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Install Memgraph from RPM package

This article briefly outlines the basic steps necessary to install and run Memgraph from a RPM package.


Newer versions of Memgraph might not be backward compatible with older versions and you might not be able to load storage snapshots between different versions. In that case, please contact the Memgraph team and we'll help with the migration as much as possible.


Before you proceed with the installation guide make sure that you have:


Memgraph packages are available for:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 9
  • Fedora 36
  • RedHat 7
  • RedHat 9

You can also use direct download links to get the latest Memgraph packages.

Installation guide

After downloading the Memgraph RPM package, you can install it by issuing the following command:

sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall /path-to/memgraph-<version>.rpm

NOTE: Please take care of the SELinux config. The easiest way of running Memgraph is to disable SELinux by executing setenforce 0. If that's not an option, please configure system properly.

After successful installation, Memgraph can be started as a service using the following command:

systemctl start memgraph

To verify that Memgraph is running, run the following command:

journalctl --unit memgraph

If successful, you should receive an output similar to the following:

You are running Memgraph vX.X.X

If you want the Memgraph service to start automatically on each startup, run the following command:

systemctl enable memgraph

If you want to start Memgraph with different configuration settings, check out the Configuration section. At this point, Memgraph is ready for you to submit queries.

Stopping Memgraph

To shut down the Memgraph server, issue the following command:

systemctl stop memgraph


The Memgraph configuration is available in /etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf. If the configuration file is altered, Memgraph needs to be restarted. To learn about all the configuration options, check out the Reference guide.

Where to next?

To learn how to query the database, take a look at the querying guide or Memgraph Playground for interactive tutorials.
Visit the Drivers overview page if you need to connect to the database programmatically.

Getting help

If you run into problems during the installation process, check out our installation troubleshooting guide to see if we have already covered the topic. For more information on the installation process and for additional questions, visit the Help Center page.