Find rules APIedit

Retrieve a paginated set of rules based on condition.

For the most up-to-date API details, refer to the open API specification. For a preview, check out Alert and rule APIs.


GET <kibana host>:<port>/api/alerting/rules/_find

GET <kibana host>:<port>/s/<space_id>/api/alerting/rules/_find


You must have read privileges for the appropriate Kibana features, depending on the consumer and rule_type_id of the rules you’re seeking. For example, the Management > Stack Rules feature, Analytics > Discover and Machine Learning features, Observability, and Security features. To find rules associated with the Stack Monitoring feature, use the monitoring_user built-in role.

For more details, refer to Feature privileges.


As rules change in Kibana, the results on each page of the response also change. Use the find API for traditional paginated results, but avoid using it to export large amounts of data.

Rule params are stored as a flattened field type and analyzed as keywords.

Path parametersedit

(Optional, string) An identifier for the space. If space_id is not provided in the URL, the default space is used.

Query parametersedit

(Optional, string) The operator to use for the simple_query_string. The default is OR.
(Optional, array of strings) The fields to return in the attributes key of the response.
(Optional, string) A KQL string that you filter with an attribute from your saved object. It should look like savedObjectType.attributes.title: "myTitle". However, If you used a direct attribute of a saved object, such as updatedAt, you will have to define your filter, for example, savedObjectType.updatedAt > 2018-12-22.
(Optional, object) Filters the rules that have a relation with the reference objects with the specific "type" and "ID".
(Optional, number) The page number.
(Optional, number) The number of rules to return per page.
(Optional, string) An Elasticsearch simple_query_string query that filters the rules in the response.
(Optional, array or string) The fields to perform the simple_query_string parsed query against.
(Optional, string) Sorts the response. Could be a rule field returned in the attributes key of the response.
(Optional, string) Sort direction, either asc or desc.

Response codesedit

Indicates a successful call.


Find rules with names that start with my:

GET api/alerting/rules/_find?search_fields=name&search=my*

The API returns the following:

  "page": 1,
  "total": 1,
  "per_page": 10,
  "data": [{
    "id": "b530fed0-74f5-11ed-9801-35303b735aef",
    "name": "cluster_health_rule",
    "consumer": "alerts",
    "enabled": true,
    "tags": ["cluster","health"],
    "throttle": null,
    "schedule": {"interval":"1m"},
    "params": {},
    "rule_type_id": "monitoring_alert_cluster_health",
    "created_by": "elastic",
    "updated_by": "elastic",
    "created_at": "2022-12-05T23:36:58.284Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-12-05T23:36:58.284Z",
    "api_key_owner": "elastic",
    "notify_when": "onActiveAlert",
    "mute_all": false,
    "muted_alert_ids": [],
    "scheduled_task_id": "b530fed0-74f5-11ed-9801-35303b735aef",
    "execution_status": {
      "status": "ok",
      "last_execution_date": "2022-12-06T00:09:31.882Z",
      "last_duration": 42
    "actions": [{
      "group": "default",
      "id": "9dca3e00-74f5-11ed-9801-35303b735aef",
      "params": {
        "level": "info",
        "message": "{{context.internalFullMessage}}"
      "connector_type_id": ".server-log"
      "alerts_count": {"new": 0,"ignored": 0,"recovered": 0,"active": 0},
      "outcome_msg": null,
      "warning": null,
      "outcome": "succeeded"
    "next_run": "2022-12-06T00:10:31.811Z"

For parameters that accept multiple values (such as fields), repeat the query parameter for each value:

GET api/alerting/rules/_find?fields=id&fields=name