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Getting Started

So You Want An API?

The easiest way to get started with Elide is to use the Spring Boot starter dependency. The starter bundles all of the dependencies we will need to stand up a web service. This tutorial uses the starter, and all of the code is available here.

Don't like Spring/Spring Boot? - check out the same getting starting guide using Jetty/Jersey and Elide standalone.

Adding Elide as a Dependency

To include elide into our spring project, add the single starter dependency:


Creating Models

Elide models are some of the most important code in any Elide project. Our models are the view of our data that we wish to expose. In this example we will be modeling a software artifact repository since most developers have a high-level familiarity with artifact repositories such as Maven, Artifactory, npm, and the like.

There will 2 kinds of models:

  1. Models that we intend to both read & write. These models are created by defining Java classes. For this example, that includes ArtifactGroup, ArtifactProduct, and ArtifactVersion. For brevity we will omit package names and import statements.
  2. Read-only models that we intend to run analytic queries against. These models can be created with Java classes or with a HJSON configuration language. For this example, we will use the latter to create a Downloads model.
@Include(rootLevel = true, name = "group")
public class ArtifactGroup {
private String name = "";

private String commonName = "";

private String description = "";

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "group")
private List<ArtifactProduct> products = new ArrayList<>();

Spinning up the API

So now we have some models, but without an API it is not very useful. Before we add the API component, we need to create the schema in the database that our models will use. Our example uses liquibase to manage the schema. Our example will execute the database migrations to configure the database with some test data automatically. This demo uses Postgres. Feel free to modify the migration script if a different database provider is used.

We may notice the example liquibase migration script adds an extra table, AsyncQuery. This is only required if leveraging Elide's asynchronous API to manage long-running analytic queries.

There may be more tables in our database than models in our project or vice versa. Similarly, there may be more columns in a table than in a particular model or vice versa. Not only will our models work just fine, but we expect that models will normally expose only a subset of the fields present in the database. Elide is an ideal tool for building micro-services - each service in your system can expose only the slice of the database that it requires.


Bringing life to our API is trivially easy. We need a single Application class:

* Example app using elide-spring.
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);

Supporting Files

The application is configured with a Spring application YAML file (broken into sections below).

The Elide Spring starter uses a JPA data store (the thing that talks to the database). This can be configured like any other Spring data source and JPA provider. The one below uses an H2 in-memory database:

show-sql: true
dialect: 'org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect'
'[default_batch_fetch_size]': 100
'[use_scrollable_resultset]': true
physical-strategy: 'org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl'
ddl-auto: 'validate'
url: 'jdbc:h2:mem:db1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1'
username: 'sa'
password: ''
driver-class-name: 'org.h2.Driver'

Elide has its own configuration to turn on APIs and setup their URL paths:

path: /api/v1
enabled: true
path: /graphql/api/v1
enabled: true
path: /doc
enabled: true
version: openapi_3_0

The following configuration enables Elide's asynchronous API for analytic queries:

enabled: true
thread-pool-size: 7
enabled: true
query-max-run-time: 65s
query-retention-duration: 7d

To enable analytic queries, we have to turn on the the aggregation data store. This example also enables HJSON configuration for analytic models:

enabled: true
default-dialect: h2
path: src/main/resources/analytics
enabled: true


With these new classes, we have two options for running our project. We can either run the App class using our favorite IDE, or we can run the service from the command line:

java -jar target/elide-spring-boot-1.0.jar

Our example requires the following environment variables to be set to work correctly with Postgres.


If we don't set them, the example will use the H2 in memory database.

With the App class and application YAML file, we can now run our API.

We can now run the following curl commands to see some of the sample data that the liquibase migrations added for us.

curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/group

Here are the respective responses:

"data": [
"attributes": {
"commonName": "Example Repository",
"description": "The code for this project"
"id": "com.example.repository",
"relationships": {
"products": {
"data": [
"id": "elide-demo",
"type": "product"
"type": "group"
"attributes": {
"commonName": "Elide",
"description": "The magical library powering this project"
"id": "com.paiondata.elide",
"relationships": {
"products": {
"data": [
"id": "elide-core",
"type": "product"
"id": "elide-standalone",
"type": "product"
"id": "elide-datastore-hibernate5",
"type": "product"
"type": "group"

Looking at More Data

We can navigate through the entity relationship graph defined in the models and explore relationships:

List groups:                 group/
Show a group: group/<group id>
List a group's products: group/<group id>/products/
Show a product: group/<group id>/products/<product id>
List a product's versions: group/<group id>/products/<product id>/versions/
Show a version: group/<group id>/products/<product id>/versions/<version id>

Writing Data

So far we have defined our views on the database and exposed those views over HTTP. This is great progress, but so far we have only read data from the database.

Inserting Data

Fortunately for us adding data is just as easy as reading data. For now let’s use cURL to put data in the database.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/group/com.example.repository/products -H"Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -H"Accept: application/vnd.api+json" -d '{"data": {"type": "product", "id": "elide-demo"}}'

When we run that cURL call we should see a bunch of json returned, that is our newly inserted object!

"data": [
"attributes": {
"commonName": "",
"description": ""
"id": "elide-demo",
"relationships": {
"group": {
"data": {
"id": "com.example.repository",
"type": "group"
"versions": {
"data": []
"type": "product"

Modifying Data

Notice that, when we created it, we did not set any of the attributes of our new product record. Updating our data to help our users is just as easy as it is to add new data. Let's update our model with the following cURL call.

curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8080/api/v1/group/com.example.repository/products/elide-demo \
-H"Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -H"Accept: application/vnd.api+json" \
-d '{
"data": {
"type": "product",
"id": "elide-demo",
"attributes": {
"commonName": "demo application",
"description": "An example implementation of an Elide web service that showcases many Elide features"

Running Analytic Queries

Analytic queries leverage the same API as reading any other Elide model. Note that Elide will aggregate the measures selected by the dimensions requested. Learn more about analytic queries here.

curl -g "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/downloads?fields[downloads]=downloads,group,product"

Here are the respective responses:

"data": [
"attributes": {
"downloads": 35,
"group": "com.example.repository",
"product": "elide-core"
"id": "0",
"type": "downloads"