
To install ArangoDB, as first step, please download a package for your operating system from the official Download page of the ArangoDB web site.

You can find packages for various operating systems, including RPM and Debian packages for Linux, and dmg packages for macOS. tar.gz archives are available for both. For Windows, Installers and zip archives are available.

You can also use the official Docker images to run ArangoDB in containers on Linux, macOS, and Windows. For more information, see the Docker section.

If you prefer to compile ArangoDB from source, please refer to the Compiling Section.

For detailed information on how to deploy ArangoDB, once it has been installed, please refer to the Deployment chapter.

Supported platforms and architectures

Work with ArangoDB on Linux, macOS, and Windows, and run it in production on Linux.

ArangoDB requires systems with Little Endian byte order.

ArangoGraph Insights Platform is a fully-managed service and requires no installation. It’s the easiest way to run ArangoDB in the cloud.


ArangoDB is available for the following architectures:

  • x86-64: The processor(s) must support the x86-64 architecture with the SSE 4.2 and AVX instruction set extensions (Intel Sandy Bridge or better, AMD Bulldozer or better, etc.).
  • ARM: The processor(s) must be 64-bit ARM chips (AArch64). The minimum requirement is ARMv8 with Neon (SIMD extension).


ArangoDB is available for the following architectures:

  • x86-64: The processor(s) must support the x86-64 architecture with the SSE 4.2 and AVX instruction set extensions (Intel Sandy Bridge or better, AMD Bulldozer or better, etc.).
  • ARM: The processor(s) must be 64-bit Apple silicon (M1 or later) based on ARM (AArch64).


ArangoDB is available for the following architectures:

  • x86-64: The processor(s) must support the x86-64 architecture with the SSE 4.2 and AVX instruction set extensions (Intel Sandy Bridge or better, AMD Bulldozer or better, etc.).