
make_clique_bipartite(G, fpos=None, create_using=None, name=None)[source]#

Returns the bipartite clique graph corresponding to G.

In the returned bipartite graph, the ā€œbottomā€ nodes are the nodes of G and the ā€œtopā€ nodes represent the maximal cliques of G. There is an edge from node v to clique C in the returned graph if and only if v is an element of C.

GNetworkX graph

An undirected graph.


If True or not None, the returned graph will have an additional attribute, pos, a dictionary mapping node to position in the Euclidean plane.

create_usingNetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph)

Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated.

NetworkX graph

A bipartite graph whose ā€œbottomā€ set is the nodes of the graph G, whose ā€œtopā€ set is the cliques of G, and whose edges join nodes of G to the cliques that contain them.

The nodes of the graph G have the node attribute ā€˜bipartiteā€™ set to 1 and the nodes representing cliques have the node attribute ā€˜bipartiteā€™ set to 0, as is the convention for bipartite graphs in NetworkX.