Installing ArangoDB on macOS

You can use ArangoDB on macOS in different ways:

Starting from version 3.10.0, ArangoDB has native support for the ARM architecture and can run on Apple silicon (e.g. M1 chips).

Running production environments on macOS is not supported.


The recommended way of using ArangoDB on macOS is to use the ArangoDB Docker images with, for instance, Docker Desktop.

See the documentation on Docker Hub, as well as the Deployments section about different deployment modes and methods including Docker containers.

Package Installation

ArangoDB provide a command-line app called ArangoDB-CLI.

Visit the official Download page of the ArangoDB website and download the DMG Package for macOS.

You may verify the download by comparing the SHA256 hash listed on the website to the hash of the file. For example, you can you run openssl sha256 <filename> or shasum -a 256 <filename> in a terminal. You may also run codesign --verify --verbose <filename> to validate the notarization of an executable.

You can install the application in your application folder.

Starting the application starts the server and opens a terminal window showing you the log-file.

ArangoDB server has been started

The database directory is located at

The log file is located at

You can access the server using a browser at ''
or start the ArangoDB shell

Switching to log-file now, killing this windows will NOT stop the server.

2022-10-21T09:37:01Z [13373] INFO ArangoDB (version 3.9.3 [darwin]) is ready for business. Have fun!

Installing using the archive

  1. Visit the official Download page of the ArangoDB website and download the tar.gz archive for macOS.

  2. You may verify the download by comparing the SHA256 hash listed on the website to the hash of the file. For example, you can you run openssl sha256 <filename> or shasum -a 256 <filename> in a terminal.

  3. Extract the archive by double-clicking the file.