Monitoring Datacenter-to-Datacenter Replication

Datacenter-to-Datacenter Replication is only available in the Enterprise Edition.

This section includes information related to the monitoring of the Datacenter-to-Datacenter Replication.


ArangoSync (master & worker) provide metrics that can be used for monitoring the Datacenter-to-Datacenter Replication solution. These metrics are available using the following HTTPS endpoints:

  • GET /metrics: Provides metrics in a format supported by Prometheus.
  • GET /metrics.json: Provides the same metrics in JSON format.

Both endpoints include help information per metrics.

Both endpoints require authentication. Besides the usual authentication methods these endpoints are also accessible using a special bearer token specified using the --monitoring.token command line option.

The Prometheus output (/metrics) looks like this:

# HELP arangosync_master_worker_registrations Total number of registrations
# TYPE arangosync_master_worker_registrations counter
arangosync_master_worker_registrations 2
# HELP arangosync_master_worker_storage Number of times worker info is stored, loaded
# TYPE arangosync_master_worker_storage counter
arangosync_master_worker_storage{kind="",op="save",result="success"} 20
arangosync_master_worker_storage{kind="empty",op="load",result="success"} 1

The JSON output (/metrics.json) looks like this:

  "arangosync_master_worker_registrations": {
    "help": "Total number of registrations",
    "type": "counter",
    "samples": [
        "value": 2
  "arangosync_master_worker_storage": {
    "help": "Number of times worker info is stored, loaded",
    "type": "counter",
    "samples": [
        "value": 8,
        "labels": {
          "kind": "",
          "op": "save",
          "result": "success"
        "value": 1,
        "labels": {
          "kind": "empty",
          "op": "load",
          "result": "success"

To get a list of a metrics and their help information, run:

alias jq='docker run --rm -i realguess/jq jq'
curl -sk -u "<user>:<password>" https://<syncmaster-IP>:8629/metrics.json | \
  jq 'with_entries({key: .key,})'