Understanding execution plans
This page describes how to understand the execution plans produced by the Cypher® planner. It begins by explaining the lifecycle of a Cypher query, before giving a step-by-step breakdown of a particular query and the execution plan it uses. It then explains the difference between lazy and eager query evaluation.
The lifecycle of a Cypher query
A Cypher query begins as a declarative query represented as a string, describing the graph pattern to match in a database. After parsing, the query string goes through the query optimizer (also known as the planner), which produces an imperative plan, known as the logical plan, to determine the most efficient way of executing the query given the current state of the database.[1] In the final phase, this logical plan is turned into an executable physical plan, which actually runs the query against the database. Executing this physical plan is the task of the Cypher runtime.
Example graph
To explain how to understand a Cypher execution plan, a graph based on the UK national rail network is used. The data in the graph is taken from publically available datasets.
The graph contains two types of nodes: Stop
and Station
Each Stop
on a train service CALLS_AT
one Station
, and has the properties arrives
and departs
that give the times the train is at the Station
Following the NEXT
relationship of a Stop
will give the next Stop
of a service.
To recreate the graph, run the following query against an empty Neo4j database:
CREATE (pmr:Station {name: 'Peckham Rye'}),
(dmk:Station {name: 'Denmark Hill'}),
(clp:Station {name: 'Clapham High Street'}),
(wwr:Station {name: 'Wandsworth Road'}),
(clj:Station {name: 'Clapham Junction'}),
(s1:Stop {arrives: time('17:19'), departs: time('17:20')}),
(s2:Stop {arrives: time('17:12'), departs: time('17:13')}),
(s3:Stop {arrives: time('17:10'), departs: time('17:11')}),
(s4:Stop {arrives: time('17:06'), departs: time('17:07')}),
(s5:Stop {arrives: time('16:58'), departs: time('17:01')}),
(s6:Stop {arrives: time('17:17'), departs: time('17:20')}),
(s7:Stop {arrives: time('17:08'), departs: time('17:10')}),
(clj)<-[:CALLS_AT]-(s1), (wwr)<-[:CALLS_AT]-(s2),
(clp)<-[:CALLS_AT]-(s3), (dmk)<-[:CALLS_AT]-(s4),
(pmr)<-[:CALLS_AT]-(s5), (clj)<-[:CALLS_AT]-(s6),
(s5)-[:NEXT {distance: 1.2}]->(s4),(s4)-[:NEXT {distance: 0.34}]->(s3),
(s3)-[:NEXT {distance: 0.76}]->(s2), (s2)-[:NEXT {distance: 0.3}]->(s1),
(s7)-[:NEXT {distance: 1.4}]->(s6)
The example query uses a quantified path pattern to count the number of possible path patterns between the start Station
, Denmark Hill
, and the end Station
, Clapham Junction
MATCH (:Station { name: 'Denmark Hill' })<-[:CALLS_AT]-(d:Stop)
(a:Stop)-[:CALLS_AT]->(:Station { name: 'Clapham Junction' })
RETURN count(*)
As can be seen from the graph, two such patterns exist (one with a service departing Denmark Hill
at 17:07
which stops at the Stations Clapham High Street
and Wandsworth Road
, and one direct service departing Denmark Hill
at 17:10
For the purposes of understanding Cypher execution plans, however, the query result is less interesting than the planning that produces it.
Reading execution plans
The Cypher planner produces logical plans which describe how a particular query is going to be executed. This execution plan is essentially a binary tree of operators. An operator is, in turn, a specialized execution module that is responsible for some type of transformation to the data before passing it on to the next operator, until the desired graph pattern has been matched. The execution plans produced by the planner thus decide which operators will be used and in what order they will be applied to achieve the aim declared in the original query.
In order to view the plan of a query, prepend the query with EXPLAIN
- this will not run the query, but only show the tree of operators used to find the desired result.
MATCH (:Station { name: 'Denmark Hill' })<-[:CALLS_AT]-(d:Stop)
(a:Stop)-[:CALLS_AT]->(:Station { name: 'Clapham Junction' })
RETURN count(*)
This is the resulting execution plan (produced by the slotted runtime, the default for Neo4j Community Edition)[2]:
+-------------------+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | Operator | Id | Details | Estimated Rows | +-------------------+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +ProduceResults | 0 | `count(*)` | 1 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +EagerAggregation | 1 | count(*) AS `count(*)` | 1 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Filter | 2 | not anon_1 = anon_5 AND anon_0.name = $autostring_0 AND anon_0:Station | 0 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Expand(All) | 3 | (d)-[anon_1:CALLS_AT]->(anon_0) | 0 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Filter | 4 | d:Stop | 0 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Repeat(Trail) | 5 | (a) (...){1, *} (d) | 0 | | |\ +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | | +Filter | 6 | isRepeatTrailUnique(anon_7) AND anon_2:Stop | 6 | | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | | +Expand(All) | 7 | (anon_4)<-[anon_7:NEXT]-(anon_2) | 6 | | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | | +Filter | 8 | anon_4:Stop | 11 | | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | | +Argument | 9 | anon_4 | 13 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Filter | 10 | a:Stop | 0 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Expand(All) | 11 | (anon_6)<-[anon_5:CALLS_AT]-(a) | 0 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +Filter | 12 | anon_6.name = $autostring_1 | 1 | | | +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | +NodeByLabelScan | 13 | anon_6:Station | 10 | +-------------------+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
The operators can be seen in the leftmost column of the results table. The most important thing to remember when reading execution plans is that they are read from the bottom up. To follow the execution of this query it is, therefore, necessary to start from the bottom or leaf operator, NodeByLabelScan (which fetches all nodes with a specific label from the node label index) and move step-by-step up the operator tree to see how the data in the graph is gradually refined until the final, root operator, ProduceResults, generates readable results for the user.
To read more about the specific role played by operators used in this example, and many others, see the section on Operators.
The id
column specifies a unique ID assigned to each operator.
There are no guarantees about the order of the ids, although they will usually start with 0 at the root operator, and will increase until the leaf operator is reached at the beginning of the operator tree.
The Details
column in the middle of the execution plan describes what task is performed by each operator.
For example, the details column of the Repeat(Trail) operator in the middle of the execution plan (id 5
), specifies that the operator traverses a quantified path pattern without an upward limit.
Finally, the Estimated Rows
column in the rightmost column of the execution plan details the number of rows that are expected to be produced by each operator.
This estimate is an approximate number based on the available statistical information and the planner uses it to choose a suitable execution plan.[3]
The execution plans produced by the pipelined runtime and parallel runtime runtimes contain more information about how a query is executed. For details about how the different runtimes changes a particular execution plan, see Runtime concepts.
Lazy and eager query evaluation
In general, query evaluation is lazy. This means that most operators pipe their output rows to their parent operators as soon as they are produced. In other words, a child operator may not be fully exhausted before the parent operator starts consuming the input rows produced by the child.
However, some operators, such as those used for aggregation and sorting, need to aggregate all their rows before they can produce output.
These operators are called eager operators (see the EagerAggregation operator in the above table (id 1
) for an example).
Such operators need to complete execution in its entirety before any rows are sent to their parents as input, and are sometimes required to enforce correct Cypher semantics.
For more information about the row-by-row processing of Cypher queries, see the section on Clause composition.
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