ArangoDB Spark Connector - Getting Started

This library has been deprecated in favor of the new ArangoDB Datasource for Apache Spark.


Spark 3.X + 2.4.1 and above


Spark 2.4.0 and below



Spark 3.X + 2.4.1 and above

libraryDependencies += "com.arangodb" % "arangodb-spark-connector_2.12" % "1.1.0"

Spark 2.4.0 and below

libraryDependencies += "com.arangodb" % "arangodb-spark-connector_2.11" % "1.1.0"


property-key description default value
arangodb.hosts comma separated list of ArangoDB hosts
arangodb.user basic authentication user root
arangodb.password basic authentication password  
arangodb.protocol network protocol VST
arangodb.useSsl use SSL connection false
arangodb.ssl.keyStoreFile SSL certificate keystore file  
arangodb.ssl.passPhrase SSL pass phrase  
arangodb.ssl.protocol SSL protocol TLS
arangodb.maxConnections max number of connections per host 1
arangodb.acquireHostList auto acquire list of available hosts false
arangodb.loadBalancingStrategy load balancing strategy to be used NONE

Setup SparkContext


val conf = new SparkConf()
    .set("arangodb.hosts", "")
    .set("arangodb.user", "myUser")
    .set("arangodb.password", "myPassword")

val sc = new SparkContext(conf)


SparkConf conf = new SparkConf()
    .set("arangodb.hosts", "")
    .set("arangodb.user", "myUser")
    .set("arangodb.password", "myPassword");

JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);