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Version: 2.7.0

Utility query module

Built-in utility query module (mg) contains procedures that enable you to manage query modules files.

General procedures

Here is the list of procedures from the mg query module that can be used with all other query module files and their signatures:

mg.procedures() -> (name|STRING, signature|STRING)Lists loaded procedures and their signatures.
mg.load(module_name|STRING) -> ()Loads or reloads the given module.
mg.load_all() -> ()Loads or reloads all modules.


Lists loaded procedures and their signatures.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.procedures() YIELD *;

Example of a result:

| is_editable | name | path | signature |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
| true | | "/path/to/module" | :: (name :: STRING, value :: STRING) |
| false | mg.load | "builtin" | mg.load(module_name :: STRING) :: () |
| false | mg.load_all | "builtin" | mg.load_all() :: () |
| false | mg.procedures | "builtin" | mg.procedures() :: (name :: STRING, signature :: STRING, is_write :: BOOLEAN, path :: STRING, is_editable :: BOOLEAN) |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |


Loads or reloads all modules.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.load_all();

If the response is Empty set (x.x sec) and there are no error messages, the update was successful.


Loads or reloads the given module.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.load("py_example");

If the response is Empty set (x.x sec) and there are no error messages, the update was successful.

Upon loading the module, all dependent Python's submodules that are imported will be reloaded too. To support this functionality Memgraph parses module's code into Abstract Syntax Tree and then determines which modules are being imported. For example, let's say that you have a following query_modules_directory structure:

- query_modules/
- python/
- mage/
- module1/
- module2/
- cpp/
- module3.cpp
- module4.cpp

By calling:

CALL mg.load("module1");

Memgraph will reload, all its imported Python packages and it will conclude that there is a subdirectory module1 which contains Python utility files for and it will reload them too. Note, that if module1 directory contains some subdirectories, they will also get reloaded. By reloading, it is assumed clearing from the sys cache and deleting compiled code from the __pycache__. The repository which contains subdirectories can be organized in a different way too, so e.g. module1/ and module2/ folders can be placed directly in the python/ folder.

Procedures for .py query modules

Memgraph includes several built-in procedures for editing and inspecting Python module files.

Below is a list of the procedures, their signatures, description and required privilege.
Privileges can be assigned only in the enterprise edition of Memgraph.
Click on a procedure to see an example of a Cypher query and possible result.

ProcedureDescriptionRequired privilege
mg.get_module_files() -> (is_editable|STRING, path|STRING)Returns the value of a is_editable flag and the absolute path of each Python query module file in all the query module directories.MODULE_READ
mg.get_module_file(path|STRING) -> (path|STRING)Returns the content of a file located at the absolute path in one of the query module directories.MODULE_READ
mg.create_module_file(filename|STRING, content|STRING) -> (path|STRING)Creates a filename Python module with content inside the internal query module directory (/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules) and returns the path to the newly created file. The flag is_editable should be set to true if the module is located in the internal query module directory.
The filename can consist of multiple nested directories (e.g. subdir1/subdir2/ which will create all the necessary subdirectories. After successful creation, all the modules are reloaded.
mg.update_module_file(path|STRING, content|STRING)Updates a Python module file at an absolute path in one of the query module directories with content and reloads all the modules. You can only change the files with is_editable flag set to true.MODULE_WRITE
mg.delete_module_file(path|STRING)Deletes a Python module file at an absolute path in one of the query module directories and reloads all the modules. You can only delete the files with is_editable flag set to true.MODULE_WRITE


Returns the value of an is_editable flag and the absolute path of each Python query module file in all the query module directories.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.get_module_files() YIELD *;

Example of a result:

| is_editable | path |
| false | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/" |
| false | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/" |
| false | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/" |
| false | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/" |
| false | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/" |
| true | "/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules/" |


Returns the content of a file located at the absolute path in one of the query module directories.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.get_module_file("/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/") YIELD *;


Creates a filename Python module with content inside the internal query module directory (/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules) and returns the path to the newly created file. The flag is_editable should be true if the module is located in the internal query module directory. The filename can consist of multiple nested directories (e.g., subdir1/subdir2/ and all the necessary subdirectories will be created. After successful creation, all the modules are reloaded.

Examples of a Cypher query:

  1. Without defining the absolute path:

    CALL mg.create_module_file("", "Start of my query module.") YIELD *;


    | path |
    | "/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules/" |
  2. With absolute path:

    CALL mg.create_module_file("my_modules/", "Start of my query module.") YIELD *;


    | path |
    | "/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules/my_modules/" |


Updates a Python module file at an absolute path in one of the query module directories with content. You can only change the files with is_editable flag set to true.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.update_module_file("/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules/", "Start of my query module. Another line.");

If the response is Empty set (x.x sec) and there are no error messages, the update was successful.


Deletes a Python module file at an absolute path in one of the query module directories and reloads all the modules. You can only delete the files with is_editable flag set to true.

Example of a Cypher query:

CALL mg.delete_module_file("/var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules/");

If the response is Empty set (x.x sec) and there are no error messages, the update was successful.