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When users interact in the browser by e.g. pressing keyboard keys, they interact with a UI layer the browser shows to them. The browser then interprets this input, possibly alters the underlying DOM accordingly and dispatches trusted events.
The UI layer and trusted events are not programmatically available.
Therefore user-event has to apply workarounds and mock the UI layer to simulate user interactions like they would happen in the browser.

Starting a session per setup()

setup(options?: Options): UserEvent

The userEvent.setup() API applies these workarounds to the document and allows you to configure an "instance" of user-event.
Methods on this instance share one input device state, e.g. which keys are pressed.

This allows to write multiple consecutive interactions that behave just like the described interactions by a real user.

import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event";

const user = userEvent.setup()

await user.keyboard('[ShiftLeft>]') // Press Shift (without releasing it)
await // Perform a click with `shiftKey: true`

The instance exposes another .setup() API that allows to configure another instance that shares the same input device state.

The Clipboard API is usually not available outside of secure context.
To enable testing of workflows involving the clipboard, userEvent.setup() replaces window.navigator.clipboard with a stub.

Direct APIs

You can also call the APIs directly on the default export. This will call setup internally and then use the method on the instance.

This exists to ease the transition to version 14 and writing simple tests. Using the methods on the instances returned by userEvent.setup() is recommended.