archived WAL files in a disk size-constrained environment.

Note: The value is only a threshold, so the archive may get bigger than the configured value until the background thread actually deletes files from the archive. Also note that deletion from the archive only kicks in after --rocksdb.wal-file-timeout-initial seconds have elapsed after server start.

Archived WAL files are normally deleted automatically after a short while when there is no follower attached that may read from the archive. However, in case when there are followers attached that may read from the archive, WAL files normally remain in the archive until their contents have been streamed to the followers. In case there are slow followers that cannot catch up, this causes a growth of the WAL files archive over time.

You can use the option to force a deletion of WAL files from the archive even if there are followers attached that may want to read the archive. In case the option is set and a leader deletes files from the archive that followers want to read, this aborts the replication on the followers. Followers can restart the replication doing a resync, however.


Type: string

Absolute path for RocksDB WAL files. If not set, a subdirectory journals inside the database directory is used.

Default: ""

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: double

The timeout after which unused WAL files are deleted (in seconds).

Default: 10

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Data of ongoing transactions is stored in RAM. Transactions that get too big (in terms of number of operations involved or the total size of data created or modified by the transaction) are committed automatically. Effectively, this means that big user transactions are split into multiple smaller RocksDB transactions that are committed individually. The entire user transaction does not necessarily have ACID properties in this case.


Type: double

The initial timeout (in seconds) after which unused WAL files deletion kicks in after server start.

Default: 60

Effective on DB-Servers and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If you decrease the value, the server starts the removal of obsolete WAL files earlier after server start. This is useful in testing environments that are space-restricted and do not require keeping much WAL file data at all.


Type: boolean

Skip corrupted records in WAL recovery.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.


Type: uint64

The amount of data to build up in memory before converting to a sorted on-disk file (0 = disabled).

Default: 67108864

Effective on DB-Servers, Agents, and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The amount of data to build up in each in-memory buffer (backed by a log file) before closing the buffer and queuing it to be flushed to standard storage. Larger values than the default may improve performance, especially for bulk loads.



Type: boolean

Allow to change the database in REST actions. Only needed internally for unit tests.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: boolean

Whether to use authentication for all client requests.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

You can set this option to false to turn off authentication on the server-side, so that all clients can execute any action without authorization and privilege checks. You should only do this if you bind the server to localhost to not expose it to the public internet


Type: boolean

Use HTTP authentication only for requests to /_api and /_admin endpoints.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

If you set this option to true, then HTTP authentication is only required for requests going to URLs starting with /_, but not for other endpoints. You can thus use this option to expose custom APIs of Foxx microservices without HTTP authentication to the outside world, but prevent unauthorized access of ArangoDB APIs and the admin interface.

Note that checking the URL is performed after any database name prefix has been removed. That means, if the request URL is /_db/_system/myapp/myaction, the URL /myapp/myaction is checked for the /_ prefix.

Authentication still needs to be enabled for the server via --server.authentication in order for HTTP authentication to be forced for the ArangoDB APIs and the web interface. Only setting --server.authentication-system-only is not enough.


Type: double

The timeout for the authentication cache (in seconds, 0 = indefinitely).

Default: 0

Show details…

This option is only necessary if you use an external authentication system like LDAP.


Type: boolean

Whether to use authentication for requests via UNIX domain sockets.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

If you set this option to false, authentication for requests coming in via UNIX domain sockets is turned off on the server-side. Clients located on the same host as the ArangoDB server can use UNIX domain sockets to connect to the server without authentication. Requests coming in by other means (e.g. TCP/IP) are not affected by this option.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint32

Cluster metrics polling timeout (in seconds).

Default: 0


Type: uint64

The minimum number of file descriptors needed to start (0 = no minimum)

Default: 8192


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: boolean

Allow requests to a limited set of APIs early during the server startup.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string…

Endpoint for client requests (e.g. http+tcp://, or vst+ssl://

Default: ["tcp://"]

Show details…

You can specify this option multiple times to let the ArangoDB server listen for incoming requests on multiple endpoints.

The endpoints are normally specified either in ArangoDB’s configuration file or on the command-line with --server.endpoint. ArangoDB supports different types of endpoints:

  • tcp://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4
  • tcp://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6
  • ssl://ipv4-address:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv4, SSL encryption
  • ssl://[ipv6-address]:port - TCP/IP endpoint, using IPv6, SSL encryption
  • unix:///path/to/socket - Unix domain socket endpoint

If a TCP/IP endpoint is specified without a port number, then the default port (8529) is used.

If you use SSL-encrypted endpoints, you must also supply the path to a server certificate using the --ssl.keyfile option.

arangod --server.endpoint tcp:// \
        --server.endpoint ssl:// \
        --ssl.keyfile server.pem /tmp/data-dir

2022-11-07T10:39:29Z [1] INFO [e52b0] {general} ArangoDB 3.10.0 [linux] 64bit, using jemalloc, build tags/v3.10.0-0-g207ec6937e4, VPack 0.1.36, RocksDB 7.2.0, ICU 64.2, V8 7.9.317, OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022
2022-11-07T10:39:29Z [1] INFO [75ddc] {general} detected operating system: Linux version 4.15.0-140-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-054) (gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)) #144-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 19 14:12:35 UTC 2021
2022-11-07T10:39:29Z [1] INFO [25362] {memory} Available physical memory: 67513589760 bytes, available cores: 32
2022-11-07T10:39:29Z [1] INFO [a1c60] {syscall} file-descriptors (nofiles) hard limit is 1048576, soft limit is 1048576
2022-11-07T10:39:29Z [1] INFO [3bb7d] {cluster} Starting up with role SINGLE
2022-11-07T10:39:29Z [1] INFO [f6e0e] {aql} memory limit per AQL query automatically set to 40508153856 bytes. to modify this value, please adjust the startup option `--query.memory-limit`
2022-11-07T10:39:30Z [1] INFO [fe333] {engines} RocksDB recovery starting, scanning WAL starting from sequence number 91, latest sequence number: 202, files in archive: 0
2022-11-07T10:39:30Z [1] INFO [a4ec8] {engines} RocksDB recovery finished, WAL entries scanned: 116, recovery start sequence number: 91, latest WAL sequence number: 202, max tick value found in WAL: 24, last HLC value found in WAL: 1748833470939922432
2022-11-07T10:39:30Z [1] INFO [c1b63] {arangosearch} ArangoSearch maintenance: [5..5] commit thread(s), [5..5] consolidation thread(s)
2022-11-07T10:39:30Z [1] INFO [6ea38] {general} using endpoint 'http+ssl://' for ssl-encrypted requests
2022-11-07T10:39:30Z [1] INFO [6ea38] {general} using endpoint 'http+tcp://' for non-encrypted requests
2022-11-07T10:39:31Z [1] INFO [cf3f4] {general} ArangoDB (version 3.10.0 [linux]) is ready for business. Have fun!

On one specific ethernet interface, each port can only be bound exactly once. You can look up your available interfaces using the ifconfig command on Linux / macOS, and ipconfig on Windows. The general names of the interfaces differ between operating systems and the hardware they run on. However, every host has typically a so called loopback interface, which is a virtual interface. By convention, it always has the address (IPv4) or ::1 (IPv6), and can only be reached from the very same host. Ethernet interfaces usually have names like eth0, wlan0, eth1:17, le0, or a plain text name in Windows.

To find out which services already use ports (so ArangoDB can’t bind them anymore), you can use the netstat command. It behaves a little different on each platform; run it with -lnpt on Linux, -p tcp on macOS, or with -an on Windows for valuable information.

ArangoDB can also do a so called broadcast bind using tcp:// This way, it is reachable on all interfaces of the host. This may be useful on development systems that frequently change their network setup, like laptops.

ArangoDB can also listen to IPv6 link-local addresses via adding the zone ID to the IPv6 address in the form [ipv6-link-local-address%zone-id]. However, what you probably want instead is to bind to a local IPv6 address. Local IPv6 addresses start with fd. If you only see a fe80: IPv6 address in your interface configuration but no IPv6 address starting with fd, your interface has no local IPv6 address assigned. You can read more about IPv6 link-local addresses here:

To bind to a link-local and local IPv6 address, run ifconfig or equivalent command. The command lists all interfaces and assigned IP addresses. The link-local address may be fe80::6257:18ff:fe82:3ec6%eth0 (IPv6 address plus interface name). A local IPv6 address may be fd12:3456::789a. To bind ArangoDB to it, start arangod with --server.endpoint tcp://[fe80::6257:18ff:fe82:3ec6%eth0]:8529. You can use telnet to test the connection.


Introduced in: v3.6.0

Type: boolean

Whether to enable the metrics API.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.7.7

Type: boolean

Whether to enable metrics for document reads and writes.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: string

Switch to this group ID after reading configuration files.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.5.0

Type: boolean

Lock down REST APIs that reveal version information or server internals for non-admin users.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false

Type: uint64

The number of threads used to handle I/O.

Default: dynamic (e.g. 8)


Deprecated in: v3.3.22, v3.4.2

Type: string

The secret to use when doing JWT authentication.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.7.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string

A folder containing one or more JWT secret files to use for JWT authentication.

Default: ""

Show details…

Files are sorted alphabetically, the first secret is used for signing + verifying JWT tokens (active secret), and all other secrets are only used to validate incoming JWT tokens (passive secrets). Only one secret needs to verify a JWT token for it to be accepted.

You can reload JWT secrets from disk without restarting the server or the nodes of a cluster deployment via the POST /_admin/server/jwt HTTP API endpoint. You can use this feature to roll out new JWT secrets throughout a cluster.


Type: string

A file containing the JWT secret to use when doing JWT authentication.

Default: ""

Show details…

ArangoDB uses JSON Web Tokens to authenticate requests. Using this option lets you specify a JWT secret stored in a file. The secret must be at most 64 bytes long.

Warning: Avoid whitespace characters in the secret because they may get trimmed, leading to authentication problems:

  • Character Tabulation (\t, U+0009)
  • End of Line (\n, U+000A)
  • Line Tabulation (\v, U+000B)
  • Form Feed (\f, U+000C)
  • Carriage Return (\r, U+000D)
  • Space (U+0020)
  • Next Line (U+0085)
  • No-Nreak Space (U+00A0)

In single server setups, ArangoDB generates a secret if none is specified.

In cluster deployments which have authentication enabled, a secret must be set consistently across all cluster nodes so they can talk to each other.

ArangoDB also supports an --server.jwt-secret option to pass the secret directly (without a file). However, this is discouraged for security reasons.

You can reload JWT secrets from disk without restarting the server or the nodes of a cluster deployment via the POST /_admin/server/jwt HTTP API endpoint. You can use this feature to roll out new JWT secrets throughout a cluster.


Type: boolean

Whether to use ArangoDB's built-in authentication system.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

If you set this option to false, only an external authentication system like LDAP is used. If set to true, also use the built-in system which uses the _users system collection.


Type: int32

The minimum number of seconds finished actions block duplicates.

Default: 2

Effective on DB-Servers only.


Type: int32

The minimum number of seconds finished actions remain in the deque.

Default: 3600

Effective on DB-Servers only.


Introduced in: v3.8.3

Type: uint32

The maximum number of threads available for slow maintenance actions (long SynchronizeShard and long EnsureIndex).

Default: dynamic (e.g. 4)

Effective on DB-Servers only.


Type: uint32

The maximum number of threads available for maintenance actions.

Default: dynamic (e.g. 9)

Effective on DB-Servers only.


Type: uint64

The size of the priority 3 FIFO.

Default: 4096

Show details…

You can specify the maximum size of the queue for asynchronous task execution. If the queue already contains this many tasks, new tasks are rejected until other tasks are popped from the queue. Setting this value may help preventing an instance from being overloaded or from running out of memory if the queue is filled up faster than the server can process requests.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of request handling threads to run (0 = use system-specific default of 64)

Default: dynamic (e.g. 0)

Show details…

This option determines the maximum number of request processing threads the server is allowed to start for request handling. If this number of threads is already running, arangod does not start further threads for request handling. The default value is max(32, 2 * available cores), so twice the number of CPU cores, but at least 32 threads.

The actual number of request processing threads is adjusted dynamically at runtime and is between --server.minimal-threads and --server.maximal-threads.


Type: uint64

The minimum number of request handling threads to run.

Default: 4

Show details…

This option determines the minimum number of request processing threads the server starts and always keeps around.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: double

Controls the number of low priority requests that can be ongoing at a given point in time, relative to the maximum number of request handling threads.

Default: 4

Show details…

There are some countermeasures built into Coordinators to prevent a cluster from being overwhelmed by too many concurrently executing requests.

If a request is executed on a Coordinator but needs to wait for some operation on a DB-Server, the operating system thread executing the request can often postpone execution on the Coordinator, put the request to one side and do something else in the meantime. When the response from the DB-Server arrives, another worker thread continues the work. This is a form of asynchronous implementation, which is great to achieve better thread utilization and enhance throughput.

On the other hand, this runs the risk that work is started on new requests faster than old ones can be finished off. Before version 3.8, this could overwhelm the cluster over time, and lead to out-of-memory situations and other unwanted side effects. For example, it could lead to excessive latency for individual requests.

There is a limit as to how many requests coming from the low priority queue (most client requests are of this type), can be executed concurrently. The default value for this is 4 times as many as there are scheduler threads (see --server.minimal-threads and --server.maximal-threads), which is good for most workloads. Requests in excess of this are not started but remain on the scheduler’s input queue (see --server.maximal-queue-size).

Very occasionally, 4 is already too much. You would notice this if the latency for individual requests is already too high because the system tries to execute too many of them at the same time (for example, if they fight for resources).

On the other hand, in rare cases it is possible that throughput can be improved by increasing the value, if latency is not a big issue and all requests essentially spend their time waiting, so that a high concurrency is acceptable. This increases memory usage, though.


Type: uint64

The size of the priority 1 FIFO.

Default: 4096


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: uint64

The size of the priority 2 FIFO.

Default: 4096

Type: boolean

Start a REST server.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Type: uint64

The number of simultaneously queued requests inside the scheduler.

Default: 4096


Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: double

The lifetime for tokens (in seconds) that can be obtained from the POST /_open/auth endpoint. Used by the web interface for JWT-based sessions.

Default: 3600

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

The web interface uses JWT for authentication. However, the session are renewed automatically as long as you regularly interact with the web interface in your browser. You are not logged out while actively using it.


Type: boolean

Whether to enable statistics gathering and statistics APIs.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

If you set this option to false, then ArangoDB’s statistics gathering is turned off. Statistics gathering causes regular background CPU activity, memory usage, and writes to the storage engine, so using this option to turn statistics off might relieve heavily-loaded instances a bit.

A side effect of setting this option to false is that no statistics are shown in the dashboard of ArangoDB’s web interface, and that the REST API for server statistics at /_admin/statistics returns HTTP 404.


Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: boolean

Provide cluster statistics in the web interface for all databases.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators only.


Introduced in: v3.4.9, v3.5.1

Type: boolean

Whether to store statistics in the database.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: dynamic (e.g. true)

Show details…

If you set this option to false, then ArangoDB’s statistics gathering is turned off. Statistics gathering causes regular background CPU activity, memory usage, and writes to the storage engine, so using this option to turn statistics off might relieve heavily-loaded instances a bit.

If set to false, no statistics are shown in the dashboard of ArangoDB’s web interface, but the current statistics are available and can be queried using the REST API for server statistics at /_admin/statistics. This is less intrusive than setting the --server.statistics option to false.

Type: string

The storage engine type (note that the MMFiles engine is unavailable since v3.7.0 and cannot be used anymore).

Default: "auto"

Possible values: “auto”, “rocksdb”

Show details…

ArangoDB’s storage engine is based on RocksDB, see It is the only available engine from ArangoDB v3.7 onwards.

The storage engine type needs to be the same for an entire deployment. Live switching of storage engines on already installed systems isn’t supported. Configuring the wrong engine (not matching the previously used one) results in the server refusing to start. You may use auto to let ArangoDB choose the previously used one.

Introduced in: v3.9.0

Type: string

The policy for exposing the support info API.

Default: "admin"

Possible values: “admin”, “disabled”, “jwt”, “public”


Type: string

Switch to this user ID after reading configuration files.

Default: ""


Introduced in: v3.6.10, v3.7.6

Type: double

The queue fill grade from which onwards the server is considered unavailable because of an overload (ratio, 0 = disable)

Default: 0.75

Show details…

You can use this option to set a high-watermark for the scheduler’s queue fill grade, from which onwards the server starts reporting unavailability via its availability API.

This option has a consequence for the /_admin/server/availability REST API only, which is often called by load-balancers and other availability probing systems.

The /_admin/server/availability REST API returns HTTP 200 if the fill grade of the scheduler’s queue is below the configured value, or HTTP 503 if the fill grade is equal to or above it. This can be used to flag a server as unavailable in case it is already highly loaded.

The default value for this option is 0.75 since version 3.8, i.e. 75%.

To prevent sending more traffic to an already overloaded server, it can be sensible to reduce the default value to even 0.5. This would mean that instances with a queue longer than 50% of their maximum queue capacity would return HTTP 503 instead of HTTP 200 when their availability API is probed.


Introduced in: v3.7.0

Type: boolean

Perform UTF-8 string validation for incoming JSON and VelocyPack data.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true



Type: string

The CA file used for secure connections.

Default: ""

Show details…

You can use this option to specify a file with CA certificates that are sent to the client whenever the server requests a client certificate. If you specify a file, the server only accepts client requests with certificates issued by these CAs. Do not specify this option if you want clients to be able to connect without specific certificates.

The certificates in the file must be PEM-formatted.


Type: string

The SSL ciphers to use. See the OpenSSL documentation.


Show details…

You can use this option to restrict the server to certain SSL ciphers only, and to define the relative usage preference of SSL ciphers.

The format of the option’s value is documented in the OpenSSL documentation.

To check which ciphers are available on your platform, you may use the following shell command:

> openssl ciphers -v

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA    SSLv3 Kx=ECDH     Au=RSA  Enc=AES(256)  Mac=SHA1
DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA      SSLv3 Kx=DH       Au=RSA  Enc=AES(256)  Mac=SHA1
DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA      SSLv3 Kx=DH       Au=DSS  Enc=AES(256)  Mac=SHA1
DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH       Au=RSA  Enc=Camellia(256)


Type: string

The SSL ECDH curve, see the output of "openssl ecparam -list_curves".

Default: "prime256v1"


Type: string

The keyfile used for secure connections.

Default: ""

Show details…

If you use SSL-encryption by binding the server to an SSL endpoint (e.g. --server.endpoint ssl://, you must use this option to specify the filename of the server’s private key. The file must be PEM-formatted and contain both, the certificate and the server’s private key.

You can generate a keyfile using OpenSSL as follows:

# create private key in file "server.key"
openssl genpkey -out server.key -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -aes-128-cbc

# create certificate signing request (csr) in file "server.csr"
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

# copy away original private key to ""
cp server.key

# remove passphrase from the private key
openssl rsa -in -out server.key

# sign the csr with the key, creates certificate PEM file "server.crt"
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

# combine certificate and key into single PEM file "server.pem"
cat server.crt server.key > server.pem

You may use certificates issued by a Certificate Authority or self-signed certificates. Self-signed certificates can be created by a tool of your choice. When using OpenSSL for creating the self-signed certificate, the following commands should create a valid keyfile:


(base64 encoded certificate)


(base64 encoded private key)


For further information please check the manuals of the tools you use to create the certificate.


Type: uint64

The SSL connection options. See the OpenSSL documentation.

Default: 2147485780

Show details…

You can use this option to set various SSL-related options. Individual option values must be combined using bitwise OR.

Which options are available on your platform is determined by the OpenSSL version you use. The list of options available on your platform might be retrieved by the following shell command:

 > grep "#define SSL_OP_.*" /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h

 #define SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG                    0x00000001L
 #define SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG                   0x00000002L
 #define SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT                    0x00000004L
 #define SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG         0x00000008L
 #define SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG              0x00000010L
 #define SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER               0x00000020L

A description of the options can be found online in the OpenSSL documentation:


Type: boolean

Allows to let the server prefer HTTP/1.1 over HTTP/2 in ALPN protocol negotiations

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Type: uint64

The SSL protocol (1 = SSLv2 (unsupported), 2 = SSLv2 or SSLv3 (negotiated), 3 = SSLv3, 4 = TLSv1, 5 = TLSv1.2, 6 = TLSv1.3, 9 = generic TLS (negotiated))

Default: 9

Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

Show details…

Use this option to specify the default encryption protocol to be used. The default value is 9 (generic TLS), which allows the negotiation of the TLS version between the client and the server, dynamically choosing the highest mutually supported version of TLS.

Note that SSLv2 is unsupported as of version 3.4, because of the inherent security vulnerabilities in this protocol. Selecting SSLv2 as protocol aborts the startup.


Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Require a peer certificate from the client before connecting.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.7.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: string…

Use a different server keyfile and certificate if the client indicates a specific server name. Format: SERVERNAME=KEYFILENAME

Default: []

Show details…

Sometimes, it is desirable to have the same server use different server keys and certificates when it is contacted under different names. This is what the TLS “server name” extension is for. See for details. for details). With this extension, the client can choose a server name, and the server can, using this information during the TLS handshake, use different server keys and certificate chains.

You can specify the option multiple times. Each value must be a string in the format SERVERNAME=KEYFILENAME. Replace SERVERNAME by a server name and KEYFILENAME by the file name of the key file to be used for that server name.

The format of the keyfile is identical to the one used for the --ssl.keyfile option. The keyfile used by default is the one in the --ssl.keyfile option, and only if there is an exact match between one server name given with --ssl.server-name-indication and the one in the handshake, the server switches to the alternative keyfile.


Type: boolean

Enable the session cache for connections.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false



Type: uint64

Specify the size of the backlog for the listen system call.

Default: 64

Show details…

The maximum value is platform-dependent. If you specify a value higher than defined in the system header’s SOMAXCONN may result in a warning on server start. The actual value used by listen may also be silently truncated on some platforms (this happens inside the listen system call).


Type: boolean

Try to reuse TCP port(s).

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Show details…

If you set this option to true, the socket option SO_REUSEADDR is set on all server endpoints, which is the default. If you set this option to false, it is possible that it takes up to a minute after a server has terminated until it is possible for a new server to use the same endpoint again.

Note: Under some operating systems, this can be a security risk because it might be possible for another process to bind to the same address and port, possibly hijacking network traffic. Under Windows, ArangoDB additionally sets the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE flag as a measure to alleviate this problem.



Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint64

The maximum capacity (in bytes) to use for ephemeral, intermediate results on disk (0 = unlimited).

Default: 0


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Encrypt ephemeral, intermediate results on disk.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: false


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Enterprise Edition only

Type: boolean

Use Intel intrinsics-based encryption, requiring a CPU with the AES-NI instruction set. If turned off, then OpenSSL is used, which may use hardware-accelerated encryption, too.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: string

The path for storing ephemeral, intermediate results on disk (empty = not used).

Default: ""

Show details…

Queries can store intermediate and final results temporarily on disk if a specified threshold is exceeded, to decrease the memory usage. Specify a path to a directory for the temporary data to activate the spillover feature. The directory must not be located underneath the instance’s database directory.

The threshold value to start spilling data onto disk is either a number of rows produced by a query or an amount of memory used in bytes, which you can set as query options (spillOverThresholdNumRows and spillOverThresholdMemoryUsage).

Note: This feature is experimental and is turned off by default. Also, the query results are still built up entirely in memory on Coordinators and single servers for non-streaming queries. To avoid the buildup of the entire query result in RAM, use a streaming query.


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint64

The memory usage threshold (in bytes) after which a spillover from RAM to disk happens for intermediate results (threshold per query executor).

Default: 134217728


Introduced in: v3.10.0

Type: uint64

The number of result rows after which a spillover from RAM to disk happens for intermediate results (threshold per query executor).

Default: 5000000


Type: string

The path for temporary files.

Default: ""

Show details…

ArangoDB uses the path for storing temporary files, for extracting data from uploaded zip files (e.g. for Foxx services), and other things.

Ideally, the temporary path is set to an instance-specific subdirectory of the operating system’s temporary directory. To avoid data loss, the temporary path should not overlap with any directories that contain important data, for example, the instance’s database directory.

If you set the temporary path to the same directory as the instance’s database directory, a startup error is logged and the startup is aborted.



Introduced in: v3.8.0

Type: double

The idle timeout (in seconds) for Stream Transactions.

Default: 60

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.

Show details…

Stream Transactions automatically expire after this period when no further operations are posted into them. Posting an operation into a non-expired Stream Transaction resets the transaction’s timeout to the configured idle timeout.


Introduced in: v3.6.5, v3.7.1

Type: double

The lock timeout (in seconds) in case of parallel access to the same Stream Transaction.

Default: 8



Type: uint64

The frequency (in milliseconds) for the TTL background thread invocation (0 = turn the TTL background thread off entirely).

Default: 30000

Show details…

The lower this value, the more frequently the TTL background thread kicks in and scans all available TTL indexes for expired documents, and the earlier the expired documents are actually removed.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of documents to remove per collection in each invocation of the TTL thread.

Default: 1000000

Show details…

You can configure this value separately from the total removal amount so that the per-collection time window for locking and potential write-write conflicts can be reduced.


Type: uint64

The maximum number of documents to remove per invocation of the TTL thread.

Default: 1000000

Show details…

In order to avoid “random” load spikes by the background thread suddenly kicking in and removing a lot of documents at once, you can cap the number of to-be-removed documents per thread invocation.

The TTL background thread goes back to sleep once it has removed the configured number of documents in one iteration. If more candidate documents are left for removal, they are removed in subsequent runs of the background thread.

Web Interface


Type: boolean

Enable proxy request checking.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: string…

The list of proxies to trust (can be IP or network). Make sure --web-interface.proxy-request-check is enabled.

Default: []

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.


Type: boolean

Alert the user if new versions are available.

This option can be specified without a value to enable it.

Default: true

Effective on Coordinators and Single Servers only.