
You can use business intelligence (BI) and data analytics tools such as Tableau and MicroStrategy with data on Hadoop. These tools access grid data with Hive through the Hortonworks Hive ODBC driver.

For those who are not familiar with Tableau and MicroStrategy, please read the next section that discusses the differences and strengths of each so you can use the tool that best meets your needs. If you know which tool is right for you, continue to :ref:Visualizing Data and Ad Hoc Reporting With Tableau <getting_started-tableau> or :ref:Standard Reporting With MicroStrategy <gs_bi-ms>.

HDFS Stack for BI

The diagram below shows how client software such as MicroStrategy and Tableau use the ODBC driver to communicate with HiveServer2, which in turn, forwards queries to Hive that ultimately are executed as MapReduce functions on Hadoop.

BI on the Grid

MicroStrategy Versus Tableau

The general rule is to use MicroStrategy for standardized reporting or Tableau for visualizing data.





