Setting Up The Middleware

Now that we know what Epics are, we need to provide them to the redux-observable middleware so they can start listening for actions.

Root Epic

redux-observable requires a single root Epic. As we learned previously, we can use combineEpics() to accomplish this.

We recommend importing all of your Epics into a single file, which then exports the root Epic and the root Reducer.


import { combineEpics } from "redux-observable";
import { pingEpic } from "features/ping/pingEpic";
import { fetchUserEpic } from "features/users/usersEpic";

export const rootEpic = combineEpics(pingEpic, fetchUserEpic);

This pattern is an extension of the Ducks Modular Redux pattern.

Configuring The Store

Now create an instance of the redux-observable middleware.

import { createEpicMiddleware } from "redux-observable";

const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware();

Then you pass this to the configureStore function from Redux.

import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import ping from "features/ping/pingSlice";
import users from "features/users/usersSlice";

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>

And after that you call with the rootEpic you created earlier.

import { rootEpic } from "./rootEpic";;

Integrate the code above with your existing Store configuration so that it looks like this:


import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import { createEpicMiddleware } from "redux-observable";
import { rootEpic } from "./rootEpic";
import ping from "features/ping/pingSlice";
import users from "features/users/usersSlice";

const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware();

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>

Adding global error handler

Uncaught errors can bubble up to the root epic and cause the entire stream to terminate. As a consequence, epics registered in the middleware will no longer run in your application. To alleviate this issue, you can add a global error handler to the root epic that catches uncaught errors and resubscribes to the source stream.

const rootEpic = (action$, store$, dependencies) =>
  combineEpics(...epics)(action$, store$, dependencies).pipe(
    catchError((error, source) => {
      return source;

Within the body of the function based to the catchError operator, you can log the uncaught error to standard error or any other exception logging tool.

Note that in the example above, the console.error function is not supported in IE 8/9.

Also note that restarting the root epic can have some unintended consequences, especially if your application uses stateful epics, as they may lose state in the restart.

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