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keyboard(input: KeyboardInput): Promise<void>

The keyboard API allows to simulate interactions with a keyboard. It accepts a string describing the key actions.

Keystrokes can be described:

  • Per printable character

    keyboard('foo') // translates to: f, o, o

    The brackets { and [ are used as special characters and can be referenced by doubling them.

    keyboard('{{a[[') // translates to: {, a, [
  • Per KeyboardEvent.key

    keyboard('{Shift}{f}{o}{o}') // translates to: Shift, f, o, o

    This does not keep any key pressed. So Shift will be lifted before pressing f.

    Characters with special meaning inside the key descriptor can be escaped by prefixing them with a backslash \.

    keyboard('{\}}') // translates to: }
  • Per KeyboardEvent.code

    keyboard('[ShiftLeft][KeyF][KeyO][KeyO]') // translates to: Shift, f, o, o

Keys can be kept pressed by adding a > to the end of the descriptor.
If this should result in repeated keydown events, you can add the number of repetitions.
If the key should also be released after this, add a slash / to the end of the descriptor.

keyboard('{a>}') // press a without releasing it
keyboard('{a>5}') // press a without releasing it and trigger 5 keydown
keyboard('{a>5/}') // press a for 5 keydown and then release it

A previously pressed key can be lifted by prefixing the descriptor with /.

keyboard('{/a}') // release a previously pressed a

This allows to simulate key combinations.

keyboard('{Shift>}A{/Shift}') // translates to: Shift(down), A, Shift(up)

The mapping of key to code is performed by a default key map portraying a "default" US-keyboard. You can provide your own local keyboard mapping per keyboardMap option.

Currently the different key meanings of single keys are treated as different keys.

Future versions might try to interpolate the modifiers needed to reach a printable key on the keyboard. E.g. Automatically pressing {Shift} when CapsLock is not active and A is referenced. If you don't wish this behavior, you can deactivate the autoModify option to opt out of this non-breaking change.