Salary Surveys

We run these annually, and publish annonimised results but not the full data.

Convert from Google Doc to ReStructuredText

  1. In Google Docs, save the survey as HTML.

  2. Use pandoc to convert to RST:

    pandoc -s -f html -t rst SalarySurvey2020.html > survey.rst
  3. If the output is full of rubrics and single-cell tables like this:

    | .. rubric:: What we asked                                   |
    |    :name: h.p5d0g4ykb8x1                                    |
    |    :class: c15                                              |
    |                                                             |
    | 1. What is the basis of your employment?                    |
    |                                                             |
    | -  I am an employee                                         |
    | -  I am an independent contractor, freelance operator, or   |
    |    self-employed                                            |
    | -  I was an employee, but am not currently employed         |
    | -  I was an independent contractor, freelance operator, or  |
    |    self-employed, but do not currently have work            |

    use something like the script in docs/_scripts/ to clean it up.

    (and possibly do a search and replace to add the rubric back to the 2020 doc and a few other tweaks)

  4. Add images to docs/surveys/salary-survey/images, and include them manually.

  5. Add custom CSS to _static/css/survey.css.

  6. Triple check output. 😈