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Install MAGE on Linux from source

This step is only suitable for Linux users as you need to download and install a Linux based Memgraph package. To build from source, you will need Python3, Make, CMake, Clang, UUID and Rust.


You should not build MAGE from source and import the modules into Memgraph running in a Docker container. You would need to build MAGE inside the same container where Memgraph is running due to the possibility of different architectures on your local machine and the Docker container. If you need to work with Docker, we have prepared a Docker image equipped for local development. Make sure to check the Docker build or Docker Hub guides.

Installing MAGE


To install MAGE from source, first install Rust and Cargo.

Then set up the machine by running the following commands:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libcurl4 `memgraph` \
libpython${PY_VERSION} `memgraph` \
libssl-dev `memgraph` \
openssl `memgraph` \
build-essential `mage-memgraph` \
cmake `mage-memgraph` \
curl `mage-memgraph` \
g++ `mage-memgraph` \
python3 `mage-memgraph` \
python3-pip `mage-memgraph` \
python3-setuptools `mage-memgraph` \
python3-dev `mage-memgraph` \
clang `mage-memgraph` \
git `mage-memgraph` \
--no-install-recommends \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

Installation process

1. Download the MAGE source code from GitHub and run the setup script.

The script will generate a dist directory with all the needed files:

python3 setup build -p /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules

The command above will also copy the contents of the newly created dist directory to /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules. Memgraph loads query modules from this directory.

If something isn't installed properly, the setup script will stop the installation process. If you have any questions, contact us on Discord.


Be sure you cloned the mage GitHub repository using the --recurse-submodules flag since it has incorporated Memgraph inside:

git clone --recurse-submodules

if you didn't, you can run following command to update submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

2. Start Memgraph and enjoy MAGE!


Query modules are loaded into Memgraph on startup, so if your instance was already running you will need to execute the following query inside one of querying platforms to load them:

CALL mg.load_all();

If your changes are not loaded, make sure to restart the instance by running systemctl stop memgraph and systemctl start memgraph.

If you want to find out more about loading query modules, visit this guide.

Advanced configuration

1. Set a different query_modules directory

The setup script can set your local mage/dist directory or any other directory as the default one in the Memgraph configuration file (flag --query-modules-directory defined in /etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf). There are a few options:

1. Set <your_directory> as the default one:

python3 setup modules_storage -p <your_directory>

This way Memgraph will be looking for query modules inside <your_directory>.


Don't forget to copy the aforementioned files from mage/dist to <your_directory>.

2. Set /mage/dist as the default one:

python3 setup modules_storage

If the default directory is mage/dist then you don't need to copy *.so and *.py files from the mage/dist directory to/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules every time you run build.