Query options
Query execution can be fine-tuned through the use of query options.
In order to use one or more of these options, the query must be prepended with CYPHER
, followed by the query option(s), as exemplified thus:
CYPHER query-option [further-query-options] query
For information about the various runtimes available in Cypher®, see Cypher runtimes.
Cypher planner
The Cypher planner takes a Cypher query and computes an execution plan that solves it. For any given query there is likely a number of execution plan candidates that each solve the query in a different way. The planner uses a search algorithm to find the execution plan with the lowest estimated execution cost.
This table describes the available planner options:
Query option | Description | Default | ||
Use cost based planning with default limits on plan search space and time. |
Synonym for |
Use cost based planning without limits on plan search space and time to perform an exhaustive search for the best execution plan.
Cypher connect-components planner Deprecated
One part of the Cypher planner is responsible for combining sub-plans for separate patterns into larger plans - a task referred to as connecting components.
This table describes the available query options for the connect-components planner:
Query option | Description | Default | ||
Use a greedy approach when combining sub-plans.
Use the cost based IDP search algorithm when combining sub-plans.
The Cypher query option |
Cypher update strategy
This option affects the eagerness of updating queries.
The possible values are:
Query option | Description | Default |
Update queries are executed eagerly when needed. |
Update queries are always executed eagerly. |
Cypher expression engine
This option affects how the runtime evaluates expressions.
The possible values are:
Query option | Description | Default |
Compile expressions and use the compiled expression engine when needed. |
Always use the interpreted expression engine. |
Always compile expressions and use the compiled expression engine. |
Cypher operator engine
This query option affects whether the pipelined runtime attempts to generate compiled code for groups of operators.
The possible values are:
Query option | Description | Default |
Attempt to generate compiled operators when applicable. |
Never attempt to generate compiled operators. |
Always attempt to generate compiled operators. Cannot be used together with |
Cypher interpreted pipes fallback
This query option affects how the pipelined runtime behaves for operators it does not directly support.
The available options are:
Query option | Description | Default | ||
Equivalent to |
If the plan contains any operators not supported by the pipelined runtime then another runtime is chosen to execute the entire plan. Cannot be used together with |
Parts of the execution plan can be executed on another runtime. Only certain operators are allowed to execute on another runtime. Cannot be used together with |
Parts of the execution plan may be executed on another runtime. Any operator is allowed to execute on another runtime. Queries with this option set might produce incorrect results, or fail. Cannot be used together with or
Cypher replanning
Cypher replanning occurs in the following circumstances:
When the query is not in the cache. This can either be when the server is first started or restarted, if the cache has recently been cleared, or if server.db.query_cache_size was exceeded.
When the time has past the dbms.cypher.min_replan_interval value, and the database statistics have changed more than the dbms.cypher.statistics_divergence_threshold value.
There may be situations where Cypher query planning can occur at a non-ideal time. For example, when a query must be as fast as possible and a valid plan is already in place.
Replanning is not performed for all queries at once; it is performed in the same thread as running the query, and can block the query. However, replanning one query does not replan any other queries. |
There are three different replan options available:
Option | Description | Default |
This is the planning and replanning option as described above. |
This will force a replan, even if the plan is valid according to the planning rules. Once the new plan is complete, it replaces the existing one in the query cache. |
If a valid plan already exists, it will be used even if the planning rules would normally dictate that it should be replanned. |
The replan option is prepended to queries.
For example:
CYPHER replan=force MATCH ...
In a mixed workload, you can force replanning by using the Cypher EXPLAIN
This can be useful to schedule replanning of queries which are expensive to plan, at known times of low load.
will make sure the query is only planned, but not executed.
For example:
CYPHER replan=force EXPLAIN MATCH ...
During times of known high load, replan=skip
can be useful to not introduce unwanted latency spikes.
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