This page provides an overview of the available operators in Cypher®. An operator is a specialized execution module that is responsible for some type of transformation to the data in a query execution plan before passing it on to the next operator, until the desired graph pattern has been matched.
For information about how to understand execution plans (and the role operators play in them), see Understanding execution plans.
For more information about each operator, see Operators in detail.
Summary of operators
This table comprises all the execution plan operators ordered lexicographically.
Leaf operators, in most cases, locate the starting nodes and relationships required in order to execute the query.
Updating operators are used in queries that update the graph.
Eager operators accumulate all their rows before piping them to the next operator.
Name | Description | Leaf? | Updating? | Considerations |
Reads all nodes from the node store. |
Yes |
Tests for the absence of a pattern. |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate. |
Performs a nested loop. Yields rows from both the left-hand and right-hand side operators. |
Indicates the variable to be used as an argument to the right-hand side of an |
Yes |
Ensures that no node property uniqueness constraints are violated. |
Ensures that no relationship property uniqueness constraints are violated. |
Used to ensure that no property uniqueness constraints are violated. |
Yes |
Reads node or relationship properties and caches them. |
Produces a cartesian product of the inputs from the left-hand and right-hand operators. |
Creates nodes and relationships. |
Yes |
Creates an index for either nodes or relationships. |
Yes |
Creates a constraint for either nodes or relationships. |
Yes |
Deletes a node or relationship. |
Yes |
Deletes a node and its relationships. |
Yes |
Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes in the database. |
Yes |
Reads one or more relationships by id from the relationship store. |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries containing a specific string; for example, in queries including |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries ending in a specific string; for example, in queries containing |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, returning all relationships and their start and end nodes with a particular relationship type and a specified property. |
Yes |
Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek. |
Yes |
Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek where the value of the property matches a given prefix string. |
Yes |
Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with a specific type from the relationship type index. |
Yes |
Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with at least one of the provided types from the relationship type index. |
Drops duplicate rows from the incoming stream of rows. |
Eager |
Checks if a constraint already exists, if it does then it stops the execution, if not it continues. |
Yes |
Checks if an index already exists, if it does then it stops the execution, if not it continues. |
Yes |
Drops a constraint using its name. |
Yes |
Yes |
Drops an index using its name. |
Yes |
Yes |
For isolation purposes, |
Eager |
Evaluates a grouping expression. |
Eager |
Eagerly loads all incoming data and discards it. |
Eager |
Returns a single row with no columns. |
Yes |
The |
Traverses incoming or outgoing relationships from a given node. |
Finds all relationships between two nodes. |
Filters each row coming from the child operator, only passing through rows that evaluate the predicates to |
Performs a nested loop. Yields rows from the left-hand operator and discards rows from the right-hand operator. |
Fetches all nodes that have all of the provided labels from the node label index. |
Yes |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate in queries containing multiple pattern predicates. |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate that is combined with other predicates. |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate that is combined with other predicates. |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate in queries containing multiple pattern predicates. |
Returns the first |
Loads data from a CSV source into the query. |
Yes |
Similar to the |
The |
Finds nodes using multiple index seeks. |
Yes |
Reads one or more nodes by ID from the node store, specified via the function elementId(). |
Yes |
Reads one or more nodes by ID from the node store, specified via the function id(). |
Yes |
Fetches all nodes with a specific label from the node label index. |
Yes |
Uses the count store to answer questions about node counts. |
Yes |
Executes a hash join on node ID. |
Eager |
Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries containing a specific string. |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries ending in a specific string. |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, returning all nodes with a particular label with a specified property. |
Yes |
Finds nodes using an index seek. |
Yes |
Finds nodes using an index seek where the value of the property matches the given prefix string. |
Yes |
Executes a left outer hash join. |
Eager |
Executes a right outer hash join. |
Eager |
Finds nodes using an index seek within a unique index. |
Yes |
Finds nodes using an index seek within a unique index where the value of the property matches the given prefix string. |
Yes |
Yields a single row with all columns set to |
Traverses relationships from a given node, producing a single row with the relationship and end node set to |
Traverses all relationships between two nodes, producing a single row with the relationship and end node set to |
Like |
Like |
Sorts a row by multiple columns if there is already an ordering. |
Returns the first |
Calls a procedure. |
Prepares the result so that it is consumable by the user. |
Projects the start and end node of a relationship. |
Evaluates a set of expressions, producing a row with the results thereof. |
Uses the count store to answer questions about relationship counts. |
Yes |
Solves quantified path patterns. |
Deletes labels from a node. |
Yes |
Performs a nested loop. Executes a pattern expression or pattern comprehension. |
Performs a nested loop.
Tests for the absence of a pattern predicate if an expression predicate evaluates to |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate if an expression predicate evaluates to |
Performs a nested loop. Tests for the presence of a pattern predicate. |
Sets labels on a node. |
Yes |
Sets properties from a map on a node. |
Yes |
Sets a property on a node or relationship. |
Yes |
Sets properties from a map on a relationship. |
Yes |
Finds one or all shortest paths between two previously matches node variables. |
Lists the available constraints. |
Yes |
Lists the available functions. |
Yes |
Lists the available indexes. |
Yes |
Lists the available procedures. |
Yes |
Lists the available configuration settings. |
Yes |
Lists the available transactions on the current server. |
Yes |
Skips |
Sorts rows by a provided key. |
Eager |
Terminate transactions with the given IDs. |
Yes |
Returns the first 'n' rows sorted by a provided key. |
Eager |
The |
The |
Solves triangular queries, such as the very common 'find my friend-of-friends that are not already my friend'. |
Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes in the database. |
Yes |
Reads one or more relationships by ID from the relationship store. |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries containing a specific string; for example, in queries including |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, searching for entries ending in a specific string; for example, in queries containing |
Yes |
Examines all values stored in an index, returning all relationships and their start and end nodes with a particular relationship type and a specified property. |
Yes |
Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek. |
Yes |
Finds relationships and their start and end nodes using an index seek where the value of the property matches a given prefix string. |
Yes |
Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with a specific type from the relationship type index. |
Yes |
Fetches all relationships and their start and end nodes with at least one of the provided types from the relationship type index. |
Yes |
Concatenates the results from the right-hand operator with the results from the left-hand operator. |
Fetches all nodes that have at least one of the provided labels from the node label index. |
Yes |
Returns one row per item in a list. |
Executes a hash join on arbitrary values. |
Eager |
Traverses variable-length relationships from a given node. |
Finds all variable-length relationships between two nodes. |
Traverses variable-length relationships from a given node and only returns unique end nodes. |
Traverses variable-length relationships from a given node and only returns unique end nodes. |
Database hits
Each operator will send a request to the storage engine to do work such as retrieving or updating data. A database hit (DBHits) is an abstract unit of this storage engine work.
These are all the actions that trigger one or more database hits:
Create actions
Create a node.
Create a relationship.
Create a new node label.
Create a new relationship type.
Create a new ID for property keys with the same name.
Delete actions
Delete a node.
Delete a relationship.
Update actions
Set one or more labels on a node.
Remove one or more labels from a node.
Node-specific actions
Get a node by its ID.
Get the degree of a node.
Determine whether a node is dense.
Determine whether a label is set on a node.
Get the labels of a node.
Get a property of a node.
Get an existing node label.
Get the name of a label by its ID, or its ID by its name.
Relationship-specific actions
Get a relationship by its ID.
Get a property of a relationship.
Get an existing relationship type.
Get a relationship type name by its ID, or its ID by its name.
General actions
Get the name of a property key by its ID, or its ID by the key name.
Find a node or relationship through an index seek or index scan.
Find a path in a variable-length expand.
Find a shortest path.
Ask the count store for a value.
Schema actions
Add an index.
Drop an index.
Get the reference of an index.
Create a constraint.
Drop a constraint.
Call a procedure.
Call a user-defined function.
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