Unmute all alerts APIedit

Unmute all alerts.

For the most up-to-date API details, refer to the open API specification. For a preview, check out Alert and rule APIs.


POST <kibana host>:<port>/api/alerting/rule/<id>/_unmute_all

POST <kibana host>:<port>/s/<space_id>/api/alerting/rule/<id>/_unmute_all


You must have all privileges for the appropriate Kibana features, depending on the consumer and rule_type_id of the rule. For example, the Management > Stack Rules feature, Analytics > Discover and Machine Learning features, Observability, and Security features. If the rule has actions, you must also have read privileges for the Management > Actions and Connectors feature. For more details, refer to Feature privileges.


If the rule has its notifications snoozed indefinitely, this API cancels the snooze.

Path parametersedit

(Required, string) The ID of the rule whose alerts you want to unmute.
(Optional, string) An identifier for the space. If space_id is not provided in the URL, the default space is used.

Response codesedit

Indicates a successful call.


POST api/alerting/rule/41893910-6bca-11eb-9e0d-85d233e3ee35/_unmute_all