Run Apache Hive inside docker container in pseudo-distributed mode, inorder to provide the following Quick-start/Debugging/Prepare a test env for Hive
STEP 1: Pull the image
- Pull the image from DockerHub: Currently, there are 3 images released:
- 4.0.0-alpha-2
- 4.0.0-alpha-1
- 3.1.3
docker pull apache/hive:4.0.0-alpha-2
STEP 2: Export the Hive version
export HIVE_VERSION=4.0.0-alpha-2
STEP 3: Launch the HiveServer2 with an embedded Metastore.
This is lightweight and for a quick setup, it uses Derby as metastore db.
docker run -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10002:10002 --env SERVICE_NAME=hiveserver2 --name hive4 apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
STEP 4: Connect to beeline
docker exec -it hiveserver2 beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://hiveserver2:10000/'
Note: Launch Standalone Metastore To use standalone Metastore with Derby,
docker run -d -p 9083:9083 --env SERVICE_NAME=metastore --name metastore-standalone apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
Detailed Setup
- Build image
Apache Hive relies on Hadoop, Tez and some others to facilitate reading, writing, and managing large datasets. The /packaging/src/docker/ provides ways to build the image against specified version of the dependent, as well as build from source.
- Build from source
mvn clean package -pl packaging -DskipTests -Pdocker
- Build with specified version
There are some arguments to specify the component version:
-hadoop <hadoop version>
-tez <tez version>
-hive <hive version>
If the version is not provided, it will read the version from current pom.xml
, hadoop.version
and tez.version
for Hive, Hadoop and Tez respectively.
For example, the following command uses Hive 4.0.0-alpha-2, Hadoop hadoop.version
and Tez tez.version
to build the image,
./ -hive 4.0.0-alpha-2
If the command does not specify the Hive version, it will use the local apache-hive-${project.version}-bin.tar.gz
(will trigger a build if it doesn’t exist),
together with Hadoop 3.1.0 and Tez 0.10.1 to build the image,
./ -hadoop 3.1.0 -tez 0.10.1
After building successfully, we can get a Docker image named apache/hive
by default, the image is tagged by the provided Hive version.
Run services
Before going further, we should define the environment variable HIVE_VERSION
For example, if -hive 4.0.0-alpha-2
is specified to build the image,
export HIVE_VERSION=4.0.0-alpha-2
or assuming that you’re relying on current project.version
from pom.xml,
export HIVE_VERSION=$(mvn -f pom.xml -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -DforceStdout)
- Metastore
For a quick start, launch the Metastore with Derby,
docker run -d -p 9083:9083 --env SERVICE_NAME=metastore --name metastore-standalone apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
Everything would be lost when the service is down. In order to save the Hive table’s schema and data, start the container with an external Postgres and Volume to keep them,
docker run -d -p 9083:9083 --env SERVICE_NAME=metastore \
--env DB_DRIVER=postgres \
--env SERVICE_OPTS="-Djavax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName=org.postgresql.Driver -Djavax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/metastore_db -Djavax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName=hive -Djavax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword=password" \
--mount source=warehouse,target=/opt/hive/data/warehouse \
--name metastore-standalone apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
If you want to use your own hdfs-site.xml
or yarn-site.xml
for the service, you can provide the environment variable HIVE_CUSTOM_CONF_DIR
for the command. For instance, put the custom configuration file under the directory /opt/hive/conf
, then run,
docker run -d -p 9083:9083 --env SERVICE_NAME=metastore \
--env DB_DRIVER=postgres -v /opt/hive/conf:/hive_custom_conf --env HIVE_CUSTOM_CONF_DIR=/hive_custom_conf \
--name metastore apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
- HiveServer2
Launch the HiveServer2 with an embedded Metastore,
docker run -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10002:10002 --env SERVICE_NAME=hiveserver2 --name hiveserver2-standalone apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
or specify a remote Metastore if it’s available,
docker run -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10002:10002 --env SERVICE_NAME=hiveserver2 \
--env SERVICE_OPTS="-Dhive.metastore.uris=thrift://metastore:9083" \
--env IS_RESUME="true" \
--name hiveserver2-standalone apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
To save the data between container restarts, you can start the HiveServer2 with a Volume,
docker run -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10002:10002 --env SERVICE_NAME=hiveserver2 \
--env SERVICE_OPTS="-Dhive.metastore.uris=thrift://metastore:9083" \
--mount source=warehouse,target=/opt/hive/data/warehouse \
--env IS_RESUME="true" \
--name hiveserver2 apache/hive:${HIVE_VERSION}
- HiveServer2, Metastore
To get a quick overview of both HiveServer2 and Metastore, you can run:
cd packaging/src/docker
docker compose up -d
Volumes are used to persist data generated by Hive inside Postgres and HiveServer2 containers:
- hive_db
- The volume persists the metadata of Hive tables inside Postgres container.
- warehouse
- The volume stores tables' files inside HiveServer2 container.
- HiveServer2 web
- Accessed on browser at http://localhost:10002/
- Beeline:
docker exec -it hiveserver2 beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://hiveserver2:10000/' # If beeline is installed on host machine, HiveServer2 can be simply reached via: beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/'
- Run some queries
show tables; create table hive_example(a string, b int) partitioned by(c int); alter table hive_example add partition(c=1); insert into hive_example partition(c=1) values('a', 1), ('a', 2),('b',3); select count(distinct a) from hive_example; select sum(b) from hive_example;