Choosing the Best Dependency Injection Containers

To follow along with this article, one should be familiar with the following concepts:

  • Inversion of Control: a design pattern that stipulates frameworks should call userland code, instead of userland code calling library code
  • Dependency injection: a variant of IoC in which objects receive other objects as dependencies instead of through constructors or setters
  • Decorators
  • Decorator metadata: a way to store configuration for language structures in runtime by using decorators to define targets

In our pursuit of choosing the best TypeScript DI library, we researched existing DI libraries. We found there are a couple of TypeScripts DI options out there. In this article, we first outline which requirements the library must meet to satisfy our demands. Then we present contenders that made it to the final cut. We highlight their pros and cons


We already know we will be using Open Source Solutions, so we will base most of our criteria upon their OS communities.

Popularity and maintenance

The library in question needs to be popular and maintained. This was a key requirement. The library should have official support from its original creators. We measured the popularity by GitHub stars, npm weekly downloads, and how long ago was the latest publish date.

Ease of Use

Ideally, the library has to be easy to use to shorten our development time. To estimate this, we judged the contenders’ documentation on a subjective scale from 1 (Hardest to Read) to 5 (Easiest to Read).

Minimum TS Version Required

The library needs to work with relatively a wide range of TypeScript versions, because out team might develop application that requires a relatively old TS version.

We’ve had experience in the past we are prototyping a new product on top of an existing framework but in the middle of the development, we found we were unable to bump our yarn version from 1 to 2 simply because the TypeScript version in the framework is too old to migrate from yarn 1 to 2. It was important to us that the library could easily work with varying TS versions.

Decorator Required

It would be prefect if the library goes without any uncertainty, but since decorators, which most DI libraries requires, are a stage 2 proposal for JavaScript and are available only as an experimental feature of TypeScript at the time of writing, we need to take the risk of loosing that feature in the future. Basically, to turn on the decorator in TypeScript, we need to tune tsconfig file with the following two options:

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES5",
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true

TypeScript Dependency Injection Library Landscape Overview

We can get a high-level overview of the findings in the table below.

GitHub stars Weekly downloads (Download Stats in the past 1 year is also available) Latest version latest publish date Documentation License Minimum TS Version reflect-metadata Required TS Decorator Required Decorate Metadata Required
InversifyJS 10k 683,854 6.0.1 2 years ago 4 MIT 4.4 Y Y Y
TypeDI 3.6k 232,767 0.10.0 2 years ago 5 MIT No Strict Requirement Y Y Y
TSyringe 4.1k 242,953 4.7.0 1 year ago 3 MIT No Strict Requirement Y Y Y
Typed Inject 341 62,034 4.0.0 19 days ago 3 Apache 2.0 3.0 N N N

That is how we ended up with 2 main candidates - InversifyJS & Typed Inject.

We also looked at NPM trends to make sure that the weekly downloads does reflect the overall popularity of those DI livraries:

Error loading DI-compare.png


A very popular, easy-to-use tool with descent-quality documentation that provides a lot of tools and extensions through its ecosystem, such as the support to GraphQL, which our team heavily uses. What we liked the most was the powerful expressiveness on its binding options that the library provides.

The InversifyJS uses decorators and decorators’ metadata for injections. Some manual work, however, is still necessary for binding implementations to interfaces. For example

export const TYPES = {
Logger: Symbol.for("Logger"),
FileSystem: Symbol.for("FileSystem"),
SettingsService: Symbol.for("SettingsService"),
export class InversifyLogger implements Logger {
// ...
export class InversifyFileSystem implements FileSystem<string> {
// ...
export class InversifySettingsTxtService implements SettingsService {
@inject(TYPES.Logger) protected readonly logger: Logger,
@inject(TYPES.FileSystem) protected readonly fileSystem: FileSystem<string>,
) {
// ...

A map called TYPES is created to contain all, what we call, tokens for injection later. The interface implementations are annotated with decorator @injectable. The parameters of the InversifySettingsTxtService constructor use the @inject decorator, helping the DI container to resolve dependencies in runtime.

The code for the DI container/injector is seen in the code snippet below:

const container = new Container();

InversifyJS uses the fluent interface pattern. The IoC container achieves type binding between tokens and classes by declaring it explicitly in code. Getting instances of managed classes requires only one call with proper casting:

const logger = container.get<InversifyLogger>(TYPES.Logger);
const fileSystem = container.get<InversifyFileSystem>(TYPES.FileSystem);
const settingsService = container.get<SettingsTxtService>(TYPES.SettingsService);

Typed Inject

The Typed Inject project focuses on type safety and explicitness. It uses neither decorators nor decorator metadata, opting instead for manually declaring dependencies. It allows for multiple DI containers to exist, and dependencies are scoped either as singletons or as transient objects. For example

export class TypedInjectLogger implements Logger {
// ...
export class TypedInjectFileSystem implements FileSystem<string> {
// ...
export class TypedInjectSettingsTxtService extends SettingsTxtService {
public static inject = ["logger", "fileSystem"] as const;
protected logger: Logger,
protected fileSystem: FileSystem<string>,
) {

The TypedInjectLogger and TypedInjectFileSystem classes serve as concrete implementations of the required interfaces. Type bindings are defined on the class-level by listing object dependencies using inject, a static variable.

The following code snippet demonstrates all major container operations within the Typed Inject environment:

const appInjector = createInjector()
.provideClass("logger", TypedInjectLogger, Scope.Singleton)
.provideClass("fileSystem", TypedInjectFileSystem, Scope.Singleton);

The container is instantiated using the createInjector functions, with token-to-class bindings declared explicitly.

Developers can access instances of provided classes using the resolve function. Injectable classes can be obtained using the injectClass method.

const logger = appInjector.resolve("logger");
const fileSystem = appInjector.resolve("fileSystem");
const settingsService = appInjector.injectClass(TypedInjectSettingsTxtService);



The TypeDI project aims for simplicity by leveraging decorators and decorator metadata. It supports dependency scoping with singletons and transient objects and allows for multiple DI containers to exist. We have two options for working with TypeDI:

  1. class-based injections
  2. token-based injections

Class-Based Injections with TypeDI

Class-based injections allow for the insertion of classes by passing interface-class relationships:

@Service({ global: true })
export class TypeDiLogger implements Logger {}
@Service({ global: true })
export class TypeDiFileSystem implements FileSystem<string> {}
@Service({ global: true })
export class TypeDiSettingsTxtService extends SettingsTxtService {
protected logger: TypeDiLogger,
protected fileSystem: TypeDiFileSystem,
) {

Every class uses the class-level @Service decorator. The global option means all classes will be instantiated as singletons in the global scope. The constructor parameters of the TypeDiSettingsTxtService class explicitly state that it requires one instance of the TypeDiLogger class and one of the TypeDiFileSystem class.

Once we have declared all dependencies, we can use TypeDI containers as follows:

const container = Container.of();
const logger = container.get(TypeDiLogger);
const fileSystem = container.get(TypeDiFileSystem);
const settingsService = container.get(TypeDiSettingsTxtService);

Token-Based Injections with TypeDI

Token-based injections bind interfaces to their implementations using a token as an intermediary. The only change in comparison to class-based injections is declaring the appropriate token for each construction parameter using the @Inject decorator:

@Service({ global: true })
export class TypeDiLogger extends FakeLogger {}
@Service({ global: true })
export class TypeDiFileSystem extends FakeFileSystem {}
@Service({ global: true })
export class ServiceNamedTypeDiSettingsTxtService extends SettingsTxtService {
@Inject("logger") protected logger: Logger,
@Inject("fileSystem") protected fileSystem: FileSystem<string>,
) {

In addition, we have to construct the instances of the classes we need and connect them to the container:

const container = Container.of();
const logger = new TypeDiLogger();
const fileSystem = new TypeDiFileSystem();
container.set("logger", logger);
container.set("fileSystem", fileSystem);
const settingsService = container.get(ServiceNamedTypeDiSettingsTxtService);


The TSyringe project is a DI container maintained by Microsoft. It is a versatile container that supports virtually all standard DI container features, including resolving circular dependencies. Similar to TypeDI, TSyringe supports class-based and token-based injections.

Class-Based Injections with TSyringe

Developers must mark the target classes with TSyringe’s class-level decorators. In the code snippet below, we use the @singleton decorator:

export class TsyringeLogger implements Logger {
// ...
export class TsyringeFileSystem implements FileSystem {
// ...
export class TsyringeSettingsTxtService extends SettingsTxtService {
protected logger: TsyringeLogger,
protected fileSystem: TsyringeFileSystem,
) {

The TSyringe containers can then resolve dependencies automatically:

const childContainer = container.createChildContainer();
const logger = childContainer.resolve(TsyringeLogger);
const fileSystem = childContainer.resolve(TsyringeFileSystem);
const settingsService = childContainer.resolve(TsyringeSettingsTxtService);

Token-Based Injections with TSyringe

Similar to other libraries, TSyringe requires programmers to use constructor parameter decorators for token-based injections:

export class TsyringeLogger implements Logger {
// ...
export class TsyringeFileSystem implements FileSystem {
// ...
export class TokenedTsyringeSettingsTxtService extends SettingsTxtService {
@inject("logger") protected logger: Logger,
@inject("fileSystem") protected fileSystem: FileSystem<string>,
) {

After declaring target classes, we register token-class tuples with the associated lifecycles. In the code snippet below, we are using a singleton:

const childContainer = container.createChildContainer();
childContainer.register("logger", TsyringeLogger, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton });
childContainer.register("fileSystem", TsyringeFileSystem, { lifecycle: Lifecycle.Singleton });
const logger = childContainer.resolve<FakeLogger>("logger");
const fileSystem = childContainer.resolve<FakeFileSystem>("fileSystem");
const settingsService = childContainer.resolve(TokenedTsyringeSettingsTxtService);

NestJS (Server Sided)

NestJS is a framework that uses a custom DI container under the hood. It is possible to run NestJS as a standalone application as a wrapper over its DI container. It uses decorators and their metadata for injections. Scoping is allowed, and we can choose from singletons, transient objects, or request-bound objects.

export class NestLogger implements Logger {
// ...
export class NestFileSystem extends FileSystem<string> {
// ...
export class NestSettingsTxtService extends SettingsTxtService {
protected logger: NestLogger,
protected fileSystem: NestFileSystem,
) {

Next, we defined the AppModule, the core class of the application, and specified its dependencies, providers:

providers: [NestLogger, NestFileSystem, NestSettingsTxtService],
export class AppModule {}

Finally, we can create the application context and get the instances of the aforementioned classes:

const applicationContext = await NestFactory.createApplicationContext(
{ logger: false },
const logger = applicationContext.get(NestLogger);
const fileSystem = applicationContext.get(NestFileSystem);
const settingsService = applicationContext.get(NestSettingsTxtService);

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Last updated: Nov 14, 2023