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JAX-RS Jersey doesn't specify how application configurations are to be loaded. jersey-webservice-template, however, utilizes a library called owner.

The configurations in this page can be set from several sources in the following order:

  1. the operating system's environment variables; for instance, an environment variable can be set with export DB_URL="jdbc:mysql://db/elide?serverTimezone=UTC"
  2. the Java system properties; for example, a Java system property can be set using System.setProperty("DB_URL", "jdbc:mysql://db/elide?serverTimezone=UTC")
  3. a .properties file placed under CLASSPATH. This file can be put under src/main/resources source directory with contents, for example, DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://db/elide?serverTimezone=UTC

Note that environment config has higher priority than Java system properties. Java system properties have higher priority than file based configuration.


The following GitHub Action Secrets needs to be setup:

Secret NameDefinitionHow to Get
DOCKERHUB_USERNAMEYou Docker Hub usernameFor example, this user's is jack20191124
DOCKERHUB_TOKENA personal access token (PAT) to use as an Docker CLI authentication from within GitHub ActionCreating an access token
AWS_WS_PKRVARS_HCLThe HashiCorp Packer variable values file contentshashicorp-aws
SSL_CERTIFICATESSL cert file for exposing webservice API via secure HTTPSInstalling Free SSL Certificates with Certbot running on Nginx
SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEYSSL cert key file for exposing webservice API via secure HTTPSInstalling Free SSL Certificates with Certbot running on Nginx
NGINX_CONFIG_FILEConfig file for Nginx as a HTTPS reverse proxyDefine Nginx Reverse Proxy Config File
FILEBEAT_CONFIG_FILEThe standard filebeat.yml file contentsConfigure Filebeat
AWS_WS_TFVARSThe HashiCorp Terraform variable values file contentshashicorp-aws
MAVEN_SETTINGS_XMLThe contents of Maven settings file for the Webservice projectThe exact settings.xml contents containing these meta tags
OAUTH_PROPERTIESThe contents of the src/main/resources/ mentioned aboveSee Security section above
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDThe exact same AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID as mentioned in Environment variables to configure the AWS CLIHow to create and configure AWS credentials for Amazon Keyspaces
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYThe exact same AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as mentioned in Environment variables to configure the AWS CLIHow to create and configure AWS credentials for Amazon Keyspaces
AWS_REGIONThe exact same AWS_REGION as mentioned in Environment variables to configure the AWS CLIHow to create and configure AWS credentials for Amazon Keyspaces