search-alias Views Reference

search-alias Views let you add one or more inverted indexes to a View, enabling federate searching, sorting search results by relevance, and search highlighting, on top of sophisticated information retrieval capabilities such as full-text search for unstructured or semi-structured data provided by the inverted indexes that they are comprised of.

Views can be managed in the web interface, via an HTTP API and through a JavaScript API.

Views can be queried with AQL via the SEARCH operation.

See Information Retrieval with ArangoSearch for an introduction.

View Definition

A search-alias View is configured via an object containing a set of View-specific configuration directives, allowing you to add inverted indexes:

  • name (string, immutable): the View name
  • type (string, immutable): the value "search-alias"
  • indexes (array, optional): a list of inverted indexes for the View. Default: []
    • collection (string, required): the name of a collection
    • index (string, required): the name of an inverted index of the collection, or the index ID without the <collection>/ prefix

View Modification

You can add or remove inverted indexes from the View definition:

  • indexes (array, optional): a list of inverted indexes to add to or remove from the View. Default: []
    • collection (string, required): the name of a collection
    • index (string, required): the name of an inverted index of the collection, or the index ID without the <collection>/ prefix
    • operation (string, optional): whether to add or remove the index to the stored indexes property of the View. Possible values: "add", "del". The default is "add"