Learning Material
- TestingJavaScript.com 🏆 A HUGE course all about testing JavaScript applications (See also the course material with many examples using React Testing Library) by Kent C. Dodds
- Kent C. Dodds's testing related blog posts are all relevant (especially Common mistakes with React Testing Library)
- Migrating from Enzyme shallow rendering to explicit component mocks
- Confident React
- Test Driven Development with React Testing Library
- Testing React and Web Applications
- Build a joke app with TDD by @mbaranovski
- Build a comment feed with TDD by @iwilsonq
- A clear way to unit testing React JS components using Jest and React Testing Library by Richard Kotze
- Integration testing in React by Jeffrey Russom
- React Testing Library have fantastic testing 🐐 by Yazan Aabed
- Building a React Tooltip Library by divyanshu013 and metagrover
- A sample repo using React Testing Library to test a Relay Modern GraphQL app
- Creating Readable Tests Using React Testing Library by Lukeghenco
- My Experience moving from Enzyme to React Testing Library by David Boyne
- Testing Formik with React Testing Library by Scott Sauber
- How to Test Asynchronous Methods by Gpx
- Writing better tests with react-testing-library by Billy Mathews
- React Hooks broke my tests, now what? by Daniel Afonso
- Testing Apollo Components Using react-testing-library by Andrew Hansen
Portuguese 🇧🇷
- Do Enzyme ao Testing Library by Pablo Dinella
- React Hooks broke my tests, now what? (Portuguese) by Daniel Afonso
- Escrevendo testes eficientes de verdade no Angular by Andrew Rosário
Spanish 🇪🇸
- TESTING en REACT 🧪 ¡Aprende DESDE CERO! Con react-testing-library y Jest by Midudev
- Buenas prácticas con Angular Testing Library by Danywalls
Feel free to contribute more!