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Graph Style Script @NodeStyle directive properties


Here is the list of all properties that can be defined in the @NodeStyle directive, along with their expected types.

border-color: Color

Sets a border color.


  • border-color: #FF0000 sets the border color to red.
  • border-color: limegreen sets the border color to lime green.

border-color-hover: Color

Sets a border color that is applied on mouse hover event.


  • border-color-hover: #FF0000 sets the border color to red on mouse hover event.
  • border-color-hover: limegreen sets the border color to lime green on mouse hover event.

border-color-selected: Color

Sets a border color that is applied on mouse select event.


  • border-color-selected: #FF0000 sets the border color to red on mouse select event.
  • border-color-selected: limegreen sets the border color to lime green on mouse select event.

border-width: Number

Sets the border width.


  • border-width: 2 sets the border width to 2 pixels.

border-width-selected: Number

Sets the border width that is applied on mouse select event.


  • border-width-selected: 10 sets the border width to 10 pixels on mouse select event.

color: Color

Sets the background color of an element.


  • color: #FF0000 sets the background color of the element to red.
  • color: limegreen sets the background color of the element to lime green.

color-hover: Color

Sets the background color of an element on mouse hover event.


  • color-hover: #FF0000 sets the background color of the element to red on mouse hover event.
  • color-hover: limegreen sets the background color of the element to lime green on mouse hover event.

color-selected: Color

Sets the background color of an element on mouse select event.


  • color-selected: #FF0000 sets the background color of the element to red on mouse select event.
  • color-selected:limegreen sets the background color of the element to lime green on mouse select event.

font-background-color: Color

Sets the background color of the element's label (text). Text can be defined with property label.


  • font-background-color: #FF0000 sets the text background color to red.
  • font-background-color: limegreen sets the text background color to lime green.

font-color: Color

Sets the color of the element's label (text). Text can be defined with property label.


  • font-color: #FF0000 sets the text color to red.
  • font-color: limegreen sets the text color to lime green.

font-family: String

Sets a font family for the element's label (text). Text can be defined with property label.


  • font-family: "sans-serif" sets the text family font to sans-serif.
  • font-family: "cursive" sets the text family font to cursive.

font-size: Number

Sets the size of the element's text. Text can be defined with property label.


  • font-size: 10 sets the size of the font to 10 pixels.

image-url: String

Sets the element's background to be an image from the image URL. Supported format are png, jpeg, gif (static, not dynamic), webp or base 64 encoded image using inline data:image/png;base64.

It will override the value defined with the property color.


  • image-url: "" sets the element's background to be an image of the Memgraph logo.
  • image-url: Property(node, "profile_image") sets the element's background to be an image from the URL that is fetched from the node property "profile_image".

image-url-selected: String

Sets the element's background to be an image from the image URL on mouse select event. Supported format are png, jpeg, gif (static, not dynamic), webp or base 64 encoded image using inline data:image/png;base64. It will override the value defined with the property color-selected.


  • image-url-selected: "" sets the element's background to be an image of the Memgraph logo.

Check property image-url for more details and examples.

label: String

Sets the element's text label. The text is shown below the element (node or relationship).


  • label: "Text" sets the text "Text" as a label for every single element.
  • label: Property(node, "name") sets the text for the element's label dynamically by using the node property "name".

shadow-color: Color

Sets the color for the element's shadow.


  • shadow-color: #FF0000 sets the shadow color to red.
  • shadow-color: limegreen sets the shadow color to lime green.

shadow-size: Number

Sets the blur size of the element's shadow. If the value is 0, the shadow will be a solid color defined by the property shadow-color.


  • shadow-size: 5 indicates that the shadow will be diffused across 5 pixels.

shadow-offset-x: Number

Sets the horizontal offset of the element's shadow. A positive value puts the shadow on the right side of the element, a negative value puts the shadow on the left side of the element.


  • shadow-offset-x: 0 indicates that the shadow is exactly behind the element.
  • shadow-offset-x: 20 indicates that the shadow starts 20 pixels to the right.

shadow-offset-y: Number

Sets the vertical offset of the element's shadow. A positive value puts the shadow below the element, a negative value puts the shadow above the element.


  • shadow-offset-y: 0 indicates that the shadow is exactly behind the element.
  • shadow-offset-y: 20 indicates that the shadow starts 20 pixels below the element position.

shape: String

Sets the shape of the element. The default shape for the node is "dot". Possible values are: "dot", "square", "diamond", "triangle", "triangleDown", "star"


  • shape: "square" indicates that the shape of the element will be a square.

size: Number

Sets the size of the element.


  • size: 10 indicates that the radius of the element will be 10 pixels.