Posts tagged newsletter

Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2023

Salutations, documentarians. I hope you are able to find things in your life to be thankful for and also the time to be able to appreciate them. I’m thankful for the wonderful community of documentarians at Write the Docs and the insights they freely share with us every day.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – October 2023

Ave, documentarians. Halloween may be approaching, but there’s nothing scary about this month’s batch of stories from the world of Write the Docs.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – September 2023

Hey, documentarians, the newsletter is back!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – July 2023

Aloha! There’s lots to cover this month, so let’s dive in.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – June 2023

Shalom, documentarians! This month marks a year since I first started putting together this newsletter and it’s been a great chance for me to learn more about all kinds of topics. If you’ve enjoyed the newsletter, help me learn even more by reacting to the most insightful posts in Slack with the :suggest-for-newsletter: emoji. Although space is limited each month, I always enjoy seeing what everyone is learning.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – May 2023

Aloha, documentarians! I hope any showers you may have experienced in April are paying off in flowers. There’s lots blossoming within Write the Docs.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – April 2023

Hello again. April may or may not be the cruelest month, but there’s no cruelty in our latest batch of news and views from the world of docs.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – March 2023

Hello, everyone! March is here, which should mean the changing of the season. I hope you are able to find some balance with the upcoming equinox.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – February 2023

Greetings, documentarians! I hope your 2023 is off to a wonderful start. Mine has been very full so far, and we’re only a 12th of the way through.

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Write the Docs Community Update - January 2023

Hey folks, Eric Holscher here, one of the co-founders of Write the Docs. I’m here with our traditional January community update.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – December 2022

Hello, lovely documentarians. The end of the year is approaching, which is a wonderful time to reflect on all the things we’ve done in 2022. And to reflect on what to look forward to for next year. I hope your personal list of accomplishments is long and your list of remaining things to do isn’t quite as daunting as mine.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2022

Hello once again from the newsletter team. There are many things going on in the community right now.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – October 2022

Hello once again to the wonderful Write the Docs community. While the weather may be getting cooler in my part of the world, I can always find something to warm my heart in this community.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – September 2022

Hey, everyone, the newsletter is back! We took one of our regular breaks, but now we’re back with exceptional insights from the Write the Docs community.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – July 2022

Hi everyone. Aaron and the newsletter team checking in and hoping all is well for you.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – June 2022

Hi from your new newsletter editor, Aaron Collier. I’m taking over as editor this month from Beth Aitman and hoping to continue the doses of news and general awesomeness she and the other newsletter volunteers having been regularly bringing to your inboxes.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – April 2022

Hey everyone! It’s Beth and the newsletter team, back with another edition full of news and views from the docs world.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – March 2022

Hello, everyone! Spring is here and so is the March edition of the newsletter.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – February 2022

Hey everyone! Your newsletter team is back in business for a brand new year, and we hope 2022 has been treating you alright so far.

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Write the Docs Community Kickoff - January 2022

Hey folks, Eric Holscher here, one of the co-founders of Write the Docs. I’m here with the traditional January community update replacement to the newsletter. It’s a short one this year.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2021

Hi folks! November has somehow rolled around (already??) and it’s that newsletter time of the month again.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – September 2021

Hi everyone! Back from our summer break, it’s Beth and the newsletter team, bringing you our edition for September.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – July 2021

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, documentarians! It’s Beth and the newsletter team with a last summer update before we head off on a little break. We’ll be back in September :)

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Write the Docs Newsletter – June 2021

Hi everybody! It’s Beth here, writing to you from my gloriously sunny balcony (thank goodness rainy May is over). I hope you’re all enjoying the weather wherever you are.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – May 2021

Hello, Write the Docs people! There’s tons to cover this month, so I’ll get straight to it.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – April 2021

Hello everybody! It’s Beth and the team, here with the Write the Docs newsletter for April.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – March 2021

Hey everyone! It’s your friendly neighbourhood WTD newsletter team, with our March edition.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – February 2021

Hey everyone! It’s a month into 2021 already and the newsletter team is back in business. We’ve got a packed issue for you today, with topics ranging from screenshots to embedded code snippets to showing your value, so I’ll get right on with it.

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Write the Docs Community Kickoff - January 2021

Hey folks, Eric Holscher here, one of the co-founders of Write the Docs. This is the January edition of the newsletter, which has a community update to give the newsletter team the month off.

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Write the Docs 2020 Stats

This year we have done a Write the Docs Community Kickoff - January 2021 post along with our stats. Check there for context around the community going into 2021.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – December 2020

Hey everyone - it’s Beth bringing you the final WTD newsletter of the year.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2020

Hello friends! It’s Beth and the newsletter team here, writing to you after our second ever online WTD conference. I spent the days after Prague feeling a strange mix of revived and exhausted - in other words, just how I always feel after a Write the Docs conference. A pretty good outcome if you ask me. If you’d like to catch up on anything you missed, or rewatch your favourites, videos of both the main stage talks and lightning talks are now up on our YouTube playlist. Enjoy!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – October 2020

Hi everyone - it’s Beth A and the newsletter team here, back from our summer break. I hope you’ve all had a chance to take a break too recently; I’m feeling the need for time off more than ever.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – August 2020

Dear documentarians of the world - good morning, afternoon, or evening! It’s Beth here, writing to you on an absolutely sweltering day in Switzerland. 36°C has been rather a challenge in the home office; on the plus side, being at home means a mid-afternoon siesta is now an option…

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Write the Docs Newsletter – July 2020

Hello, everyone! It’s Beth here, with the latest edition of the Write the Docs newsletter. As I write to you from here in Switzerland, summer seems to have finally arrived. Here’s to bright sun and blue skies ahead, and hopefully a bit of a break as the summer holidays come along.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – June 2020

Hey all - it’s Beth and the newsletter team here.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – May 2020

Hello, documentarians; it’s Beth here with the May edition of the Write the Docs newsletter. I hope you’re all holding up okay under lockdown.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – April 2020

Hello, friends. Beth A here, and it feels pretty strange to be sitting down to write the usual newsletter intro to you all, when things in the world and at home are far from usual.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – March 2020

Hello everyone! March is here (already?!), and so is a fresh new edition of the WTD newsletter.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – February 2020

Happy 2020, documentarians! It’s Beth and the newsletter crew here, with the latest and greatest from the Write the Docs community.

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Write the Docs 2019 Stats and Community Update

Since it’s quiet over the holidays, we normally don’t publish a newsletter in January. Instead, we send out a yearly update for the Write the Docs community, where we share updates on our progress as a community and an organization.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – December 2019

Hi everybody! It’s Beth here, with the last issue of 2019. And what a year it’s been! Four conferences (including the recently-wrapped-up Australia conference), more meetups than you can shake a stick at, and an ever-busier community on Slack. For a last dose of conference goodness this year, take a look at the videos of the talks from Australia (plus fab photos), which are now available for your enjoyment.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2019

Hello, everyone - it’s the November edition of the newsletter!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – October 2019

Hi, everyone, and welcome back to the newsletter after our summer break!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – August 2019

Hello everyone! It’s Beth and the team here, with another packed newsletter issue for you.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – July 2019

Hi, WTD friends, and welcome to the July newsletter! It’s Beth A here writing from sweltering Europe, where I’ve been learning great new words like canicule and Hitzewelle - aka heatwave in French and German.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – June 2019

Hello friends, it’s Beth and the newsletter team again! Summer is here and so is the June edition. It’s absolutely packed this month, so I’m going to keep this intro brief.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – May 2019

Hello everyone! It’s Beth and the newsletter team here, with May’s edition full of news and collected wisdom from the community Slack.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – April 2019

Hello folks! Beth and the newsletter team here, welcoming you to the April edition of the newsletter.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – March 2019

Hi everyone! Beth here, with your March newsletter. How on earth is February over already?

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Write the Docs Newsletter – February 2019

Hello, Write the Docs people! Beth here, wishing you all a happy 2019. Is it too late in the year for that? Oh well, never mind. I’m doing it anyway.

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Write the Docs 2018 Stats

2018 was another wonderful year for Write the Docs, it marks our 6th year of existence.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – December 2018

Hi, everyone, and welcome to the last newsletter of the year!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2018

Hi everyone! It’s Beth Aitman here, in my first issue as your newsletter editor. Hoping to continue Kelly O’Brien’s fine work bringing you news and interesting discussions from across the Write the Docs community.

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Write the Docs Newsletter – June 2018

Hi folks! Kelly O. here with the last issue of the newsletter until August. (In the meantime, the editorial team will be taking a wee summer break!) It’s been an exciting spring, with another successful Portland conference under our belts, and a jam-packed rest of the year laid out ahead of us!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – April 2018

Hello hello! Kelly O. here, with a ton of exciting community stuff to share with you this month! There’s a lot to cover, so I’ll cut right to the chase!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – February 2018

Hi everybody! Kelly O. here – back in the saddle after getting through the whole OMG, it’s a different year now transition. I’m excited to report that we have a TON of stuff happening in the community. I guess we’re starting this new year off strong!

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Write the Docs Newsletter – December 2017

Hi everybody! Kelly O. here, with our last issue of 2017! It’s been a gigantic year for the Write the Docs community. Just in the last month, our members have gotten up to some amazing stuff, including:

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Write the Docs Newsletter – November 2017

Happy November everybody! Kelly O. here, reporting live from the coffee shop that is about to cut me off because I’ve had three flat whites in a row. But I’m considering them celebratory beverages, because we have a jam-packed month of documentation goodness to talk about.

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Write the Docs Newsletter - June 2017

Write the Docs Portland was another sold-out success! Many thanks to everyone who attended, presented, hiked, shared, discussed, and made it another great event. Videos of the presentations are now available!

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Write the Docs Newsletter - May 2017

Write the Docs Portland is almost here! If you’re coming, we’re looking forward to welcoming you. If you can’t make it, maybe Write the Docs Prague in September? Just a thought…

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Write the Docs Newsletter - April 2017

In the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. In the Southern Hemisphere, Fall has…fallen? Sounds good, let’s go with it!

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Write the Docs Newsletter - March 2017

Hello, Write the Docs! Obviously, the end of the cold season depends entirely on what coast (or continent) you’re on, but here in the western US, we’re rapidly approaching springtime – which means Write the Docs North America is right around the corner!

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Write the Docs Newsletter - February 2017

Hi everybody! We’re so happy to find ourselves back in your inbox with this, the first newsletter of 2017! Although we all took some kind of break over the holiday season, we did our best to keep an eye on Slack for good newsletter nuggets – and we definitely were not disappointed! Below are some highlights from the last couple of months, and we’ll be getting back into the regular swing of things going forward. :)

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Write the Docs Newsletter - December 2016

Hello, Write the Docs! As I’m writing this, there are gentle little fairy-snowflakes drifting past my window, and it’s triggering my instinct to hibernate something fierce. On that subject, this newsletter is going to take a brief hibernation period of its own over the holiday season. But never fear! We’ll be back in your inboxes once we’ve settled into 2017 a bit.

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Write the Docs Newsletter - November 2016

Hello, Write the Docs! Let me tell ya, it’s been a jam-packed month for interesting conversations in the community. It’s been really exciting to see so much activity and engagement on the Slack channel. It’s even got us thinking about bumping the frequency of these dispatches up to twice a month, just so we can include more good stuff.

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Write the Docs Newsletter - October 2016

Hello Write the Docs! Nice to see you again in this, our second issue of the community newsletter. In case you missed us last time, we’ve started up a monthly newsletter to highlight interesting conversations that have been happening in the community over the last few weeks.

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Write the Docs Newsletter - September 2016

Hello Write the Docs! If you’re getting this email, you’ve probably attended (or considered attending) one of the documentation conferences we’ve put on over the last few years. As our events have grown, so too has our community, and we’re working hard to make Write the Docs a year-round affair.

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