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Utility APIs

The following APIs don't have one-to-one equivalents in a real user interaction.
Their behavior is therefore an interpretation how the "perceived" user interaction might be translated to actual events on the DOM.


clear(element: Element): Promise<void>

This API can be used to easily clear an editable element.

  1. Focus element
  2. Select all contents as per browser menu
  3. Delete contents as per browser menu
test('clear', async () => {
render(<textarea defaultValue="Hello, World!" />)

await userEvent.clear(screen.getByRole('textbox'))


The Promise is rejected if the element can not be focused or contents can not be selected.

selectOptions(), deselectOptions()

element: Element,
values: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | string[] | string,
): Promise<void>
element: Element,
values: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | string[] | string,
): Promise<void>

Select/deselect the given options in an HTMLSelectElement or listbox.

The values parameter can refer to an option per its value, HTML content or just provide the element. It also accepts an array of these.

Selecting multiple options and/or deselecting options of HTMLSelectElement is only possible if multiple is specified.

test('selectOptions', async () => {
<select multiple>
<option value="1">A</option>
<option value="2">B</option>
<option value="3">C</option>

await userEvent.selectOptions(screen.getByRole('listbox'), ['1', 'C'])

expect(screen.getByRole('option', {name: 'A'}).selected).toBe(true)
expect(screen.getByRole('option', {name: 'B'}).selected).toBe(false)
expect(screen.getByRole('option', {name: 'C'}).selected).toBe(true)
test('deselectOptions', async () => {
<select multiple>
<option value="1">A</option>
<option value="2" selected>
<option value="3">C</option>

await userEvent.deselectOptions(screen.getByRole('listbox'), '2')


Note that this API triggers pointer events and is therefore subject to pointerEventsCheck.


element: Element,
text: KeyboardInput,
options?: {
skipClick?: boolean
skipAutoClose?: boolean
initialSelectionStart?: number
initialSelectionEnd?: number
): Promise<void>

Type into an input element.

You should use keyboard() if you want to just simulate pressing buttons on the keyboard.
You can use type() if you just want to conveniently insert some text into an input field or textarea.

  1. Unless skipClick is true, click the element.
  2. If initialSelectionStart is set, set the selection on the element. If initialSelectionEnd is not set, this results in a collapsed selection.
  3. Type the given text per keyboard().
  4. Unless skipAutoClose is true, release all pressed keys.
test('type into an input field', async () => {
render(<input defaultValue="Hello,"/>)
const input = screen.getByRole('textbox')

await userEvent.type(input, ' World!')

expect(input).toHaveValue('Hello, World!')


element: HTMLElement,
fileOrFiles: File | File[],
): Promise<void>

Change a file input as if a user clicked it and selected files in the resulting file upload dialog.

Files that don't match an accept property will be automatically discarded, unless applyAccept is set to false.

test('upload file', async () => {
<label htmlFor="file-uploader">Upload file:</label>
<input id="file-uploader" type="file" />
const file = new File(['hello'], 'hello.png', {type: 'image/png'})
const input = screen.getByLabelText(/upload file/i)

await userEvent.upload(input, file)


test('upload multiple files', async () => {
<label htmlFor="file-uploader">Upload file:</label>
<input id="file-uploader" type="file" multiple />
const files = [
new File(['hello'], 'hello.png', {type: 'image/png'}),
new File(['there'], 'there.png', {type: 'image/png'}),
const input = screen.getByLabelText(/upload file/i)

await userEvent.upload(input, files)
