Press Kit

Press Kit

We love that you’re supporting Write the Docs by writing about the conference, sharing news about it on social media, telling people you’re planning to attend. We’re trying to make it as easy as possible for you to do any of the above, so here are some sample tweets, useful information, and handy images you can use.

Sample tweets

Use these unedited, or tweak them as needed!

  • I'm attending Write the Docs **April 14-16, 2024** to discuss all things documentation.
  • Join writers, programmers, librarians, scientists, developer advocates. and support humans at #writethedocs in **April 14-16, 2024** to discuss all things documentation.

Good things people have said about us

Useful numbers

We have some stats about attendees, membership, and website hits over on the following blog posts:

Images and logos

We’re working on getting our new logos and images up here, in the meantime you can use any of the Creative Commons licensed images from our Flickr gallery or take a look at the logo and other assets stylesheet.

In particular, we encourage you to use these three photos in your tweets and blog posts, which we think are especially representative of Write the Docs Portland.

All quiet
Settling in to work
Group shot!