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Pull the MAGE image from Docker Hub

MAGE has prepared a Docker image on Docker Hub 🐳 ready to be pulled from memgraph/memgraph-mage.

Installing MAGE

1. This is the only command you will need to make it run in your environment:

docker run -p 7687:7687 memgraph/memgraph-mage:latest

You can download a specific version of MAGE. For example, if you want to download version 1.1, you should run the following command:

docker run -p 7687:7687 memgraph/memgraph-mage:1.1

You can also download a MAGE image equipped for development inside of Docker containers:

docker run -p 7687:7687 memgraph/memgraph-mage:1.1-dev

By running this command, you will get an image with the following tools installed: Python3, Rust, Clang, Make, and CMake. This way, you can copy files to the container, build them inside and import query modules in Memgraph.

If you want to develop your own query modules, be sure to check the Development process for MAGE with Docker.