Spatial values

Cypher® has built-in support for handling spatial values (POINT values), which can be stored as properties on nodes and relationships in Neo4j databases.

This section begins with an explanation of the POINT type. It then proceeds to discuss Cypher’s support of Coordinate Reference Systems, and how to work with spatial instants in Cypher, including how spatial point instants work with Cypher indexing. Finally, it briefly explains comparability and orderability with regard to spatial instants.

For more information about spatial functions, allowing for the creation and manipulation of spatial values, see the section on Spatial functions.

For more information about the comparison and ordering of spatial values, see the section on the ordering and comparison of values.

The POINT type

Neo4j supports the POINT type for values of spatial geometry.

Values with the POINT type have the following characteristics:

  • Each point can have either 2 or 3 dimensions. This means it contains either 2 or 3 64-bit FLOAT values, which together are called the Coordinate.

  • Each point will also be associated with a specific Coordinate Reference System (CRS) that determines the meaning of the values in the Coordinate.

  • Instances of POINT and LIST<POINT> can be assigned to node and relationship properties.

  • Nodes and relationships with POINT or LIST<POINT> properties can be indexed using a point index. This is true for all CRSs (and for both 2D and 3D).

  • The distance function will work on points in all CRS and in both 2D and 3D, but only if the two points have the same CRS (and therefore also same dimension).

Coordinate Reference Systems

Four Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) are supported, each of which falls within one of two types: geographic coordinates, modeling points on the earth, or Cartesian coordinates, modeling points in euclidean space:

Data within different coordinate systems are entirely incomparable, and cannot be implicitly converted from one to the other. This is true even if they are both Cartesian or both geographic but of a different dimension. For example, if you search for 3D points using a 2D range, you will get no results. However, they can be ordered, as discussed in more detail in the section about ordering and comparison of values.

Geographic coordinate reference systems

Two Geographic Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) are supported, modeling points on the earth:

  • WGS 84 2D

    • A 2D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified in one of two ways:

      • longitude and latitude (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84).

      • x and y (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian).

    • Specifying this CRS can be done using either the name 'wgs-84' or the SRID 4326 as described in point() - WGS 84 2D.

  • WGS 84 3D

    • A 3D geographic point in the WGS 84 CRS is specified one of in two ways:

      • longitude, latitude and either height or z (if these are specified, and the crs is not, then the crs is assumed to be WGS-84-3D).

      • x, y and z (in this case the crs must be specified, or will be assumed to be Cartesian-3D).

    • Specifying this CRS can be done using either the name 'wgs-84-3d' or the SRID 4979 as described in point() - WGS 84 3D.

Converting coordinate units

The units of the latitude and longitude fields are in decimal degrees, and need to be specified as floating point numbers using Cypher literals. It is not possible to use any other format, such as 'degrees, minutes, seconds'. The units of the height field are in meters. When geographic points are passed to the distance function, the result will always be in meters. If the coordinates are in any other format or unit than those supported, it is necessary to explicitly convert them.

For example, if the incoming $height is a string field in kilometers, it would be necessary to add height: toFloat($height) * 1000 to the query. Likewise if the results of the distance function are expected to be returned in kilometers, an explicit conversion is required. The below query is an example of this conversion:

  point({latitude: toFloat('13.43'), longitude: toFloat('56.21')}) AS p1,
  point({latitude: toFloat('13.10'), longitude: toFloat('56.41')}) AS p2
RETURN toInteger(point.distance(p1, p2)/1000) AS km
Table 1. Result


Rows: 1

Cartesian coordinate reference systems

Two Cartesian Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) are supported, modeling points in euclidean space:

  • Cartesian 2D

    • A 2D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x and y coordinate values

    • Specifying this CRS can be done using either the name 'cartesian' or the SRID 7203 as described in point() - Cartesian 2D

  • Cartesian 3D

    • A 3D point in the Cartesian CRS is specified with a map containing x, y and z coordinate values

    • Specifying this CRS can be done using either the name 'cartesian-3d' or the SRID 9157 as described in point() - Cartesian 3D)

The units of the x, y, and z fields are unspecified. This means that when two Cartesian points are passed to the distance function, the resulting value will be in the same units as the original coordinates. This is true for both 2D and 3D points, as the Pythagoras equation used is generalized to any number of dimensions. However, just as you cannot compare geographic points to Cartesian points, you cannot calculate the distance between a 2D point and a 3D point. If you need to do that, explicitly transform the one type into the other. For example:

  point({x: 3, y: 0}) AS p2d,
  point({x: 0, y: 4, z: 1}) AS p3d
  point.distance(p2d, p3d) AS bad,
  point.distance(p2d, point({x: p3d.x, y: p3d.y})) AS good
Table 2. Result
bad good



Rows: 1

Spatial instants

All POINT types are created from two components:

  • The Coordinate containing either 2 or 3 FLOAT values (64-bit).

  • The Coordinate Reference System (or CRS) defining the meaning (and possibly units) of the values in the Coordinate.

For most use cases, it is not necessary to specify the CRS explicitly as it will be deduced from the keys used to specify the coordinate. Two rules are applied to deduce the CRS from the coordinate:

  • Choice of keys:

    • If the coordinate is specified using the keys latitude and longitude the CRS will be assumed to be Geographic and therefor either WGS-84 or WGS-84-3D.

    • If instead x and y are used, then the default CRS would be Cartesian or Cartesian-3D.

  • Number of dimensions:

    • If there are 2 dimensions in the coordinate, x & y or longitude & latitude the CRS will be a 2D CRS.

    • If there is a third dimensions in the coordinate, z or height the CRS will be a 3D CRS.

All fields are provided to the point function in the form of a map of explicitly named arguments. Neo4j does not support an ordered list of coordinate fields because of the contradictory conventions between geographic and cartesian coordinates, where geographic coordinates normally list y before x (latitude before longitude).

The following query which returns points created in each of the four supported CRSs. Take particular note of the order and keys of the coordinates in the original point function, and how those values are displayed in the results:

  point({x: 3, y: 0}) AS cartesian_2d,
  point({x: 0, y: 4, z: 1}) AS cartesian_3d,
  point({latitude: 12, longitude: 56}) AS geo_2d,
  point({latitude: 12, longitude: 56, height: 1000}) AS geo_3d
Table 3. Result
cartesian_2d cartesian_3d geo_2d geo_3d

point({srid:7203, x: 3.0, y: 0.0})

point({srid:9157, x: 0.0, y: 4.0, z: 1.0})

point({srid:4326, x: 56.0, y: 12.0})

point({rid:4979, x: 56.0, y: 12.0, z: 1000.0})

Rows: 1

For the geographic coordinates, it is important to note that the latitude value should always lie in the interval [-90, 90]. Any other value outside this range will throw an exception. The longitude value should always lie in the interval [-180, 180]. Any other value outside this range will be wrapped around to fit in this range. The height value and any Cartesian coordinates are not explicitly restricted. Any value within the allowed range of the signed 64-bit floating point type will be accepted.

Components of points

Components of POINT values can be accessed as properties.

Table 4. Components of POINT instances and where they are supported
Component Description Type Range/Format WGS-84 WGS-84-3D Cartesian Cartesian-3D


The first element of the Coordinate


Number literal, range depends on CRS


The second element of the Coordinate


Number literal, range depends on CRS


The third element of the Coordinate


Number literal, range depends on CRS


The first element of the Coordinate for geographic CRSs, degrees East of the prime meridian


Number literal, -180.0 to 180.0


The second element of the Coordinate for geographic CRS, degrees North of the equator


Number literal, -90.0 to 90.0


The third element of the Coordinate for geographic CRSs, meters above the ellipsoid defined by the datum (WGS-84)


Number literal, range limited only by the underlying 64-bit floating point type

The name of the CRS


One of wgs-84, wgs-84-3d, cartesian, cartesian-3d


The internal Neo4j ID for the CRS


One of 4326, 4979, 7203, 9157


The following query shows how to extract the components of a Cartesian 2D POINT value:

WITH point({x: 3, y: 4}) AS p
  p.x AS x,
  p.y AS y, AS crs,
  p.srid AS srid
Table 5. Result
x y crs srid





Rows: 1

The following query shows how to extract the components of a WGS-84 3D POINT value:

WITH point({latitude: 3, longitude: 4, height: 4321}) AS p
  p.latitude AS latitude,
  p.longitude AS longitude,
  p.height AS height,
  p.x AS x,
  p.y AS y,
  p.z AS z, AS crs,
  p.srid AS srid
Table 6. Result
latitude longitude height x y z crs srid









Rows: 1

Spatial values and indexes

If there is a RANGE or POINT index on a particular node or relationship property, and a spatial point is assigned to that property on a node or relationship, the node or relationship will be indexed.

In a POINT index, Neo4j uses space filling curves in 2D or 3D over an underlying generalized B+Tree. This index has support for equality, distance, and bounding box queries.

In a RANGE index, the points will be sorted according to their lexicographic ordering per coordinate reference system. For point values, this index has support for equality.

Comparability and orderability

Cypher does not support comparing spatial values using the inequality operators, <, <=, >, and >=. Attempting to do so will return null.

To compare spatial points within a specific range, instead use the spatial functions point.distance or point.withinBBox.