Machine learning APIsedit

This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will apply best effort to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.


  1. APIKey KeyParamName:ApiKey KeyInQuery:false KeyInHeader:true
  2. HTTP Basic Authentication


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get /s/{spaceId}/api/ml/saved_objects/sync
Synchronizes Kibana saved objects for machine learning jobs and trained models. (mlSync)
You must have all privileges for the Machine Learning feature in the Analytics section of the Kibana feature privileges. This API runs automatically when you start Kibana and periodically thereafter.

Path parameters

spaceId (required)
Path Parameter — An identifier for the space. If /s/ and the identifier are omitted from the path, the default space is used. default: null

Query parameters

simulate (optional)
Query Parameter — When true, simulates the synchronization by returning only the list of actions that would be performed. default: null

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "datafeedsAdded" : {
    "key" : {
      "success" : true
  "savedObjectsCreated" : {
    "anomaly-detector" : {
      "key" : {
        "success" : true
    "data-frame-analytics" : {
      "key" : {
        "success" : true
    "trained-model" : {
      "key" : {
        "success" : true
  "savedObjectsDeleted" : {
    "anomaly-detector" : {
      "key" : {
        "success" : true
    "data-frame-analytics" : {
      "key" : {
        "success" : true
    "trained-model" : {
      "key" : {
        "success" : true
  "datafeedsRemoved" : {
    "key" : {
      "success" : true


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



Indicates a successful call mlSync200Response


Authorization information is missing or invalid. mlSync4xxResponse


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Table of Contents

  1. mlSync200Response - Successful sync API response
  2. mlSync4xxResponse - Unsuccessful sync API response
  3. mlSyncResponseAnomalyDetectors - Sync API response for anomaly detection jobs
  4. mlSyncResponseDataFrameAnalytics - Sync API response for data frame analytics jobs
  5. mlSyncResponseDatafeeds - Sync API response for datafeeds
  6. mlSyncResponseSavedObjectsCreated - Sync API response for created saved objects
  7. mlSyncResponseSavedObjectsDeleted - Sync API response for deleted saved objects
  8. mlSyncResponseTrainedModels - Sync API response for trained models

mlSync200Response - Successful sync API response Up

datafeedsAdded (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseDatafeeds] If a saved object for an anomaly detection job is missing a datafeed identifier, it is added when you run the sync machine learning saved objects API.
datafeedsRemoved (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseDatafeeds] If a saved object for an anomaly detection job references a datafeed that no longer exists, it is deleted when you run the sync machine learning saved objects API.
savedObjectsCreated (optional)
savedObjectsDeleted (optional)

mlSync4xxResponse - Unsuccessful sync API response Up

error (optional)
message (optional)
statusCode (optional)

mlSyncResponseAnomalyDetectors - Sync API response for anomaly detection jobs Up

The sync machine learning saved objects API response contains this object when there are anomaly detection jobs affected by the synchronization. There is an object for each relevant job, which contains the synchronization status.
success (optional)
Boolean The success or failure of the synchronization.

mlSyncResponseDataFrameAnalytics - Sync API response for data frame analytics jobs Up

The sync machine learning saved objects API response contains this object when there are data frame analytics jobs affected by the synchronization. There is an object for each relevant job, which contains the synchronization status.
success (optional)
Boolean The success or failure of the synchronization.

mlSyncResponseDatafeeds - Sync API response for datafeeds Up

The sync machine learning saved objects API response contains this object when there are datafeeds affected by the synchronization. There is an object for each relevant datafeed, which contains the synchronization status.
success (optional)
Boolean The success or failure of the synchronization.

mlSyncResponseSavedObjectsCreated - Sync API response for created saved objects Up

If saved objects are missing for machine learning jobs or trained models, they are created when you run the sync machine learning saved objects API.
anomalyMinusdetector (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseAnomalyDetectors] If saved objects are missing for anomaly detection jobs, they are created.
dataMinusframeMinusanalytics (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseDataFrameAnalytics] If saved objects are missing for data frame analytics jobs, they are created.
trainedMinusmodel (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseTrainedModels] If saved objects are missing for trained models, they are created.

mlSyncResponseSavedObjectsDeleted - Sync API response for deleted saved objects Up

If saved objects exist for machine learning jobs or trained models that no longer exist, they are deleted when you run the sync machine learning saved objects API.
anomalyMinusdetector (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseAnomalyDetectors] If there are saved objects exist for nonexistent anomaly detection jobs, they are deleted.
dataMinusframeMinusanalytics (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseDataFrameAnalytics] If there are saved objects exist for nonexistent data frame analytics jobs, they are deleted.
trainedMinusmodel (optional)
map[String, mlSyncResponseTrainedModels] If there are saved objects exist for nonexistent trained models, they are deleted.

mlSyncResponseTrainedModels - Sync API response for trained models Up

The sync machine learning saved objects API response contains this object when there are trained models affected by the synchronization. There is an object for each relevant trained model, which contains the synchronization status.
success (optional)
Boolean The success or failure of the synchronization.