
Object Auditor

class swift.obj.auditor.AuditorWorker(conf, logger, rcache, devices, zero_byte_only_at_fps=0, watcher_defs=None)

Bases: object

Walk through file system to audit objects

audit_all_objects(mode='once', device_dirs=None)
create_recon_nested_dict(top_level_key, device_list, item)

Entrypoint to object_audit, with a failsafe generic exception handler.


Audits the given object location.


location – an audit location (from diskfile.object_audit_location_generator)


Based on config’s object_size_stats will keep track of how many objects fall into the specified ranges. For example with the following:

object_size_stats = 10, 100, 1024

and your system has 3 objects of sizes: 5, 20, and 10000 bytes the log will look like: {“10”: 1, “100”: 1, “1024”: 0, “OVER”: 1}

class swift.obj.auditor.ObjectAuditor(conf, logger=None, **options)

Bases: Daemon

Audit objects.

audit_loop(parent, zbo_fps, override_devices=None, **kwargs)

Parallel audit loop


Clear recon cache entries

fork_child(zero_byte_fps=False, sleep_between_zbf_scanner=False, **kwargs)

Child execution


Run the object audit

run_forever(*args, **kwargs)

Run the object audit until stopped.

run_once(*args, **kwargs)

Run the object audit once

class swift.obj.auditor.WatcherWrapper(watcher_class, watcher_name, conf, logger)

Bases: object

Run the user-supplied watcher.

Simple and gets the job done. Note that we aren’t doing anything to isolate ourselves from hangs or file descriptor leaks in the plugins.

see_object(meta, data_file_path)

Object Backend

Disk File Interface for the Swift Object Server

The DiskFile, DiskFileWriter and DiskFileReader classes combined define the on-disk abstraction layer for supporting the object server REST API interfaces (excluding REPLICATE). Other implementations wishing to provide an alternative backend for the object server must implement the three classes. An example alternative implementation can be found in the mem_server.py and mem_diskfile.py modules along size this one.

The DiskFileManager is a reference implemenation specific class and is not part of the backend API.

The remaining methods in this module are considered implementation specific and are also not considered part of the backend API.

class swift.obj.diskfile.AuditLocation(path, device, partition, policy)

Bases: object

Represents an object location to be audited.

Other than being a bucket of data, the only useful thing this does is stringify to a filesystem path so the auditor’s logs look okay.

class swift.obj.diskfile.BaseDiskFile(mgr, device_path, partition, account=None, container=None, obj=None, _datadir=None, policy=None, use_splice=False, pipe_size=None, open_expired=False, next_part_power=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Manage object files.

This specific implementation manages object files on a disk formatted with a POSIX-compliant file system that supports extended attributes as metadata on a file or directory.


The arguments to the constructor are considered implementation specific. The API does not define the constructor arguments.

The following path format is used for data file locations: <devices_path/<device_dir>/<datadir>/<partdir>/<suffixdir>/<hashdir>/ <datafile>.<ext>

  • mgr – associated DiskFileManager instance

  • device_path – path to the target device or drive

  • partition – partition on the device in which the object lives

  • account – account name for the object

  • container – container name for the object

  • obj – object name for the object

  • _datadir – override the full datadir otherwise constructed here

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

  • use_splice – if true, use zero-copy splice() to send data

  • pipe_size – size of pipe buffer used in zero-copy operations

  • open_expired – if True, open() will not raise a DiskFileExpired if object is expired

  • next_part_power – the next partition power to be used

property account
property container
property content_length
property content_type
property content_type_timestamp

Context manager to create a file. We create a temporary file first, and then return a DiskFileWriter object to encapsulate the state.


An implementation is not required to perform on-disk preallocations even if the parameter is specified. But if it does and it fails, it must raise a DiskFileNoSpace exception.


size – optional initial size of file to explicitly allocate on disk


DiskFileNoSpace – if a size is specified and allocation fails

property data_timestamp

Delete the object.

This implementation creates a tombstone file using the given timestamp, and removes any older versions of the object file. Any file that has an older timestamp than timestamp will be deleted.


An implementation is free to use or ignore the timestamp parameter.


timestamp – timestamp to compare with each file


DiskFileError – this implementation will raise the same errors as the create() method.

property durable_timestamp

Provides the timestamp of the newest data file found in the object directory.


A Timestamp instance, or None if no data file was found.


DiskFileNotOpen – if the open() method has not been previously called on this instance.

property fragments
classmethod from_hash_dir(mgr, hash_dir_path, device_path, partition, policy)

Provide the datafile metadata for a previously opened object as a dictionary. This is metadata that was included when the object was first PUT, and does not include metadata set by any subsequent POST.


object’s datafile metadata dictionary


DiskFileNotOpen – if the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.open() method was not previously invoked


Provide the metadata for a previously opened object as a dictionary.


object’s metadata dictionary


DiskFileNotOpen – if the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.open() method was not previously invoked


Provide the metafile metadata for a previously opened object as a dictionary. This is metadata that was written by a POST and does not include any persistent metadata that was set by the original PUT.


object’s .meta file metadata dictionary, or None if there is no .meta file


DiskFileNotOpen – if the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.open() method was not previously invoked

property manager
property obj
open(modernize=False, current_time=None)

Open the object.

This implementation opens the data file representing the object, reads the associated metadata in the extended attributes, additionally combining metadata from fast-POST .meta files.

  • modernize – if set, update this diskfile to the latest format. Currently, this means adding metadata checksums if none are present.

  • current_time – Unix time used in checking expiration. If not present, the current time will be used.


An implementation is allowed to raise any of the following exceptions, but is only required to raise DiskFileNotExist when the object representation does not exist.


itself for use as a context manager


Return the metadata for an object without requiring the caller to open the object first.


current_time – Unix time used in checking expiration. If not present, the current time will be used.


metadata dictionary for an object


DiskFileError – this implementation will raise the same errors as the open() method.

reader(keep_cache=False, _quarantine_hook=<function BaseDiskFile.<lambda>>)

Return a swift.common.swob.Response class compatible “app_iter” object as defined by swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileReader.

For this implementation, the responsibility of closing the open file is passed to the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileReader object.

  • keep_cache – caller’s preference for keeping data read in the OS buffer cache

  • _quarantine_hook – 1-arg callable called when obj quarantined; the arg is the reason for quarantine. Default is to ignore it. Not needed by the REST layer.


a swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileReader object

reader_cls = None
property timestamp

Write a block of metadata to an object without requiring the caller to create the object first. Supports fast-POST behavior semantics.


metadata – dictionary of metadata to be associated with the object


DiskFileError – this implementation will raise the same errors as the create() method.

writer_cls = None
class swift.obj.diskfile.BaseDiskFileManager(conf, logger)

Bases: object

Management class for devices, providing common place for shared parameters and methods not provided by the DiskFile class (which primarily services the object server REST API layer).

The get_diskfile() method is how this implementation creates a DiskFile object.


This class is reference implementation specific and not part of the pluggable on-disk backend API.


TODO(portante): Not sure what the right name to recommend here, as “manager” seemed generic enough, though suggestions are welcome.

  • conf – caller provided configuration object

  • logger – caller provided logger

classmethod check_policy(policy)
cleanup_ondisk_files(hsh_path, **kwargs)

Clean up on-disk files that are obsolete and gather the set of valid on-disk files for an object.

  • hsh_path – object hash path

  • frag_index – if set, search for a specific fragment index .data file, otherwise accept the first valid .data file


a dict that may contain: valid on disk files keyed by their filename extension; a list of obsolete files stored under the key ‘obsolete’; a list of files remaining in the directory, reverse sorted, stored under the key ‘files’.

clear_auditor_status(policy, auditor_type='ALL')
static consolidate_hashes(partition_dir)

Take what’s in hashes.pkl and hashes.invalid, combine them, write the result back to hashes.pkl, and clear out hashes.invalid.


partition_dir – absolute path to partition dir containing hashes.pkl and hashes.invalid


a dict, the suffix hashes (if any), the key ‘valid’ will be False if hashes.pkl is corrupt, cannot be read or does not exist


Construct the path to a device without checking if it is mounted.


device – name of target device


full path to the device

diskfile_cls = None
get_dev_path(device, mount_check=None)

Return the path to a device, first checking to see if either it is a proper mount point, or at least a directory depending on the mount_check configuration option.

  • device – name of target device

  • mount_check – whether or not to check mountedness of device. Defaults to bool(self.mount_check).


full path to the device, None if the path to the device is not a proper mount point or directory.

get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy, **kwargs)

Returns a BaseDiskFile instance for an object based on the object’s partition, path parts and policy.

  • device – name of target device

  • partition – partition on device in which the object lives

  • account – account name for the object

  • container – container name for the object

  • obj – object name for the object

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

get_diskfile_and_filenames_from_hash(device, partition, object_hash, policy, **kwargs)

Returns a tuple of (a DiskFile instance for an object at the given object_hash, the basenames of the files in the object’s hash dir). Just in case someone thinks of refactoring, be sure DiskFileDeleted is not raised, but the DiskFile instance representing the tombstoned object is returned instead.

  • device – name of target device

  • partition – partition on the device in which the object lives

  • object_hash – the hash of an object path

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance


DiskFileNotExist – if the object does not exist


a tuple comprising (an instance of BaseDiskFile, a list of file basenames)


Returns a BaseDiskFile instance for an object at the given AuditLocation.


audit_location – object location to be audited

get_diskfile_from_hash(device, partition, object_hash, policy, **kwargs)

Returns a DiskFile instance for an object at the given object_hash. Just in case someone thinks of refactoring, be sure DiskFileDeleted is not raised, but the DiskFile instance representing the tombstoned object is returned instead.

  • device – name of target device

  • partition – partition on the device in which the object lives

  • object_hash – the hash of an object path

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance


DiskFileNotExist – if the object does not exist


an instance of BaseDiskFile

get_hashes(device, partition, suffixes, policy, skip_rehash=False)
  • device – name of target device

  • partition – partition name

  • suffixes – a list of suffix directories to be recalculated

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

  • skip_rehash – just mark the suffixes dirty; return None


a dictionary that maps suffix directories

get_ondisk_files(files, datadir, verify=True, policy=None, **kwargs)

Given a simple list of files names, determine the files that constitute a valid fileset i.e. a set of files that defines the state of an object, and determine the files that are obsolete and could be deleted. Note that some files may fall into neither category.

If a file is considered part of a valid fileset then its info dict will be added to the results dict, keyed by <extension>_info. Any files that are no longer required will have their info dicts added to a list stored under the key ‘obsolete’.

The results dict will always contain entries with keys ‘ts_file’, ‘data_file’ and ‘meta_file’. Their values will be the fully qualified path to a file of the corresponding type if there is such a file in the valid fileset, or None.

  • files – a list of file names.

  • datadir – directory name files are from; this is used to construct file paths in the results, but the datadir is not modified by this method.

  • verify – if True verify that the ondisk file contract has not been violated, otherwise do not verify.

  • policy – storage policy used to store the files. Used to validate fragment indexes for EC policies.


a dict that will contain keys:

ts_file -> path to a .ts file or None data_file -> path to a .data file or None meta_file -> path to a .meta file or None ctype_file -> path to a .meta file or None

and may contain keys:

ts_info -> a file info dict for a .ts file data_info -> a file info dict for a .data file meta_info -> a file info dict for a .meta file ctype_info -> a file info dict for a .meta file which contains the content-type value unexpected -> a list of file paths for unexpected files possible_reclaim -> a list of file info dicts for possible reclaimable files obsolete -> a list of file info dicts for obsolete files

static invalidate_hash(suffix_dir)

Invalidates the hash for a suffix_dir in the partition’s hashes file.


suffix_dir – absolute path to suffix dir whose hash needs invalidating

make_on_disk_filename(timestamp, ext=None, ctype_timestamp=None, *a, **kw)

Returns filename for given timestamp.

  • timestamp – the object timestamp, an instance of Timestamp

  • ext – an optional string representing a file extension to be appended to the returned file name

  • ctype_timestamp – an optional content-type timestamp, an instance of Timestamp


a file name

object_audit_location_generator(policy, device_dirs=None, auditor_type='ALL')

Yield an AuditLocation for all objects stored under device_dirs.

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

  • device_dirs – directory of target device

  • auditor_type – either ALL or ZBF

parse_on_disk_filename(filename, policy)

Parse an on disk file name.

  • filename – the file name including extension

  • policy – storage policy used to store the file


a dict, with keys for timestamp, ext and ctype_timestamp:

  • timestamp is a Timestamp

  • ctype_timestamp is a Timestamp or None for .meta files, otherwise None

  • ext is a string, the file extension including the leading dot or the empty string if the filename has no extension.

Subclasses may override this method to add further keys to the returned dict.


DiskFileError – if any part of the filename is not able to be validated.

partition_lock(device, policy, partition, name=None, timeout=None)

A context manager that will lock on the partition given.

  • device – device targeted by the lock request

  • policy – policy targeted by the lock request

  • partition – partition targeted by the lock request


PartitionLockTimeout – If the lock on the partition cannot be granted within the configured timeout.

pickle_async_update(device, account, container, obj, data, timestamp, policy)

Write data describing a container update notification to a pickle file in the async_pending directory.

  • device – name of target device

  • account – account name for the object

  • container – container name for the object

  • obj – object name for the object

  • data – update data to be written to pickle file

  • timestamp – a Timestamp

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

policy = None
static quarantine_renamer(device_path, corrupted_file_path)

In the case that a file is corrupted, move it to a quarantined area to allow replication to fix it.

Params device_path:

The path to the device the corrupted file is on.

Params corrupted_file_path:

The path to the file you want quarantined.


path (str) of directory the file was moved to


OSError – re-raises non errno.EEXIST / errno.ENOTEMPTY exceptions from rename

replication_lock(device, policy, partition)

A context manager that will lock on the partition and, if configured to do so, on the device given.

  • device – name of target device

  • policy – policy targeted by the replication request

  • partition – partition targeted by the replication request


ReplicationLockTimeout – If the lock on the device cannot be granted within the configured timeout.

yield_hashes(device, partition, policy, suffixes=None, **kwargs)

Yields tuples of (hash_only, timestamps) for object information stored for the given device, partition, and (optionally) suffixes. If suffixes is None, all stored suffixes will be searched for object hashes. Note that if suffixes is not None but empty, such as [], then nothing will be yielded.

timestamps is a dict which may contain items mapping:

  • ts_data -> timestamp of data or tombstone file,

  • ts_meta -> timestamp of meta file, if one exists

  • ts_ctype -> timestamp of meta file containing most recent

    content-type value, if one exists

  • durable -> True if data file at ts_data is durable, False otherwise

where timestamps are instances of Timestamp

  • device – name of target device

  • partition – partition name

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

  • suffixes – optional list of suffix directories to be searched

yield_suffixes(device, partition, policy)

Yields tuples of (full_path, suffix_only) for suffixes stored on the given device and partition.

  • device – name of target device

  • partition – partition name

  • policy – the StoragePolicy instance

class swift.obj.diskfile.BaseDiskFileReader(fp, data_file, obj_size, etag, disk_chunk_size, keep_cache_size, device_path, logger, quarantine_hook, use_splice, pipe_size, diskfile, keep_cache=False)

Bases: object

Encapsulation of the WSGI read context for servicing GET REST API requests. Serves as the context manager object for the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile class’s swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.reader() method.


The quarantining behavior of this method is considered implementation specific, and is not required of the API.


The arguments to the constructor are considered implementation specific. The API does not define the constructor arguments.

  • fp – open file object pointer reference

  • data_file – on-disk data file name for the object

  • obj_size – verified on-disk size of the object

  • etag – expected metadata etag value for entire file

  • disk_chunk_size – size of reads from disk in bytes

  • keep_cache_size – maximum object size that will be kept in cache

  • device_path – on-disk device path, used when quarantining an obj

  • logger – logger caller wants this object to use

  • quarantine_hook – 1-arg callable called w/reason when quarantined

  • use_splice – if true, use zero-copy splice() to send data

  • pipe_size – size of pipe buffer used in zero-copy operations

  • diskfile – the diskfile creating this DiskFileReader instance

  • keep_cache – should resulting reads be kept in the buffer cache

app_iter_range(start, stop)

Returns an iterator over the data file for range (start, stop)

app_iter_ranges(ranges, content_type, boundary, size)

Returns an iterator over the data file for a set of ranges


Close the open file handle if present.

For this specific implementation, this method will handle quarantining the file if necessary.

property manager

Does some magic with splice() and tee() to move stuff from disk to network without ever touching userspace.


wsockfd – file descriptor (integer) of the socket out which to send data

class swift.obj.diskfile.BaseDiskFileWriter(name, datadir, size, bytes_per_sync, diskfile, next_part_power)

Bases: object

Encapsulation of the write context for servicing PUT REST API requests. Serves as the context manager object for the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile class’s swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.create() method.


It is the responsibility of the swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile.create() method context manager to close the open file descriptor.


The arguments to the constructor are considered implementation specific. The API does not define the constructor arguments.

  • name – name of object from REST API

  • datadir – on-disk directory object will end up in on swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileWriter.put()

  • fd – open file descriptor of temporary file to receive data

  • tmppath – full path name of the opened file descriptor

  • bytes_per_sync – number bytes written between sync calls

  • diskfile – the diskfile creating this DiskFileWriter instance

  • next_part_power – the next partition power to be used


Expose internal stats about written chunks.


a tuple, (upload_size, etag)


Perform any operations necessary to mark the object as durable. For replication policy type this is a no-op.


timestamp – object put timestamp, an instance of Timestamp

property logger
property manager

Finalize writing the file on disk.


metadata – dictionary of metadata to be associated with the object


Write a chunk of data to disk. All invocations of this method must come before invoking the :func:

For this implementation, the data is written into a temporary file.


chunk – the chunk of data to write as a string object

class swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFile(mgr, device_path, partition, account=None, container=None, obj=None, _datadir=None, policy=None, use_splice=False, pipe_size=None, open_expired=False, next_part_power=None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseDiskFile


alias of DiskFileReader


alias of DiskFileWriter

class swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileManager(conf, logger)

Bases: BaseDiskFileManager


alias of DiskFile

policy = 'replication'
class swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileReader(fp, data_file, obj_size, etag, disk_chunk_size, keep_cache_size, device_path, logger, quarantine_hook, use_splice, pipe_size, diskfile, keep_cache=False)

Bases: BaseDiskFileReader

class swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileRouter(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

class swift.obj.diskfile.DiskFileWriter(name, datadir, size, bytes_per_sync, diskfile, next_part_power)

Bases: BaseDiskFileWriter


Finalize writing the file on disk.


metadata – dictionary of metadata to be associated with the object

class swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFile(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseDiskFile

property durable_timestamp

Provides the timestamp of the newest durable file found in the object directory.


A Timestamp instance, or None if no durable file was found.


DiskFileNotOpen – if the open() method has not been previously called on this instance.

property fragments

Provides information about all fragments that were found in the object directory, including fragments without a matching durable file, and including any fragment chosen to construct the opened diskfile.


A dict mapping <Timestamp instance> -> <list of frag indexes>, or None if the diskfile has not been opened or no fragments were found.

purge(timestamp, frag_index, nondurable_purge_delay=0, meta_timestamp=None)

Remove a tombstone file matching the specified timestamp or datafile matching the specified timestamp and fragment index from the object directory.

This provides the EC reconstructor/ssync process with a way to remove a tombstone or fragment from a handoff node after reverting it to its primary node.

The hash will be invalidated, and if empty the hsh_path will be removed immediately.

  • timestamp – the object timestamp, an instance of Timestamp

  • frag_index – fragment archive index, must be a whole number or None.

  • nondurable_purge_delay – only remove a non-durable data file if it’s been on disk longer than this many seconds.

  • meta_timestamp – if not None then remove any meta file with this timestamp


alias of ECDiskFileReader


alias of ECDiskFileWriter

class swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileManager(conf, logger)

Bases: BaseDiskFileManager


alias of ECDiskFile

make_on_disk_filename(timestamp, ext=None, frag_index=None, ctype_timestamp=None, durable=False, *a, **kw)

Returns the EC specific filename for given timestamp.

  • timestamp – the object timestamp, an instance of Timestamp

  • ext – an optional string representing a file extension to be appended to the returned file name

  • frag_index – a fragment archive index, used with .data extension only, must be a whole number.

  • ctype_timestamp – an optional content-type timestamp, an instance of Timestamp

  • durable – if True then include a durable marker in data filename.


a file name


DiskFileError – if ext==’.data’ and the kwarg frag_index is not a whole number

parse_on_disk_filename(filename, policy)

Returns timestamp(s) and other info extracted from a policy specific file name. For EC policy the data file name includes a fragment index and possibly a durable marker, both of which must be stripped off to retrieve the timestamp.


filename – the file name including extension


a dict, with keys for timestamp, frag_index, durable, ext and


  • timestamp is a Timestamp

  • frag_index is an int or None

  • ctype_timestamp is a Timestamp or None for .meta files, otherwise None

  • ext is a string, the file extension including the leading dot or the empty string if the filename has no extension

  • durable is a boolean that is True if the filename is a data file that includes a durable marker


DiskFileError – if any part of the filename is not able to be validated.

policy = 'erasure_coding'
validate_fragment_index(frag_index, policy=None)

Return int representation of frag_index, or raise a DiskFileError if frag_index is not a whole number.

  • frag_index – a fragment archive index

  • policy – storage policy used to validate the index against

class swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileReader(fp, data_file, obj_size, etag, disk_chunk_size, keep_cache_size, device_path, logger, quarantine_hook, use_splice, pipe_size, diskfile, keep_cache=False)

Bases: BaseDiskFileReader

class swift.obj.diskfile.ECDiskFileWriter(name, datadir, size, bytes_per_sync, diskfile, next_part_power)

Bases: BaseDiskFileWriter


Finalize put by renaming the object data file to include a durable marker. We do this for EC policy because it requires a 2-phase put commit confirmation.


timestamp – object put timestamp, an instance of Timestamp


DiskFileError – if the diskfile frag_index has not been set (either during initialisation or a call to put())


The only difference between this method and the replication policy DiskFileWriter method is adding the frag index to the metadata.


metadata – dictionary of metadata to be associated with object

swift.obj.diskfile.clear_auditor_status(devices, datadir, auditor_type='ALL')

Take what’s in hashes.pkl and hashes.invalid, combine them, write the result back to hashes.pkl, and clear out hashes.invalid.


partition_dir – absolute path to partition dir containing hashes.pkl and hashes.invalid


a dict, the suffix hashes (if any), the key ‘valid’ will be False if hashes.pkl is corrupt, cannot be read or does not exist


Extracts the policy for an object (based on the name of the objects directory) given the device-relative path to the object. Returns None in the event that the path is malformed in some way.

The device-relative path is everything after the mount point; for example:



would have device-relative path:



obj_path – device-relative path of an object, or the full path


a BaseStoragePolicy or None


Get the async dir for the given policy.


policy_or_indexStoragePolicy instance, or an index (string or int); if None, the legacy Policy-0 is assumed.


async_pending or async_pending-<N> as appropriate

swift.obj.diskfile.get_auditor_status(datadir_path, logger, auditor_type)

Get the data dir for the given policy.


policy_or_indexStoragePolicy instance, or an index (string or int); if None, the legacy Policy-0 is assumed.


objects or objects-<N> as appropriate

swift.obj.diskfile.get_part_path(dev_path, policy, partition)

Given the device path, policy, and partition, returns the full path to the partition


Get the temp dir for the given policy.


policy_or_indexStoragePolicy instance, or an index (string or int); if None, the legacy Policy-0 is assumed.


tmp or tmp-<N> as appropriate


Invalidates the hash for a suffix_dir in the partition’s hashes file.


suffix_dir – absolute path to suffix dir whose hash needs invalidating

swift.obj.diskfile.object_audit_location_generator(devices, datadir, mount_check=True, logger=None, device_dirs=None, auditor_type='ALL')

Given a devices path (e.g. “/srv/node”), yield an AuditLocation for all objects stored under that directory for the given datadir (policy), if device_dirs isn’t set. If device_dirs is set, only yield AuditLocation for the objects under the entries in device_dirs. The AuditLocation only knows the path to the hash directory, not to the .data file therein (if any). This is to avoid a double listdir(hash_dir); the DiskFile object will always do one, so we don’t.

  • devices – parent directory of the devices to be audited

  • datadir – objects directory

  • mount_check – flag to check if a mount check should be performed on devices

  • logger – a logger object

  • device_dirs – a list of directories under devices to traverse

  • auditor_type – either ALL or ZBF

swift.obj.diskfile.quarantine_renamer(device_path, corrupted_file_path)

In the case that a file is corrupted, move it to a quarantined area to allow replication to fix it.

Params device_path:

The path to the device the corrupted file is on.

Params corrupted_file_path:

The path to the file you want quarantined.


path (str) of directory the file was moved to


OSError – re-raises non errno.EEXIST / errno.ENOTEMPTY exceptions from rename


Read the existing hashes.pkl


a dict, the suffix hashes (if any), the key ‘valid’ will be False if hashes.pkl is corrupt, cannot be read or does not exist

swift.obj.diskfile.read_metadata(fd, add_missing_checksum=False)

Helper function to read the pickled metadata from an object file.

  • fd – file descriptor or filename to load the metadata from

  • add_missing_checksum – if set and checksum is missing, add it


dictionary of metadata

Hard-links a file located in target_path using the second path new_target_path. Creates intermediate directories if required.

  • target_path – current absolute filename

  • new_target_path – new absolute filename for the hardlink

  • ignore_missing – if True then no exception is raised if the link could not be made because target_path did not exist, otherwise an OSError will be raised.


OSError if the hard link could not be created, unless the intended hard link already exists or the target_path does not exist and must_exist if False.


True if the link was created by the call to this method, False otherwise.

swift.obj.diskfile.update_auditor_status(datadir_path, logger, partitions, auditor_type)
swift.obj.diskfile.write_hashes(partition_dir, hashes)

Write hashes to hashes.pkl

The updated key is added to hashes before it is written.

swift.obj.diskfile.write_metadata(fd, metadata, xattr_size=65536)

Helper function to write pickled metadata for an object file.

  • fd – file descriptor or filename to write the metadata

  • metadata – metadata to write

Object Replicator

class swift.obj.replicator.ObjectReplicator(conf, logger=None)

Bases: Daemon

Replicate objects.

Encapsulates most logic and data needed by the object replication process. Each call to .replicate() performs one replication pass. It’s up to the caller to do this in a loop.

build_replication_jobs(policy, ips, override_devices=None, override_partitions=None)

Helper function for collect_jobs to build jobs for replication using replication style storage policy


Check to see if the ring has been updated :param object_ring: the ring to check


boolean indicating whether or not the ring has changed

collect_jobs(override_devices=None, override_partitions=None, override_policies=None)

Returns a sorted list of jobs (dictionaries) that specify the partitions, nodes, etc to be rsynced.

  • override_devices – if set, only jobs on these devices will be returned

  • override_partitions – if set, only jobs on these partitions will be returned

  • override_policies – if set, only jobs in these storage policies will be returned

delete_handoff_objs(job, delete_objs)

Returns a set of all local devices in all replication-type storage policies.

This is the device names, e.g. “sdq” or “d1234” or something, not the full ring entries.

get_worker_args(once=False, **kwargs)

For each worker yield a (possibly empty) dict of kwargs to pass along to the daemon’s run() method after fork. The length of elements returned from this method will determine the number of processes created.

If the returned iterable is empty, the Strategy will fallback to run-inline strategy.

  • once – False if the worker(s) will be daemonized, True if the worker(s) will be run once

  • kwargs – plumbed through via command line argparser


an iterable of dicts, each element represents the kwargs to be passed to a single worker’s run() method after fork.


Loop that runs in the background during replication. It periodically logs progress.


Check whether our set of local devices remains the same.

If devices have been added or removed, then we return False here so that we can kill off any worker processes and then distribute the new set of local devices across a new set of workers so that all devices are, once again, being worked on.

This function may also cause recon stats to be updated.


False if any local devices have been added or removed, True otherwise


Make sure the policy’s rings are loaded.


policy – the StoragePolicy instance


appropriate ring object


Override this to do something after running using multiple worker processes. This method is called in the parent process.

This is probably only useful for run-once mode since there is no “after running” in run-forever mode.

replicate(override_devices=None, override_partitions=None, override_policies=None, start_time=None)

Run a replication pass

rsync(node, job, suffixes)

Uses rsync to implement the sync method. This was the first sync method in Swift.

run_forever(multiprocess_worker_index=None, override_devices=None, *args, **kwargs)

Override this to run forever

run_once(multiprocess_worker_index=None, have_overrides=False, *args, **kwargs)

Override this to run the script once

ssync(node, job, suffixes, remote_check_objs=None)

Logs various stats for the currently running replication pass.

sync(node, job, suffixes, *args, **kwargs)

Synchronize local suffix directories from a partition with a remote node.

  • node – the “dev” entry for the remote node to sync with

  • job – information about the partition being synced

  • suffixes – a list of suffixes which need to be pushed


boolean and dictionary, boolean indicating success or failure

property total_stats

High-level method that replicates a single partition.


job – a dict containing info about the partition to be replicated


High-level method that replicates a single partition that doesn’t belong on this node.


job – a dict containing info about the partition to be replicated

update_recon(total, end_time, override_devices)
class swift.obj.replicator.Stats(attempted=0, failure=0, hashmatch=0, remove=0, rsync=0, success=0, suffix_count=0, suffix_hash=0, suffix_sync=0, failure_nodes=None)

Bases: object


Note the failure of one or more devices.


failures – a list of (ip, device-name) pairs that failed

fields = ['attempted', 'failure', 'hashmatch', 'remove', 'rsync', 'success', 'suffix_count', 'suffix_hash', 'suffix_sync', 'failure_nodes']
classmethod from_recon(dct)
class swift.obj.ssync_sender.Sender(daemon, node, job, suffixes, remote_check_objs=None, include_non_durable=False, max_objects=0)

Bases: object

Sends SSYNC requests to the object server.

These requests are eventually handled by ssync_receiver and full documentation about the process is there.


Establishes a connection and starts an SSYNC request with the object server.


Closes down the connection to the object server once done with the SSYNC request.

missing_check(connection, response)

Handles the sender-side of the MISSING_CHECK step of a SSYNC request.

Full documentation of this can be found at Receiver.missing_check().

send_delete(connection, url_path, timestamp)

Sends a DELETE subrequest with the given information.

send_post(connection, url_path, df)
send_put(connection, url_path, df, durable=True)

Sends a PUT subrequest for the url_path using the source df (DiskFile) and content_length.

send_subrequest(connection, method, url_path, headers, df)
updates(connection, response, send_map)

Handles the sender-side of the UPDATES step of an SSYNC request.

Full documentation of this can be found at Receiver.updates().

class swift.obj.ssync_sender.SsyncBufferedHTTPConnection(host, port=None, timeout=<object object>, source_address=None)

Bases: BufferedHTTPConnection


alias of SsyncBufferedHTTPResponse

class swift.obj.ssync_sender.SsyncBufferedHTTPResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BufferedHTTPResponse, object


Reads a line from the SSYNC response body.

httplib has no readline and will block on read(x) until x is read, so we have to do the work ourselves. A bit of this is taken from Python’s httplib itself.


Parse missing_check line parts to determine which parts of local diskfile were wanted by the receiver.

The encoder for parts is encode_wanted()

swift.obj.ssync_sender.encode_missing(object_hash, ts_data, ts_meta=None, ts_ctype=None, **kwargs)

Returns a string representing the object hash, its data file timestamp, the delta forwards to its metafile and content-type timestamps, if non-zero, and its durability, in the form: <hash> <ts_data> [m:<hex delta to ts_meta>[,t:<hex delta to ts_ctype>] [,durable:False]

The decoder for this line is decode_missing()

class swift.obj.ssync_receiver.Receiver(app, request)

Bases: object

Handles incoming SSYNC requests to the object server.

These requests come from the object-replicator daemon that uses ssync_sender.

The number of concurrent SSYNC requests is restricted by use of a replication_semaphore and can be configured with the object-server.conf [object-server] replication_concurrency setting.

An SSYNC request is really just an HTTP conduit for sender/receiver replication communication. The overall SSYNC request should always succeed, but it will contain multiple requests within its request and response bodies. This “hack” is done so that replication concurrency can be managed.

The general process inside an SSYNC request is:

  1. Initialize the request: Basic request validation, mount check, acquire semaphore lock, etc..

  2. Missing check: Sender sends the hashes and timestamps of the object information it can send, receiver sends back the hashes it wants (doesn’t have or has an older timestamp).

  3. Updates: Sender sends the object information requested.

  4. Close down: Release semaphore lock, etc.


Basic validation of request and mount check.

This function will be called before attempting to acquire a replication semaphore lock, so contains only quick checks.


Handles the receiver-side of the MISSING_CHECK step of a SSYNC request.

Receives a list of hashes and timestamps of object information the sender can provide and responds with a list of hashes desired, either because they’re missing or have an older timestamp locally.

The process is generally:

  1. Sender sends :MISSING_CHECK: START and begins sending hash timestamp lines.

  2. Receiver gets :MISSING_CHECK: START and begins reading the hash timestamp lines, collecting the hashes of those it desires.

  3. Sender sends :MISSING_CHECK: END.

  4. Receiver gets :MISSING_CHECK: END, responds with :MISSING_CHECK: START, followed by the list of <wanted_hash> specifiers it collected as being wanted (one per line), :MISSING_CHECK: END, and flushes any buffers.

    Each <wanted_hash> specifier has the form <hash>[ <parts>] where <parts> is a string containing characters ‘d’ and/or ‘m’ indicating that only data or meta part of object respectively is required to be sync’d.

  5. Sender gets :MISSING_CHECK: START and reads the list of hashes desired by the receiver until reading :MISSING_CHECK: END.

The collection and then response is so the sender doesn’t have to read while it writes to ensure network buffers don’t fill up and block everything.


Handles the UPDATES step of an SSYNC request.

Receives a set of PUT and DELETE subrequests that will be routed to the object server itself for processing. These contain the information requested by the MISSING_CHECK step.

The PUT and DELETE subrequests are formatted pretty much exactly like regular HTTP requests, excepting the HTTP version on the first request line.

The process is generally:

  1. Sender sends :UPDATES: START and begins sending the PUT and DELETE subrequests.

  2. Receiver gets :UPDATES: START and begins routing the subrequests to the object server.

  3. Sender sends :UPDATES: END.

  4. Receiver gets :UPDATES: END and sends :UPDATES: START and :UPDATES: END (assuming no errors).

  5. Sender gets :UPDATES: START and :UPDATES: END.

If too many subrequests fail, as configured by replication_failure_threshold and replication_failure_ratio, the receiver will hang up the request early so as to not waste any more time.

At step 4, the receiver will send back an error if there were any failures (that didn’t cause a hangup due to the above thresholds) so the sender knows the whole was not entirely a success. This is so the sender knows if it can remove an out of place partition, for example.

exception swift.obj.ssync_receiver.SsyncClientDisconnected

Bases: Exception


Parse a string of the form generated by encode_missing() and return a dict with keys object_hash, ts_data, ts_meta, ts_ctype, durable.

The encoder for this line is encode_missing()

swift.obj.ssync_receiver.encode_wanted(remote, local)

Compare a remote and local results and generate a wanted line.

  • remote – a dict, with ts_data and ts_meta keys in the form returned by decode_missing()

  • local – a dict, possibly empty, with ts_data and ts_meta keys in the form returned Receiver._check_local()

The decoder for this line is decode_wanted()

Object Reconstructor

class swift.obj.reconstructor.ObjectReconstructor(conf, logger=None)

Bases: Daemon

Reconstruct objects using erasure code. And also rebalance EC Fragment Archive objects off handoff nodes.

Encapsulates most logic and data needed by the object reconstruction process. Each call to .reconstruct() performs one pass. It’s up to the caller to do this in a loop.


Aggregate per-disk rcache updates from child workers.


Helper function for collect_jobs to build jobs for reconstruction using EC style storage policy

N.B. If this function ever returns an empty list of jobs the entire partition will be deleted.


Check to see if the ring has been updated


object_ring – the ring to check


boolean indicating whether or not the ring has changed

collect_parts(override_devices=None, override_partitions=None)

Helper for getting partitions in the top level reconstructor

In handoffs_only mode primary partitions will not be included in the returned (possibly empty) list.

delete_reverted_objs(job, objects)

For EC we can potentially revert only some of a partition so we’ll delete reverted objects here. Note that we delete the fragment index of the file we sent to the remote node.

  • job – the job being processed

  • objects – a dict of objects to be deleted, each entry maps hash=>timestamp


In testing, the pool.waitall() call very occasionally failed to return. This is an attempt to make sure the reconstructor finishes its reconstruction pass in some eventuality.

final_recon_dump(total, override_devices=None, **kwargs)

Add stats for this worker’s run to recon cache.

When in worker mode (per_disk_stats == True) this worker’s stats are added per device instead of in the top level keys (aggregation is serialized in the parent process).

  • total – the runtime of cycle in minutes

  • override_devices – (optional) list of device that are being reconstructed


Returns a set of all local devices in all EC policies.

get_suffix_delta(local_suff, local_index, remote_suff, remote_index)

Compare the local suffix hashes with the remote suffix hashes for the given local and remote fragment indexes. Return those suffixes which should be synced.

  • local_suff – the local suffix hashes (from _get_hashes)

  • local_index – the local fragment index for the job

  • remote_suff – the remote suffix hashes (from remote REPLICATE request)

  • remote_index – the remote fragment index for the job


a list of strings, the suffix dirs to sync

get_worker_args(once=False, **kwargs)

Take the set of all local devices for this node from all the EC policies rings, and distribute them evenly into the number of workers to be spawned according to the configured worker count. If devices is given in kwargs then distribute only those devices.

  • once – False if the worker(s) will be daemonized, True if the worker(s) will be run once

  • kwargs – optional overrides from the command line


Loop that runs in the background during reconstruction. It periodically logs progress.


Check whether rings have changed, and maybe do a recon update.


False if any ec ring has changed


Utility function that kills all coroutines currently running.


Make sure the policy’s rings are loaded.


policy – the StoragePolicy instance


appropriate ring object

make_rebuilt_fragment_iter(responses, path, policy, frag_index)

Turn a set of connections from backend object servers into a generator that yields up the rebuilt fragment archive for frag_index.


Override this to do something after running using multiple worker processes. This method is called in the parent process.

This is probably only useful for run-once mode since there is no “after running” in run-forever mode.


Sync the local partition with the remote node(s) according to the parameters of the job. For primary nodes, the SYNC job type will define both left and right hand sync_to nodes to ssync with as defined by this primary nodes index in the node list based on the fragment index found in the partition. For non-primary nodes (either handoff revert, or rebalance) the REVERT job will define a single node in sync_to which is the proper/new home for the fragment index.

N.B. ring rebalancing can be time consuming and handoff nodes’ fragment indexes do not have a stable order, it’s possible to have more than one REVERT job for a partition, and in some rare failure conditions there may even also be a SYNC job for the same partition - but each one will be processed separately because each job will define a separate list of node(s) to ‘sync_to’.


job – the job dict, with the keys defined in _get_job_info


Run a reconstruction pass

reconstruct_fa(job, node, df)

Reconstructs a fragment archive - this method is called from ssync after a remote node responds that is missing this object - the local diskfile is opened to provide metadata - but to reconstruct the missing fragment archive we must connect to multiple object servers.

  • job – job from ssync_sender.

  • node – node to which we’re rebuilding.

  • df – an instance of BaseDiskFile.


a DiskFile like class for use by ssync.

  • DiskFileQuarantined – if the fragment archive cannot be reconstructed and has as a result been quarantined.

  • DiskFileError – if the fragment archive cannot be reconstructed.

run_forever(multiprocess_worker_index=None, *args, **kwargs)

Override this to run forever

run_once(multiprocess_worker_index=None, *args, **kwargs)

Override this to run the script once


Logs various stats for the currently running reconstruction pass.

class swift.obj.reconstructor.RebuildingECDiskFileStream(datafile_metadata, frag_index, rebuilt_fragment_iter)

Bases: object

This class wraps the reconstructed fragment archive data and metadata in the DiskFile interface for ssync.

property content_length
class swift.obj.reconstructor.ResponseBucket

Bases: object

Encapsulates fragment GET response data related to a single timestamp.

Object Server

Object Server for Swift

class swift.obj.server.EventletPlungerString

Bases: bytes

Eventlet won’t send headers until it’s accumulated at least eventlet.wsgi.MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE bytes or the app iter is exhausted. If we want to send the response body behind Eventlet’s back, perhaps with some zero-copy wizardry, then we have to unclog the plumbing in eventlet.wsgi to force the headers out, so we use an EventletPlungerString to empty out all of Eventlet’s buffers.

class swift.obj.server.ObjectController(conf, logger=None)

Bases: BaseStorageServer

Implements the WSGI application for the Swift Object Server.


Handle HTTP DELETE requests for the Swift Object Server.


Handle HTTP GET requests for the Swift Object Server.


Handle HTTP HEAD requests for the Swift Object Server.


Handle HTTP POST requests for the Swift Object Server.


Handle HTTP PUT requests for the Swift Object Server.


Handle REPLICATE requests for the Swift Object Server. This is used by the object replicator to get hashes for directories.

Note that the name REPLICATE is preserved for historical reasons as this verb really just returns the hashes information for the specified parameters and is used, for example, by both replication and EC.

async_update(op, account, container, obj, host, partition, contdevice, headers_out, objdevice, policy, logger_thread_locals=None, container_path=None)

Sends or saves an async update.

  • op – operation performed (ex: ‘PUT’, or ‘DELETE’)

  • account – account name for the object

  • container – container name for the object

  • obj – object name

  • host – host that the container is on

  • partition – partition that the container is on

  • contdevice – device name that the container is on

  • headers_out – dictionary of headers to send in the container request

  • objdevice – device name that the object is in

  • policy – the associated BaseStoragePolicy instance

  • logger_thread_locals – The thread local values to be set on the self.logger to retain transaction logging information.

  • container_path – optional path in the form <account/container> to which the update should be sent. If given this path will be used instead of constructing a path from the account and container params.

container_update(op, account, container, obj, request, headers_out, objdevice, policy)

Update the container when objects are updated.

  • op – operation performed (ex: ‘PUT’, or ‘DELETE’)

  • account – account name for the object

  • container – container name for the object

  • obj – object name

  • request – the original request object driving the update

  • headers_out – dictionary of headers to send in the container request(s)

  • objdevice – device name that the object is in

  • policy – the BaseStoragePolicy instance

delete_at_update(op, delete_at, account, container, obj, request, objdevice, policy)

Update the expiring objects container when objects are updated.

  • op – operation performed (ex: ‘PUT’, or ‘DELETE’)

  • delete_at – scheduled delete in UNIX seconds, int

  • account – account name for the object

  • container – container name for the object

  • obj – object name

  • request – the original request driving the update

  • objdevice – device name that the object is in

  • policy – the BaseStoragePolicy instance (used for tmp dir)

get_diskfile(device, partition, account, container, obj, policy, **kwargs)

Utility method for instantiating a DiskFile object supporting a given REST API.

An implementation of the object server that wants to use a different DiskFile class would simply over-ride this method to provide that behavior.

server_type = 'object-server'

Implementation specific setup. This method is called at the very end by the constructor to allow a specific implementation to modify existing attributes or add its own attributes.


conf – WSGI configuration parameter

swift.obj.server.app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf)

paste.deploy app factory for creating WSGI object server apps

swift.obj.server.drain(file_like, read_size, timeout)

Read and discard any bytes from file_like.

  • file_like – file-like object to read from

  • read_size – how big a chunk to read at a time

  • timeout – how long to wait for a read (use None for no timeout)


ChunkReadTimeout – if no chunk was read in time


Split and validate path for an object.


request – a swob request


a tuple of path parts and storage policy

swift.obj.server.global_conf_callback(preloaded_app_conf, global_conf)

Callback for swift.common.wsgi.run_wsgi during the global_conf creation so that we can add our replication_semaphore, used to limit the number of concurrent SSYNC_REQUESTS across all workers.

  • preloaded_app_conf – The preloaded conf for the WSGI app. This conf instance will go away, so just read from it, don’t write.

  • global_conf – The global conf that will eventually be passed to the app_factory function later. This conf is created before the worker subprocesses are forked, so can be useful to set up semaphores, shared memory, etc.

swift.obj.server.iter_mime_headers_and_bodies(wsgi_input, mime_boundary, read_chunk_size)

Object Updater

class swift.obj.updater.BucketizedUpdateSkippingLimiter(update_iterable, logger, stats, num_buckets=1000, max_elements_per_group_per_second=50, max_deferred_elements=0, drain_until=0)

Bases: object

Wrap an iterator to rate-limit updates on a per-bucket basis, where updates are mapped to buckets by hashing their destination path. If an update is rate-limited then it is placed on a deferral queue and may be sent later if the wrapped iterator is exhausted before the drain_until time is reached.

The deferral queue has constrained size and once the queue is full updates are evicted using a first-in-first-out policy. This policy is used because updates on the queue may have been made obsolete by newer updates written to disk, and this is more likely for updates that have been on the queue longest.

The iterator increments stats as follows:

  • The deferrals stat is incremented for each update that is rate-limited. Note that a individual update is rate-limited at most once.

  • The skips stat is incremented for each rate-limited update that is not eventually yielded. This includes updates that are evicted from the deferral queue and all updates that remain in the deferral queue when drain_until time is reached and the iterator terminates.

  • The drains stat is incremented for each rate-limited update that is eventually yielded.

Consequently, when this iterator terminates, the sum of skips and drains is equal to the number of deferrals.

  • update_iterable – an async_pending update iterable

  • logger – a logger instance

  • stats – a SweepStats instance

  • num_buckets – number of buckets to divide container hashes into, the more buckets total the less containers to a bucket (once a busy container slows down a bucket the whole bucket starts deferring)

  • max_elements_per_group_per_second – tunable, when deferring kicks in

  • max_deferred_elements – maximum number of deferred elements before skipping starts. Each bucket may defer updates, but once the total number of deferred updates summed across all buckets reaches this value then all buckets will skip subsequent updates.

  • drain_until – time at which any remaining deferred elements must be skipped and the iterator stops. Once the wrapped iterator has been exhausted, this iterator will drain deferred elements from its buckets until either all buckets have drained or this time is reached.

class swift.obj.updater.ObjectUpdater(conf, logger=None)

Bases: Daemon

Update object information in container listings.


Get the container ring. Load it, if it hasn’t been yet.


If there are async pendings on the device, walk each one and update.


device – path to device

object_update(node, part, op, obj, headers_out)

Perform the object update to the container

  • node – node dictionary from the container ring

  • part – partition that holds the container

  • op – operation performed (ex: ‘PUT’ or ‘DELETE’)

  • obj – object name being updated

  • headers_out – headers to send with the update


a tuple of (success, node_id, redirect) where success is True if the update succeeded, node_id is the_id of the node updated and redirect is either None or a tuple of (a path, a timestamp string).

process_object_update(update_path, device, policy, update, **kwargs)

Process the object information to be updated and update.

  • update_path – path to pickled object update file

  • device – path to device

  • policy – storage policy of object update

  • update – the un-pickled update data

  • kwargs – un-used keys from update_ctx

run_forever(*args, **kwargs)

Run the updater continuously.

run_once(*args, **kwargs)

Run the updater once.

class swift.obj.updater.RateLimiterBucket(max_updates_per_second)

Bases: EventletRateLimiter

Extends EventletRateLimiter to also maintain a deque of items that have been deferred due to rate-limiting, and to provide a comparator for sorting instanced by readiness.

class swift.obj.updater.SweepStats(errors=0, failures=0, quarantines=0, successes=0, unlinks=0, redirects=0, skips=0, deferrals=0, drains=0)

Bases: object

Stats bucket for an update sweep

A measure of the rate at which updates are being rate-limited is:

deferrals / (deferrals + successes + failures - drains)

A measure of the rate at which updates are not being sent during a sweep is:

skips / (skips + successes + failures)
swift.obj.updater.random() x in the interval [0, 1).

Split the account and container parts out of the async update data.

N.B. updates to shards set the container_path key while the account and container keys are always the root.