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The graph model is a natural way to represent a telecommunication network, a group of communication devices and structure that supports the routing and transmission of information. Base stations and cell phones are part of that network. Naturally, nodes represent base stations, and edges connect those whose signals could interfere. These connections can contain additional information, a weight of an interference.


Network design using graph analytics

Modern communication networks are large, dynamic, complex, and increasingly use virtualized network infrastructure. To deploy, maintain, and troubleshoot such networks, it is essential to understand how network elements such as servers, switches, virtual machines, and virtual network functions are connected to one another. This understanding can allow us to discover the most appropriate and efficient communication paths between them.

By modeling telecommunications networks as graphs, we are able to use standard graph theory algorithms to analyze the interaction between specific network elements. Complex simulations can be reduced to simple algorithms which can aid in risk management and designing failsafes.

Organizing antennas

When making a call, the phone must have an established connection with the base station. The antenna on the base station has a particular signal strength that decreases with distance, so the phone should be connected to the base station nearby to provide the required quality. The major challenge is to ensure the quality of calls on the move. If the phone moves away from the base station, the signal diminishes, and the phone disconnects. To avoid call interruptions, the phone should find a new base station, the closest one at that moment, and connect to it.

Code planning aims to assign codes and ensure that connected base stations are given different codes. In graph theory terminology, codes are equivalent to colors, and therefore code planning can be reformulated as a graph coloring problem.

Where to next?

This text is a summary of one area that fits perfectly with the application of graphs. Therefore, we would like to have you with us when implementing some of these solutions. Share opinions, experiences and problems you encounter when working with Memgraph on our Discord server. We are here for you and we will help you along the way.