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User management

The community edition of Memgraph enables creating users that can access the database with or without a password.

To create a user, execute the following command:

CREATE USER user_name [IDENTIFIED BY 'password'];

Setting up a password is optional. If the password is not set, the user can log in using any password, or none, provided that they enter the correct username.

To set or change a user's password, use the following command:

SET PASSWORD FOR user_name TO 'new_password';

To check all the users created on an instance, use:


To remove a user's password, set it to null:

SET PASSWORD FOR user_name TO null;

To delete a user use:

DROP USER user_name;


memgraph-platform image

If you are using Docker and memgraph-platform image, you should pass the username and password environment variables when starting Memgraph:

docker run -it -p 7687:7687 -p 7444:7444 -p 3000:3000 -e MGCONSOLE="--username <username> --password <password>" memgraph/memgraph-platform


docker run -it -p 7687:7687 -p 7444:7444 -p 3000:3000 -e MGCONSOLE="--username vlasta --password vp" memgraph/memgraph-platform

Upon connecting with Memgraph Lab you should select Connect Manually and enter username (and password).

memgraph and memgraph-mage images

If you are using Docker and memgraph or memgraph-mage image enter username and password when connecting manually to Memgraph Lab.

If you are connecting with mgconsole you should add the username and password flags to the docker run command:

docker run -it --entrypoint=mgconsole memgraph/memgraph --host CONTAINER_IP --username=<username> --password=<password>


docker run -it --entrypoint=mgconsole memgraph/memgraph --host --username=vlasta --password=vp

Password encryption algorithm

Memgraph offers multiple password encryption algorithms:

  • BCrypt
  • SHA256
  • SHA256 with multiple iterations (currently set to 1024 iterations)

The above algorithms can be specified at runtime using the flag --password-encryption-algorithm with the appropriate values of bcrypt, sha256 or sha256-multiple.


This algorithm is the default algorithm for password encryption. It's the most secure algorithm and has the best protection against brute-force attack. However, if you're running connecting multiple concurrent enterprise users with passwords at the same time, it may not be the best choice for you as you might experience slower performance. The performance is slower only during authentication of the users, and should not degrade once the connection has been established.

SHA256 and SHA256 with multiple iterations

SHA256 is an encryption algorithm that's usually not used for password encryption but is fast and secure enough to offer optimal performance when running a lot of concurrent opening connections to Memgraph.