API Blueprint

API Blueprint is a high-level language for describing web APIs. The syntax is a combination of Markdown syntax and Markdown Syntax for Object Notation (MSON), and the files are saved with a .apib extension. Markdown is a lightweight text formatting syntax. MSON is an extension of Markdown for describing data objects.

The goal of the API Blueprint format is to support the design-first philosophy for REST APIs; however, the format works just as well for documenting existing APIs.

Getting started

The quickest way to get started is to use Apiary to edit and view your documentation. Apiary is a service that allows you to edit and host documentation online. Start by signing up for an account on Apiary. Next, continue with the API Blueprint Tutorial. It provides a good overview of how to describe a basic API.

Writing docs

The structure for an .apib file is:

API Name
Resource Group
Resource Group
Data Structures
describes the API Blueprint version
API Name:
is your API name
Resource Groups:
describes a collection of related API endpoints
describes a specific API endpoint
describes specific http verb actions to an endpoint
Data Structures:
describes data used in your API requests/responses. By defining them in a separate section, they can easily be reused.

Building docs

The two most popular tools for generating documents from API Blueprints are Apiary and Aglio.