API Changes in ArangoDB 3.10

This document summarizes the HTTP API changes and other API changes in ArangoDB 3.10. The target audience for this document are developers who maintain drivers and integrations for ArangoDB 3.10.


Behavior changes

Early connections

The HTTP interface of arangod instances can now optionally be started earlier during the startup process, so that ping probes from monitoring tools can already be responded to when the instance has not fully started.

By default, the HTTP interface is opened at the same point during the startup sequence as in previous versions, but it can optionally be opened earlier by setting the new --server.early-connections startup option to true.

The following APIs can reply early with an HTTP 200 status:

  • GET /_api/version and GET /_admin/version: These APIs return the server version number, but can also be used as a lifeliness probe, to check if the instance is responding to incoming HTTP requests.
  • GET /_admin/status: This API returns information about the instance’s status, now also including recovery progress and information about which server feature is currently starting.

See Respond to liveliness probes for more details.

Validation of collections in named graphs

The /_api/gharial endpoints for named graphs have changed:

  • If you reference a vertex collection in the _from or _to attribute of an edge that doesn’t belong to the graph, an error with the number 1947 is returned. The HTTP status code of such an ERROR_GRAPH_REFERENCED_VERTEX_COLLECTION_NOT_USED error has been changed from 400 to 404. This change aligns the behavior to the similar ERROR_GRAPH_EDGE_COLLECTION_NOT_USED error (number 1930).

  • Write operations now check if the specified vertex or edge collection is part of the graph definition. If you try to create a vertex via POST /_api/gharial/{graph}/vertex/{collection} but the collection doesn’t belong to the graph, then the ERROR_GRAPH_REFERENCED_VERTEX_COLLECTION_NOT_USED error is returned. If you try to create an edge via POST /_api/gharial/{graph}/edge/{collection} but the collection doesn’t belong to the graph, then the error is ERROR_GRAPH_EDGE_COLLECTION_NOT_USED.

Disabled Foxx APIs

Introduced in: v3.10.5

A --foxx.enable startup option has been added to arangod. It defaults to true. If the option is set to false, access to Foxx services is forbidden and is responded with an HTTP 403 Forbidden error. Access to the management APIs for Foxx services are also disabled as if --foxx.api false is set manually.

Endpoint return value changes

  • Since ArangoDB 3.8, there have been two APIs for retrieving the metrics in two different formats: /_admin/metrics and /_admin/metrics/v2. The metrics API v1 (/_admin/metrics) was deprecated in 3.8 and the usage of /_admin/metrics/v2 was encouraged.

    In ArangoDB 3.10, /_admin/metrics and /_admin/metrics/v2 now behave identically and return the same output in a fully Prometheus-compatible format. The old metrics format is not available anymore.

    For the metrics APIs at /_admin/metrics and /_admin/metrics/v2, unnecessary spaces have been removed between the } delimiting the labels and the value of the metric.

  • Changed the encoding of revision IDs returned by the below listed REST APIs.

    Introduced in: v3.8.8, v3.9.4, v3.10.1

    • GET /_api/collection/<collection-name>/revision: The revision ID was previously returned as numeric value, and now it is returned as a string value with either numeric encoding or HLC-encoding inside.
    • GET /_api/collection/<collection-name>/checksum: The revision ID in the revision attribute was previously encoded as a numeric value in single server, and as a string in cluster. This is now unified so that the revision attribute always contains a string value with either numeric encoding or HLC-encoding inside.

Endpoints added

Optimizer rules for AQL queries

Added the GET /_api/query/rules endpoint that returns the available optimizer rules for AQL queries. It returns an array of objects that contain the name of each available rule and its respective flags.

The JavaScript API was not extended, but you can make a request using a low-level method in arangosh:


Shard rebalancing

Starting with version 3.10, new endpoints are added that allow you to perform move shard operations and improve balance in the cluster.

  • GET /_admin/cluster/rebalance
  • POST /_admin/cluster/rebalance
  • POST /_admin/cluster/rebalance_execute
  • PUT /_admin/cluster/rebalance

For more information, see the Cluster section of the HTTP API documentation.

Maintenance mode for DB-Servers

Introduced in: v3.10.1

For rolling upgrades or rolling restarts, DB-Servers can now be put into maintenance mode, so that no attempts are made to re-distribute the data in a cluster for such planned events. DB-Servers in maintenance mode are not considered viable failover targets because they are likely restarted soon.

To query the maintenance status of a DB-Server, use this new endpoint:

GET /_admin/cluster/maintenance/<DB-Server-ID>

An example reply of a DB-Server that is in maintenance mode:

  "error": false,
  "code": 200,
  "result": {
    "Mode": "maintenance",
    "Until": "2022-10-26T06:14:23Z"

If the DB-Server is not in maintenance mode, then the result attribute is omitted:

  "error": false,
  "code": 200,

To put a DB-Server into maintenance mode, use this new endpoint:

PUT /_admin/cluster/maintenance/<DB-Server-ID>

The payload of the request needs to be as follows, with the timeout in seconds:

  "mode": "maintenance",
  "timeout": 360

To turn the maintenance mode off, set mode to "normal" instead, and omit the timeout attribute or set it to 0.

You can send another request when the DB-Server is already in maintenance mode to extend the timeout.

The maintenance mode ends automatically after the defined timeout.

Also see the HTTP interface for cluster maintenance.

Endpoints augmented

EnterpriseGraphs (Enterprise Edition)

You can create EnterpriseGraphs by setting isSmart to true, the numberOfShards, but no smartGraphAttribute. You can optionally specify which collections shall be satellites. There are no new attributes for creating this type of graph.

The vertex collections of an EnterpriseGraph have a new shardingStrategy value of enterprise-hex-smart-vertex.

Also see EnterpriseGraphs.

Inverted Indexes

The /_api/index endpoints support a new inverted index type.

Options for creating an index (POST /_api/index):

  • type (string): needs to be set to "inverted"
  • name (string, optional)
  • fields (array): required unless the top-level includeAllFields option is set to true. The array elements can be a mix of strings and objects:
    • name (string, required): an attribute path. Passing a string instead of an object is the same as passing an object with this name attribute
    • analyzer (string, optional): default: the value defined by the top-level analyzer option
    • features (array, optional): an array of strings, possible values: "frequency", "norm", "position", "offset". Default: the features as defined by the Analyzer itself, or inherited from the top-level features option if the analyzer option adjacent to this option is not set
    • includeAllFields (boolean, optional): default: false
    • searchField (boolean, optional): default: the value defined by the top-level searchField option
    • trackListPositions (boolean, optional): default: the value of the top-level trackListPositions option
    • cache (boolean, optional): default: the value of the top-level cache option (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
    • nested (array, optional): Enterprise Edition only. The array elements can be a mix of strings and objects:
      • name (string, required): an attribute path. Passing a string instead of an object is the same as passing an object with this name attribute
      • analyzer (string, optional): default: the value defined by the parent field, or the top-level analyzer option
      • features (array, optional): an array of strings, possible values: "frequency", "norm", "position", "offset". Default: the features as defined by the Analyzer itself, or inherited from the parent field’s or top-level features option if no analyzer option is set at a deeper level, closer to this option
      • searchField (boolean, optional): default: the value defined by the top-level searchField option
      • nested (array, optional): can be used recursively. See nested above
  • searchField (boolean, optional): default: false
  • cache (boolean, optional): default: false (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • storedValues (array, optional): an array of objects (or an array of arrays of strings as shorthand, or also an array of strings from v3.10.3 on):
    • fields (array, required): an array of strings
    • compression (string, optional): possible values: "lz4", "none". Default: "lz"
    • cache (boolean, optional): default: false (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • primarySort (object, optional)
    • fields (array, required): an array of objects:
      • field (string, required)
      • direction (string, required): possible values: "asc", "desc"
    • compression (string, optional): possible values: "lz4", "none". Default: "lz4"
    • cache (boolean, optional): default: false (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • primaryKeyCache (boolean, optional): default: false (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • analyzer (string, optional): default: identity
  • features (array, optional): an array of strings, possible values: "frequency", "norm", "position", "offset". Default: the features as defined by the Analyzer itself
  • includeAllFields (boolean, optional): default: false
  • trackListPositions (boolean, optional): default: false
  • parallelism (integer, optional): default: 2
  • inBackground (boolean, optional)
  • cleanupIntervalStep (integer, optional): default: 2
  • commitIntervalMsec (integer, optional): default: 1000
  • consolidationIntervalMsec (integer, optional): default: 1000
  • consolidationPolicy (object, optional):
    • type (string, optional): possible values: "tier". Default: "tier"
    • segmentsBytesFloor (integer, optional): default: 2097152
    • segmentsBytesMax (integer, optional): default: 5368709120
    • segmentsMax (integer, optional): default: 10
    • segmentsMin (integer, optional): default: 1
    • minScore: (integer, optional): default: 0
  • writebufferIdle (integer, optional): default: 64
  • writebufferActive (integer, optional): default: 0
  • writebufferSizeMax (integer, optional): default: 33554432

Index definition returned by index endpoints:

  • id (string)
  • isNewlyCreated (boolean)
  • unique (boolean): false
  • sparse (boolean): true
  • version (integer)
  • code (integer)
  • type (string): "inverted"
  • name (string)
  • fields (array): array of objects:
    • name (string)
    • analyzer (string): default: omitted
    • features (array): an array of strings, possible values: "frequency", "norm", "position", "offset". Default: omitted
    • includeAllFields (boolean): default: omitted
    • searchField (boolean): default: the value defined by the top-level searchField option
    • trackListPositions (boolean): default: omitted
    • cache (boolean): default: omitted (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
    • nested (array): default: omitted. Enterprise Edition only. An array of objects:
      • name (string)
      • analyzer (string), default: omitted
      • features (array): an array of strings, possible values: "frequency", "norm", "position", "offset". Default: the features as defined by the Analyzer itself
      • searchField (boolean): default: the value defined by the top-level searchField option
  • searchField (boolean): default: false
  • cache (boolean): default: omitted (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • storedValues (array): default: []. An array of objects:
    • fields (array): an array of strings
    • compression (string): possible values: "lz4", "none". Default: "lz"
    • cache (boolean): default: omitted (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • primarySort (object)
    • fields (array): default: []. An array of objects:
      • field (string)
      • direction (string): possible values: "asc", "desc"
    • compression (string): possible values: "lz4", "none". Default: "lz4"
    • cache (boolean): default: omitted (introduced in v3.10.2, Enterprise Edition only)
  • analyzer (string): default: identity
  • features (array): default: the features as defined by the Analyzer itself
  • includeAllFields (boolean): default: false
  • trackListPositions (boolean): default: false
  • cleanupIntervalStep (integer): default: 2
  • commitIntervalMsec (integer): default: 1000
  • consolidationIntervalMsec (integer): default: 1000
  • consolidationPolicy (object):
    • type (string): possible values: "tier". Default: "tier"
    • segmentsBytesFloor (integer): default: 2097152
    • segmentsBytesMax (integer): default: 5368709120
    • segmentsMax (integer): default: 10
    • segmentsMin (integer): default: 1
    • minScore: (integer): default: 0
  • writebufferIdle (integer): default: 64
  • writebufferActive (integer): default: 0
  • writebufferSizeMax (integer): default: 33554432

Also see the HTTP API documentation.

search-alias Views

The /_api/view endpoints support a new search-alias type.

Options for creating an search-alias View (POST /_api/view):

  • name (string, required)
  • type (string, required): needs to be set to "search-alias"
  • indexes (array, optional): default: []. An array of objects:
    • collection (string, required)
    • index (string, required)

Options for partially changing properties (PATCH /_api/view/<view>/properties), to add or remove inverted indexes from the View definition:

  • indexes (array, optional): default: []. An array of objects:
    • collection (string, required)
    • index (string, required)
    • operation (string, optional): possible values: "add" and "del". Default: "add"

View definition returned by View endpoints:

  • name (string)
  • type (string): "search-alias"
  • indexes (array): default: []. An array of objects:
    • collection (string)
    • index (string)

Also see the HTTP API documentation.

Computed Values

The Computed Values feature extends the following endpoints with a new computedValues collection property that you can read or write to manage the computed value definitions:

  • Create a collection (POST /_api/collection)
  • Read the properties of a collection (GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/properties)
  • Change the properties of a collection (PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/properties)

The computedValues attribute is either null or an array of objects with the following attributes:

  • name (string, required)
  • expression (string, required)
  • overwrite (boolean, required)
  • computeOn (array of strings, optional, default: ["insert","update","replace"])
  • keepNull (boolean, optional, default: true)
  • failOnWarning (boolean, optional, default: false)

Nested search (Enterprise Edition)

The following endpoints accepts a new, optional link property called nested for Views of type arangosearch in the Enterprise Edition:

  • POST /_api/view
  • PUT /_api/view/{view-name}/properties
  • PATCH /_api/view/{view-name}/properties

It is an object and similar to the existing fields property. However, it cannot be used at the top-level of the link properties. It needs to have a parent field ("fields": { "<field>": { "nested": { ... } } }). It can be nested, however ("nested": { "<field>": { "nested": { ... } } }).

The GET /_api/view/{view-name}/properties endpoint may return link properties including the new nested property.

For nested search with inverted indexes (and indirectly with search-alias Views), see the nested property supported by inverted indexes.

offset Analyzer feature

In the Enterprise Edition, the POST /_api/analyzer endpoint accepts "offset" as a string in the features array attribute. The /_api/analyzer endpoints may return this new value in the features attribute. It enables search highlighting capabilities for Views.

Analyzer types

The /_api/analyzer endpoint supports new Analyzer types in the Enterprise Edition:

  • minhash: It has two properties, analyzer (object) and numHashes (number). The analyzer object is an Analyzer-like definition with a type (string) and a properties attribute (object). The properties depend on the Analyzer type.

  • classification (experimental): It has three properties, model_location (string), top_k (number, optional, default: 1), and threshold (number, optional, default: 0.99).

  • nearest_neighbors (experimental): It has two properties, model_location (string) and top_k (number, optional, default: 1).

  • geo_s2 (introduced in v3.10.5): Like the existing geojson Analyzer, but with an additional format property that can be set to "latLngDouble" (default), "latLngInt", or "s2Point".

Views API

Views of the type arangosearch support new caching options in the Enterprise Edition.

Introduced in: v3.9.5, v3.10.2

  • A cache option for individual View links or fields (boolean, default: false).
  • A cache option in the definition of a storedValues View property (boolean, immutable, default: false).

Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

  • A primarySortCache View property (boolean, immutable, default: false).
  • A primaryKeyCache View property (boolean, immutable, default: false).

The POST /_api/view endpoint accepts these new options for arangosearch Views, the GET /_api/view/<view-name>/properties endpoint may return these options, and you can change the cache View link/field property with the PUT /_api/view/<view-name>/properties and PATCH /_api/view/<view-name>/properties endpoints.

Introduced in: v3.10.3

You may use a shorthand notations on arangosearch View creation or the storedValues option, like ["attr1", "attr2"], instead of using an array of objects.

See the arangosearch Views Reference for details.

Collection truncation markers

APIs that return data from ArangoDB’s write-ahead log (WAL) may now return collection truncate markers in the cluster, too. Previously such truncate markers were only issued in the single server and active failover modes, but not in a cluster. Client applications that tail ArangoDB’s WAL are thus supposed to handle WAL markers of type 2004.

The following HTTP APIs are affected:

  • /_api/wal/tail
  • /_api/replication/logger-follow

Startup and recovery information

The GET /_admin/status API now also returns startup and recovery information. This can be used to determine the instance’s progress during startup. The new progress attribute is returned inside the serverInfo object with the following subattributes:

  • phase: name of the lifecycle phase the instance is currently in. Normally one of "in prepare", "in start", "in wait", "in shutdown", "in stop", or "in unprepare".
  • feature: internal name of the feature that is currently being prepared, started, stopped or unprepared.
  • recoveryTick: current recovery sequence number value if the instance is currently in recovery. If the instance is already past the recovery, this attribute contains the last handled recovery sequence number.

See Respond to liveliness probes for more information.

Read from followers

A number of read-only APIs now observe the x-arango-allow-dirty-read header, which was previously only used in Active Failover deployments. This header allows reading from followers or “dirty reads”. See Read from followers for details.

The following APIs are affected:

  • Single document reads (GET /_api/document)
  • Batch document reads (PUT /_api/document?onlyget=true)
  • Read-only AQL queries (POST /_api/cursor)
  • The edge API (GET /_api/edges)
  • Read-only Stream Transactions and their sub-operations (POST /_api/transaction/begin etc.)

If the header is not specified, the behavior is the same as before.

Cursor API

The cursor API can now return additional statistics values in its stats subattribute:

  • cursorsCreated: the total number of cursor objects created during query execution. Cursor objects are created for index lookups.
  • cursorsRearmed: the total number of times an existing cursor object was repurposed. Repurposing an existing cursor object is normally more efficient compared to destroying an existing cursor object and creating a new one from scratch.
  • cacheHits: the total number of index entries read from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent. This value will only be non-zero when reading from indexes that have an in-memory cache enabled, and when the query allows using the in-memory cache (i.e. using equality lookups on all index attributes).
  • cacheMisses: the total number of cache read attempts for index entries that could not be served from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent. This value will only be non-zero when reading from indexes that have an in-memory cache enabled, the query allows using the in-memory cache (i.e. using equality lookups on all index attributes) and the looked up values are not present in the cache.

These attributes are optional and only useful for detailed performance analyses.

The POST /_api/cursor endpoint accepts two new parameters in the options object to set per-query thresholds for the query spillover feature:

  • spillOverThresholdMemoryUsage (integer, optional): in bytes, default: 134217728 (128MB)
  • spillOverThresholdNumRows (integer, optional): default: 5000000 rows

Index API

  • The index creation API at POST /_api/index now accepts an optional storedValues attribute to include additional attributes in a persistent index. These additional attributes cannot be used for index lookups or sorts, but they can be used for projections.

    If set, storedValues must be an array of index attribute paths. There must be no overlap of attribute paths between fields and storedValues. The maximum number of values is 32.

    All index APIs that return additional data about indexes (e.g. GET /_api/index) will now also return the storedValues attribute for indexes that have their storedValues attribute set.

    The extra index information is also returned by inventory-like APIs that return the full set of collections with their indexes.

  • The index creation API at POST /_api/index now accepts an optional cacheEnabled attribute to enable an in-memory cache for index values for persistent indexes.

    If cacheEnabled is set to true, the index is created with the cache. Otherwise the index is created without it. Caching is turned off by default.

    APIs that return information about all indexes such as GET /_api/index or GET /_api/index/<index-id> can now also return the cacheEnabled attribute.

You cannot create multiple persistent indexes with the same fields attributes and uniqueness option but different storedValues or cacheEnabled attributes. The values of storedValues and cacheEnabled are not considered in index creation calls when checking if a persistent index is already present or a new one needs to be created.

The index API may now include figures for arangosearch View links and inverted indexes. This information was previously not available for these index types. The withStats query parameter needs to be set to true to retrieve figures, and for arangosearch Views, withHidden needs to be enabled, too:

  "figures" : { 
    "numDocs" : 4,
    "numLiveDocs" : 4,
    "numSegments" : 1,
    "numFiles" : 8,
    "indexSize" : 1358
  }, ...

Document API

Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

The following endpoints support a new, experimental refillIndexCaches query parameter to repopulate the edge cache after requests that insert, update, replace, or remove single or multiple edge documents:

  • POST /_api/document/{collection}
  • PATCH /_api/document/{collection}/{key}
  • PUT /_api/document/{collection}/{key}
  • DELETE /_api/document/{collection}/{key}

It is a boolean option and the default is false.

Metrics API

The GET /_admin/metrics/v2 (and GET /_admin/metrics) endpoints provide metrics for arangosearch View links and inverted indexes:

  • arangodb_search_cleanup_time
  • arangodb_search_commit_time
  • arangodb_search_consolidation_time
  • arangodb_search_index_size
  • arangodb_search_num_docs
  • arangodb_search_num_failed_cleanups
  • arangodb_search_num_failed_commits
  • arangodb_search_num_failed_consolidations
  • arangodb_search_num_files
  • arangodb_search_num_live_docs
  • arangodb_search_num_out_of_sync_links
  • arangodb_search_num_segments

Introduced in: v3.8.9, v3.9.6, v3.10.2

The metrics endpoints include the following new traffic accounting metrics:

  • arangodb_client_user_connection_statistics_bytes_received
  • arangodb_client_user_connection_statistics_bytes_sent
  • arangodb_http1_connections_total

Introduced in: v3.9.6, v3.10.2

The metrics endpoints include the following new edge cache (re-)filling metrics:

  • rocksdb_cache_auto_refill_loaded_total
  • rocksdb_cache_auto_refill_dropped_total
  • rocksdb_cache_full_index_refills_total

Introduced in: v3.9.10, v3.10.5

The following metrics for write-ahead log (WAL) file tracking have been added:

Label Description
rocksdb_live_wal_files Number of live RocksDB WAL files.
rocksdb_wal_released_tick_flush Lower bound sequence number from which WAL files need to be kept because of external flushing needs.
rocksdb_wal_released_tick_replication Lower bound sequence number from which WAL files need to be kept because of replication.
arangodb_flush_subscriptions Number of currently active flush subscriptions.

The following metric for the number of replication clients for a server has been added:

Introduced in: v3.10.5

Label Description
arangodb_replication_clients Number of currently connected/active replication clients.

Pregel API

When loading the graph data into memory, a "loading" state is now returned by the GET /_api/control_pregel and GET /_api/control_pregel/{id} endpoints. The state changes to "running" when loading finishes.

In previous versions, the state was "running" when loading the data as well as when running the algorithm.

Both endpoints return a new detail attribute with additional Pregel run details:

  • detail (object)
    • aggregatedStatus (object)
      • timeStamp (string)
      • graphStoreStatus (object)
        • verticesLoaded (integer)
        • edgesLoaded (integer)
        • memoryBytesUsed (integer)
        • verticesStored (integer)
      • allGssStatus (object)
        • items (array of objects)
          • verticesProcessed (integer)
          • messagesSent (integer)
          • messagesReceived (integer)
          • memoryBytesUsedForMessages (integer)
      • workerStatus (object)
        • <serverId> (object)
          • (the same attributes like under aggregatedStatus)

For a detailed description of the attributes, see Pregel HTTP API.

Log level API

Introduced in: v3.10.2

The GET /_admin/log/level and PUT /_admin/log/level endpoints support a new query parameter serverId, to forward log level get and set requests to a specific server. This makes it easier to adjust the log levels in clusters because DB-Servers require JWT authentication whereas Coordinators also support authentication using usernames and passwords.

Explain API

Introduced in: v3.10.4

The POST /_api/explain endpoint for explaining AQL queries includes the following two new statistics in the stats attribute of the response now:

  • peakMemoryUsage (number): The maximum memory usage of the query during explain (in bytes)
  • executionTime (number): The (wall-clock) time in seconds needed to explain the query.

JavaScript API

The Computed Values feature extends the collection properties with a new computedValues attribute. See Computed Values for details.

The db._query() and db._createStatement() methods accepts new query options (options object) to set per-query thresholds for the query spillover feature and to Read from followers:

  • allowDirtyReads (boolean, optional): default: false
  • spillOverThresholdMemoryUsage (integer, optional): in bytes, default: 134217728 (128MB)
  • spillOverThresholdNumRows (integer, optional): default: 5000000 rows