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Version: 2.5.2


If you define an application with Docker Compose, you can use that definition to run the application in CI, staging, or production environments. Here you can find docker-compose.yml files necessary to run Memgraph Platform, Memgraph MAGE and Memgraph images.

Related - How-to

Docker Compose for Memgraph Platform image

The Memgraph Platform image contains:

  • MemgraphDB - the database that holds your data
  • Memgraph Lab - visual user interface for running queries and visualizing graph data
  • mgconsole - command-line interface for running queries
  • MAGE - graph algorithms and modules library
version: "3"
image: "memgraph/memgraph-platform"
- "7687:7687"
- "3000:3000"
- "7444:7444"
- mg_lib:/var/lib/memgraph
- mg_log:/var/log/memgraph
- mg_etc:/etc/memgraph
- MEMGRAPH="--log-level=TRACE"
entrypoint: ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]

The port 7687 is used for communication with Memgraph via Bolt protocol. The port 3000 is exposed because Memgraph Lab will be running on localhost:3000, while the port 7444 is there so that you can see logs from Memgraph inside Memgraph Lab. We specified three useful volumes:

  • mg_lib - directory containing data that enables data persistency
  • mg_log - directory containing log files
  • mg_etc - directory containing the configuration file

The exact location of the local directories depends on your specific setup.

Configuration settings can be changed by setting the value of the MEMGRAPH environment variable. In the above example, you can see how to set --log-level to TRACE. Since Memgraph Platform is not a single service, the process manager supervisord is used as the main running process in the entrypoint. The MAGE library is included in this image, so you can use the available graph algorithms.

Docker Compose for Memgraph MAGE image

The Memgraph MAGE image contains:

  • MemgraphDB - the database that holds your data
  • MAGE - graph algorithms and modules library
version: "3"
image: "memgraph/memgraph-mage"
- mg_lib:/var/lib/memgraph
- mg_log:/var/log/memgraph
- mg_etc:/etc/memgraph
- "7687:7687"
- "7444:7444"
entrypoint: ["/usr/lib/memgraph/memgraph", "--log-level=TRACE"]

The port 7687 is used for communication with Memgraph via Bolt protocol, while the port 7444 is there so that you can see logs from Memgraph inside the Memgraph Lab application. We specified three useful volumes:

  • mg_lib - directory containing data that enables data persistency
  • mg_log - directory containing log files
  • mg_etc - directory containing the configuration file

The exact location of the local directories depends on your specific setup.

Configuration settings can be changed by adding the entrypoint. You first need to add /usr/lib/memgraph/memgraph and then the configuration setting you'd like to change. In the above example, you can see how to set --log-level to TRACE. Since the MAGE library is included in this image, you can use the available graph algorithms.

Docker Compose for Memgraph image

The Memgraph image contains MemgraphDB - the database that holds your data.

version: "3"
image: "memgraph/memgraph"
- "7687:7687"
- "7444:7444"
- mg_lib:/var/lib/memgraph
- mg_log:/var/log/memgraph
- mg_etc:/etc/memgraph
entrypoint: ["/usr/lib/memgraph/memgraph", "--log-level=TRACE"]

The port 7687 is used for communication with Memgraph via Bolt protocol, while the port 7444 is there so that you can see logs from Memgraph inside the Memgraph Lab application. We specified three useful volumes:

  • mg_lib - directory containing data that enables data persistency
  • mg_log - directory containing log files
  • mg_etc - directory containing the configuration file

The exact location of the local directories depends on your specific setup.

Configuration settings can be changed by adding the entrypoint. You first need to add /usr/lib/memgraph/memgraph and then the configuration setting you'd like to change. In the above example, you can see how to set --log-level to TRACE. Since this image doesn't have the MAGE library included, you won't be able to use graph algorithms.

Want to see applications built with Memgraph and Docker Compose? Check out Memgraph's Github repositories.